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Thailand Celebrates Her Majesty Queen Sirikit’s Birthday with Grand Festivities and National Pride

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In the left-hand image, people can be seen holding a portrait of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit the Queen Mother, as they sit at Sanam Luang, eagerly waiting to welcome Their Majesties the King and Queen. The royal couple was present to attend the grand ceremony in celebration of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit’s birthday. The event was held at the iconic Wat Phra Sri Rattana Satsadaram and the Amarin Winitchai Throne Hall within the majestic Grand Palace yesterday. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)

Yesterday, the entire country of Thailand was awash with joyful celebrations for Mother’s Day, coinciding with the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit the Queen Mother on August 12. This momentous day has been etched onto the national calendar since 1976, thanks to the National Council on Social Welfare of Thailand, operating under royal patronage. To honor this significant occasion, a myriad of activities and events are organized, adding a festive and heartfelt tone to the day.


  1. Lily August 13, 2024

    What a beautiful way to celebrate a national icon! The festivities seem extravagant.

    • historybuff August 13, 2024

      True, but isn’t it just a tad excessive considering Thailand has far more pressing issues to address?

      • Lily August 13, 2024

        Every country has its issues, but celebrating a unifying figure can bring people together.

      • Patriot64 August 13, 2024

        Cultural pride helps maintain national identity. This celebration is a part of Thai heritage.

  2. Kai Smith August 13, 2024

    Why should we care about the monarchy in this day and age? They’re just figureheads.

    • Maya August 13, 2024

      They may be figureheads, but they still hold cultural and historical significance for many people.

    • historybuff August 13, 2024

      Monarchies often highlight a nation’s history and traditions. It’s not just about their current role.

  3. NinaG August 13, 2024

    I think it’s sweet that they celebrate Mother’s Day in alignment with Queen Sirikit’s birthday.

    • Aaron August 13, 2024

      It’s a brilliant way to infuse maternal values into their national identity.

  4. VoiceofReason August 13, 2024

    How much are these celebrations costing the taxpayers? That’s a concern!

  5. Joe August 13, 2024

    I bet the people love these festivities. It’s probably one of the most festive days of the year for them.

    • theRealist August 13, 2024

      Sure, people enjoy it, but let’s not forget that not everyone can afford to join the celebrations.

      • Joe August 13, 2024

        That’s a fair point. Maybe there should be more inclusive events.

  6. Lena M. August 13, 2024

    Every nation needs its symbols and traditions. Respect to Queen Sirikit!

    • Frank August 13, 2024

      It’s crucial for national unity, especially in these divisive times.

    • SkepticalOne August 13, 2024

      Symbols and traditions are great, but they should evolve with the times.

  7. analystX August 13, 2024

    How does this celebration impact Thailand’s international image?

    • Patriot64 August 13, 2024

      Positively! It shows Thailand values its heritage and traditions.

    • theRealist August 13, 2024

      Depends. Some might see it as clinging to outdated customs.

  8. Grace Nguyen August 13, 2024

    I was there! The atmosphere was electric. So much national pride!

    • curiousCat August 13, 2024

      What was your favorite part?

      • Grace Nguyen August 13, 2024

        Definitely the parade. So colorful and vibrant!

  9. Ravi August 13, 2024

    I wonder how much of the younger generation cares about these celebrations.

    • Maya August 13, 2024

      That’s a valid question. There’s definitely a generational divide when it comes to traditional ceremonies.

      • Ravi August 13, 2024

        True. It would be interesting to see if these traditions persist in the next few decades.

  10. Leo L August 13, 2024

    Grand Palace events are always so majestic. This must have been a sight to behold in person.

    • Chris1955 August 13, 2024

      Pictures can’t even capture the grandeur. You have to see it to believe it.

  11. pragmaticP August 13, 2024

    These festivities seem more symbolic than substantive.

    • Lena M. August 13, 2024

      Symbols can be powerful. They give people a sense of continuity and belonging.

  12. Hannah August 13, 2024

    I think the royal family’s involvement in these events is crucial for maintaining tradition.

    • VoiceofReason August 13, 2024

      Absolutely, but they should also be relevant to the current societal context.

  13. Jack Walker August 13, 2024

    Interesting how the royal family’s celebrations can uplift national morale.

    • pragmaticP August 13, 2024

      It’s like a national holiday effect. Everyone loves a reason to celebrate.

  14. Bella888 August 13, 2024

    Glad to see such unity in celebrating a figure like Queen Sirikit.

  15. SkepticalOne August 13, 2024

    It’s all well and good, but I still think resources could be better spent elsewhere.

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