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Tesla’s Midnight Dance: Drunken Joyride Unleashes Chaos on Phitsanulok Streets

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In the quiet early hours of a Saturday morning, the stillness in Muang district of Phitsanulok was shattered by the screech of tires and the shocking symphony of metal-on-metal – a speeding Tesla, cutting through the night like a silver bullet, left a trail of vehicular chaos in its wake. The unexpected ballet of destruction unfolded at approximately 3:20 AM, near an eatery that caters to night shift workers on the bustling Mitraparp Road. Witnesses could only watch in horror and disbelief as the sleek electric vehicle danced from one collision to another, striking six cars and six motorcycles in a domino of despair.

In what can only be described as a miraculous twist of fate, not a single soul was harmed in the vehicular maelstrom – an outcome as fortuitous as it is rare. The driver of the rogue Tesla, it seems, was swaddled in the same cloak of luck, emerging from the wreckage unscathed. But his breath betrayed a secret; a blood alcohol concentration standing at a staggering 194mg per 100ml, eclipsing the legal limit and painting a picture of reckless abandon.

Enter Pol Col Thatchapong Wongpattananiwat, the figurehead of Muang Phitsanulok’s police force, whose furrowed brow spoke volumes as he disclosed the driver’s preliminary charge: reckless driving causing property damage. The silence on the driver’s name did little to mask his identity, for he was known amongst the circles as an advisor to the Phitsanulok police affairs committee. Despite the weight of the incident, he offered a silver lining, agreeing to compensate all those whose nights had taken an unexpected detour due to his actions.

Arthit Sriputhorn, a 35-year-old local whose brother runs the eatery that stood centimeters from catastrophe, recounted the tale with the relief of one who narrowly skirts disaster. The elder Sriputhorn’s forethought in parking his vehicle acted as an unwitting shield, guarding the patrons from the electric missile that was the Tesla. As the dust settled and the adrenaline ebbed, customers and onlookers shared a collective breath of gratitude. The scene, now still, was a stark reminder of fortune’s whimsical nature.

To the casual observer, it may have seemed just another incident, a blip on the nightly news ticker – but for the residents of Muang, that day, it was a reminder of life’s fragile thread. It served to underscore a fundamental truth: amidst our increasingly tech-driven existences, where vehicles think and sometimes act on our behalf, the human element – with all its flaws and frailties – remains at the heart of our stories. And while we navigate this road we call life, sometimes the most high-tech of cars can take a back seat to the most human of errors.

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