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Mahidol University Earns Top AUN-QA Ratings for Dental and ICT Programs in 2024

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Mahidol University is earnestly committed to elevating the quality of its academic curriculum to meet global standards. Since 2018, the institution has consistently garnered certification from the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA), boasting an impressive 40 programs with AUN-QA certification. A shining moment came during the 373rd AUN-QA assessment, held from January 29 to 31, 2024, where two programs at Mahidol University achieved a prestigious rating of “Six” or “Example of Best Practices” on the seven-point AUN-QA scale.

The illustrious rating of “Six” represents a paragon of excellence, underscored by substantial evidence of effective implementation, stellar performance results, and a commendable trajectory of continuous improvement.

The two exemplary programs lauded as “Examples of Best Practices” are the Doctor of Dental Surgery Program (International Program) from the Faculty of Dentistry and the Bachelor of Science Program in Information and Communication Technology (International Program) from the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology.

The Doctor of Dental Surgery, a six-year International Program, conducted entirely in English, meticulously selects 30 dedicated students each year, setting them on an extraordinary educational voyage. Embracing an outcome-based education philosophy since 2022, the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are crafted through harmonious feedback from a myriad of stakeholders including students, lecturers, alumni, employers, and patients. Looking forward, the vision aligns seamlessly with Mahidol University’s overarching strategies, paving a path to global acclaim.

Our graduates are not merely proficient in dental techniques; they possess a profound understanding of societal dynamics and are committed to upholding the highest ethical and professional standards. The diverse teaching methodologies, ranging from small group discussions to project-based learning, ensure the holistic development of our students, preparing them to be well-rounded, lifelong learners. Clinical experience is enriched through a hybrid training model that intricately blends task-specific practice with comprehensive dental care, all under the vigilant guidance of dedicated clinical directors. This approach ensures every graduate is clinically adept and primed for real-world challenges.

Facilities at Mahidol University stand as a testament to the institution’s progressive ethos, featuring an ultramodern dental clinic and a cutting-edge Dental Simulation Center endowed with state-of-the-art virtual reality technology. Here, students hone their dental artistry and science, cultivating indispensable information technology skills crucial for the digital era.

Beyond academia, life at Mahidol International Dental School is a tapestry of vibrant experiences. Students commence their journey at the international surroundings of Mahidol University International College, gradually transitioning into the dynamic campus life at the Faculty of Dentistry, Phayathai Campus. This lively environment, brimming with extra-curricular activities and student-led initiatives, enriches both academic and personal growth.

Mahidol University remains resolute in integrating course content with meaningful extra-curricular activities, ensuring that students are well-prepared for local and international stages. A unique highlight is the Professional Exchange course, providing sixth-year students with invaluable insight into the global dental industry.

With unwavering support from faculty and staff, Mahidol International Dental School is steadfast in its dedication to fostering an internationally renowned program, marked by its unwavering commitment to education, research, and patient care.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) program envisions producing highly skilled graduates proficient in English, embedded with strong moral attitudes, and adhering to stringent IT professional ethics. Graduates are expected to grasp the socio-economic impacts of borderless communication, innovative trends, and cultural exchanges, particularly how these elements influence societal behaviors, attitudes, and core values.

Over the course of four years, students are immersed in extensive knowledge and skill development, bolstered by continuous support and guidance from competent academic and support staff. The program’s flexibility empowers students to specialize in their chosen ICT field, be it Computer Science, Database Systems, Network and Security, Software Engineering, Health Information Technology, Interactive Multimedia Technology, Information System Management, or Artificial Intelligence.

Strengthening learning experiences and enhancing career pathway opportunities, the faculty has forged numerous collaborations with leading IT companies and prestigious international research universities. Students are encouraged to engage in various extra-curricular activities, such as company site visits, special talks by IT experts, team-building exercises, student-organized events, international student exchanges, and internship programs. This comprehensive approach caters to students seeking profound experience and expertise in the ICT realm.

In a world fraught with uncertainties, education remains pivotal in empowering graduates to make significant contributions to society and the economy, both nationally and globally. The education sector must continuously adapt, ensuring the production of high-performing graduates who will become influential contributors, shaping a “Real World Impact” for the future of society and the global community.


  1. Alex P. July 30, 2024

    It’s impressive how Mahidol University is making waves globally with their programs. But realistically, how many students can afford these prestigious courses?

    • Jamila July 30, 2024

      That’s a valid point! The quality is there, but accessibility seems limited. Scholarships and financial aids need to be more prominent.

      • Alex P. July 30, 2024

        Absolutely, the institution needs to balance excellence with inclusivity. More opportunities for underprivileged students would be a step forward.

    • TechGuy87 July 30, 2024

      Quality education has its price. Scholarships are available, but funding everything is not feasible. Students should also take responsibility.

  2. Julia July 30, 2024

    Kudos to the ICT program! Technology is the future, and it’s great to see it’s getting the attention it deserves. But what about the Arts and Humanities?

    • Mark D. July 30, 2024

      I agree! Arts and Humanities are equally important. They foster critical thinking and empathy. Yet, often they’re overshadowed by STEM fields.

    • Susie Q July 30, 2024

      Yes, but it’s a numbers game. STEM pays the bills for the university and gets the funding. Arts programs, while important, just don’t attract that kind of support.

  3. Dr. Lee July 30, 2024

    Both dental and ICT programs are exemplary. But is Mahidol really setting an example or simply following global trends?

  4. SkepticalStudent July 30, 2024

    All this sounds great in brochures, but how rigorous are the assessments? A six-year dental program sounds grueling!

    • Jim July 30, 2024

      As a recent graduate, I can assure you, it’s tough but rewarding. The assessments are legit, and the training is top-notch.

    • SkepticalStudent July 30, 2024

      Thanks for the insight, Jim. Still, it’s daunting for new students. The university should provide more preparatory resources.

  5. Anita S. July 30, 2024

    I think the international exchange programs are a fantastic idea. Will they expand these initiatives to other fields?

    • GlobalGrad July 30, 2024

      Exchange programs broaden horizons. Hopefully, Mahidol extends them to more disciplines soon.

    • Alex P. July 30, 2024

      They should, but logistics and funding can be challenging. Exchange programs need substantial financial backing.

  6. Dr. Howard July 30, 2024

    The intricate blend of practice and theory in the dental program is exceptional! This hybrid training model should be a standard.

  7. Liam July 30, 2024

    I wish more universities would follow Mahidol’s lead. Education needs to evolve continuously to meet current demands.

    • Prof. T July 30, 2024

      True, but evolution requires vision and funding. Many institutions lack one or both.

    • Liam July 30, 2024

      That’s where government policies and private sector partnerships come in. They need to prioritize and invest in education reform.

  8. Michael J. July 30, 2024

    It’s great for Mahidol, but I hope they don’t forget local community needs amidst the global acclaim.

  9. TechFan2021 July 30, 2024

    I’m thrilled about the tech program. AI and cybersecurity are crucial areas. How does the curriculum compare to other leading institutions?

    • Jen July 30, 2024

      Competitively, I’d say. The program covers all essential aspects and fosters a global perspective, which is critical today.

    • TechFan2021 July 30, 2024

      That’s reassuring. Would be great if alumni could share their experiences and career paths post-graduation.

  10. DentalDoc July 30, 2024

    Integrating VR technology in the dental training is groundbreaking. This could revolutionize dental education globally.

    • Ada July 30, 2024

      Totally! VR tech not only makes learning fun but also hones skills efficiently. Other schools should adopt similar methods.

    • DentalDoc July 30, 2024

      Absolutely. It bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical experience more effectively.

  11. Chris L. July 30, 2024

    I wonder how these programs impact the students’ mental health. Rigorous courses can be stressful.

  12. Jim July 30, 2024

    As a former student, we had mindfulness sessions and good support from faculty. Stress is there, but resources to cope are too.

  13. Sara T. July 30, 2024

    This is inspiring! Quality education is a game-changer. Hope more universities strive for such excellence.

  14. Paul X. July 30, 2024

    Do professors get any special training to handle such advanced programs? Their role is crucial in maintaining high standards.

  15. Daisy July 30, 2024

    I’m curious if these programs will be accessible online. With the digital shift, online courses from renowned universities are highly sought after.

  16. Olivia July 30, 2024

    This is a great initiative by Mahidol. Let’s hope it inspires other universities to elevate their standards and focus on continuous improvement.

  17. Eva G. July 30, 2024

    Congrats to Mahidol University! But what steps are they taking to ensure these high standards are consistently maintained?

  18. Tina July 30, 2024

    I believe Mahidol will maintain their standards with regular assessments and feedback from multiple stakeholders.

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