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In the heart of Thailand, what was once thought to be “fish sauce” was actually body fluid

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When Pornphimon returned to her apartment yesterday at 8 p.m. after spending the weekend away, she could smell something foul. She claimed that “black water” was dripping onto the floor from the ceiling’s crevices. In the room, according to the police, they discovered drugs and syringes but no evidence of fighting or struggle.

The instructor called the manager of her flat, who recorded the black liquid and sent it to a friend who runs a rescue organization. It appeared to her to be fermented fish sauce. When Bang Si Muang Police Station officers entered the room at 11 p.m., they discovered a man’s body that had likely passed away three days prior. Today, reporters went to interview Pornphimon, who took pictures of the stains on the walls and ceiling. The journalists claimed that there was a lingering odor in her apartment. The rescuer informed him that the substance was more likely to be fermented fish sauce than fluid expelled from a decomposing body. Pornphimon claimed that on Thursday, just before she left for the weekend in another region, she heard the deceased moving around in his room. Reporters were told by the teacher that she was unable to sleep the night before and turned to Phra Maha Worapod Kittiwaro’s dharma to help her relax. The apartment management walked upstairs and rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. When he tried the door, it was locked, so he dialed 911. The hospital has received the deceased’s body so that an autopsy can be performed on it. A 49-year-old teacher who lives in the central Thai province of Nonthaburi reported last night that fermented fish sauce was seeping through her roof and down her wall.

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