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Thai Oil’s Stellar Stride: Five-Time Sustainability Disclosure Award of Honor Triumph

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Picture this: In an exquisite auditorium on the 5th floor of the cultural hive that is the Bangkok Art and Culture Center, an atmosphere of anticipation fills the air. The room buzzes with the collective energy of leaders and innovators, all gathered to honor the champions of corporate sustainability. In this hall of vision and commitment, Thai Oil Public Company Limited stands tall and proud among its peers, basking in the glow of recognition for an exceptional achievement.

The occasion? The prestigious “Sustainability Disclosure Award 2023 – Award of Honor,” a title that Thai Oil has nobly earned for the fifth year running. But don’t be mistaken, this isn’t just about collecting accolades to line the shelves. For Thai Oil, this symbolizes something far greater – a relentless pursuit of transparency, accountability, and a future where businesses and the planet can thrive together.

The Thaipat Institute, a beacon of enlightenment in the realm of sustainable practices, holds the baton behind these awards, leading the charge in advocating for sustainability disclosure. With unmatched fervor, they acknowledge those who don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk.

So, from the sea of distinguished attendees emerged Miss Korapat Limpaphayom, the very embodiment of Thai Oil’s commitment to sustainability. As the Vice President of Group Company Secretary and Sustainability, she stood proudly, ready to accept the honor that underscored her company’s dedication. Bestowed upon her by none other than Miss Veraya Preeyapan, the esteemed Director of the Sustainability Disclosure Community (SDC) at the Thaipat Institute, the award was not simply a pat on the back but a clarion call to businesses everywhere that this is the standard to aspire to.

With every facet of their operations, from considerate environmental policies to impactful social initiatives and stellar governance practices, Thai Oil has proven to be an open book, setting a precedent that resonates throughout the corporate world. As they lift this award, it’s not just a win for them but a win for all who will follow in their transparent footsteps toward a sustainable horizon.

As we witness this celebration of sustainability success, let us remember that it’s not only about lofty achievements but about inspiring tales of dedication that deserve to be told; a story of an inspiring journey from plausible to laudable. Thai Oil, through its unwavering commitment to sustainability disclosure, has become not just an industry leader but a harbinger of a new era of corporate responsibility. So, let’s raise our glasses to Thai Oil Public Company Limited, a luminous beacon guiding us toward a greener, more sustainable future.

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