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Thailand’s Sustainable Industrial Era: Minister Pimphattra Wichaikul and LIV-24 Lead AI Revolution

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In a groundbreaking collaboration, Thailand’s Ministry of Industry (MoI), the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), and the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) have teamed up with the private sector, notably “LIV-24,” to host the most significant event of the year. This partnership aims to transcend current limitations and propel the nation towards a sustainable industrial era through the innovative use of “Artificial Intelligence (AI)” and cutting-edge “Industrial Tech.”

Businesses are swiftly adapting to global trends, recognizing that “Industrial Technology” and intelligent solutions are pivotal in boosting production efficiency and positioning Thailand as a hub for world-class industries.

The production chain, technology, and logistics are acknowledged as crucial elements that can significantly impact industries, posing potential risks and often causing disruptions in business operations. This pressing issue underscores the importance of the “LIV-24 Industrial Tech Revolution Seminar: Surmounting the Limitations to Advance Towards the Sustainable Industrial Era.” Presided over by the Minister of Industry, Ms. Pimphattra Wichaikul, the seminar saw over 200 industry leaders gather to discuss and strategize the future of Thailand’s industrial landscape, leveraging AI and Industrial Tech.

Ms. Niramon Direkmahamongkol, Managing Director of LIV-24 Company Limited, highlighted the critical role of the industrial sector in driving the nation’s economy. She emphasized, “The industrial sector is not just a major employment generator but also a significant driver of technological advancements in the country. Today, AI is a valued tool that enhances business value and drives contemporary work practices in alignment with global economic and social dynamics. Thai business operators are increasingly embracing technology and innovation to enhance their competitiveness across the entire value chain—from research & development, design, and raw material sourcing (upstream), through production and waste management (midstream), to logistics, distribution, and after-sales services (downstream). This comprehensive approach equips businesses to better manage risks and external factors, ensuring sustainable growth.”

LIV-24 stands at the forefront of designing bespoke solutions for various industries, currently supporting over 130 projects and successfully managing 500,000 cases without any incidents of harm. Their pioneering “Solutions for Industrials” seamlessly integrate “Industrial Technology” with AI and human expertise, tailored to meet diverse customer needs. These solutions encompass fire protection, AI-driven CCTV analytics, IoT monitoring systems, vehicle fleet management, wastewater management, and energy management. Centralized in a 24/7 Command Centre, these solutions enhance operational efficiency, allowing detailed data analysis to maximize factory capacity, reduce downtime, and boost productivity. Crucially, they also improve safety through intelligent detection and warning systems, helping to prevent accidents and creating a secure working environment while reducing energy costs, maintaining equipment, and lowering carbon emissions. This vigilant approach delivers an impressive total cost reduction of up to 20% for businesses.

The main clientele of LIV-24 includes industrial factories, mixed-use developments, real estate projects, and office buildings, with a combined asset value exceeding 300 billion baht. Ms. Niramon further noted, “Key factors that influence industry competitiveness include the production chain, technology, logistics infrastructure, ease of doing business, capital, and raw materials availability. LIV-24 plays a pivotal role in offering comprehensive solutions, enabling quick data analysis and foresight into potential issues. Our human staff is adept at decision-making and problem-solving, ensuring swift and effective responses to challenges. Today’s collaboration signifies a major step towards fortifying the Thai industrial sector, enhancing its international competitiveness, and advancing the country towards becoming a regional hub of industry and innovation.”

Associate Professor Veeris Ammarapala, Governor of IEAT, expressed commitment to fostering private sector investment as a state enterprise under the Ministry of Industry. He remarked, “IEAT is dedicated to transforming from a ‘regulator’ to a ‘facilitator,’ aiming to bolster investor confidence by supporting entrepreneurs comprehensively. We strive to elevate industrial estates to international standards with sustainable innovations, promoting them as ‘eco-industrial towns.’ Our focus is on efficient resource management to curtail greenhouse gas emissions and effective waste management. Despite facing numerous challenges, the Thai industrial sector remains robust. LIV-24 offers exemplary solutions that enhance business efficiency through AI technology, paving the way for smart industrial estates and elevating Thai industries to international standards.”

The collaborative efforts showcased at this significant event embody a concerted drive towards leveraging advanced technology and sustainable practices, heralding a new era of industrial development in Thailand.


  1. Anna W. August 14, 2024

    This sounds like an amazing step forward for Thailand! AI in industry is definitely the future.

    • John Doe August 14, 2024

      Sure, but what about the potential job losses due to automation? Nobody seems to talk about that.

      • TechGuru88 August 14, 2024

        Automation displaces some jobs but also creates new ones. It’s about reskilling the workforce to adapt to these changes.

      • Anna W. August 14, 2024

        Exactly, it’s not just about job losses, but also about new opportunities that come with technological advances.

    • Skeptical Sam August 14, 2024

      But can AI really handle the complexities of human decision-making in these settings? I’m not convinced.

      • Anna W. August 14, 2024

        AI is already making huge strides in complex decision-making. It’s all about how we implement and control it.

  2. Ben T. August 14, 2024

    Thailand becoming a hub for industrial tech sounds great, but what about the environmental impact?

    • EcoWarrior August 14, 2024

      Good point. Even with tech advancements, the environmental toll could be massive if not managed properly.

    • Green Advocate August 14, 2024

      That’s why the focus on sustainable practices is so important. Cleaner technology can significantly reduce environmental footprint.

  3. Leila K. August 14, 2024

    It’s good to see the Thai government actively supporting industrial growth. More countries should follow this example.

    • OldManGreg August 14, 2024

      Governments meddling in industry is usually a recipe for disaster. Let the free market decide what’s best.

      • Leila K. August 14, 2024

        True, but sometimes government intervention is necessary to ensure that progress doesn’t come at the cost of social and environmental well-being.

  4. Hazel M. August 14, 2024

    LIV-24’s solutions for safety and efficiency sound very promising. Reducing downtime and boosting productivity is essential.

    • Doubting Ted August 14, 2024

      Promises are easy to make. Let’s see if they can deliver without cutting corners.

      • Hazel M. August 14, 2024

        That’s a valid concern. But their track record with 500,000 managed cases speaks for itself.

  5. RealistRachel August 14, 2024

    I find it hard to believe that AI can really manage industrial operations without any hiccups.

    • Optimistic Ollie August 14, 2024

      AI is constantly improving. Early hiccups are part of the learning curve. It’s about long-term benefits.

  6. Liam S. August 14, 2024

    The focus on reducing carbon emissions is encouraging. Tech companies should definitely prioritize sustainability.

  7. Jasmine P. August 14, 2024

    AI-driven CCTV analytics and IoT monitoring systems? Seems like a step towards ‘Big Brother’ surveillance.

    • SecurityGuy August 14, 2024

      Increased surveillance can enhance safety and prevent accidents. It’s a balance between security and privacy.

  8. EngineerMike August 14, 2024

    It’s fantastic to see Thailand investing in such advanced tech. The future is bright for their industrial sector.

    • CynicCathy August 14, 2024

      A lot of these initiatives look good on paper, but execution is often where things fall apart.

  9. Helen D. August 14, 2024

    How will smaller businesses compete with such high-tech solutions? This seems to favor big corporations.

  10. InvestSmart August 14, 2024

    This is why investing in AI and Industrial Tech is a smart move. The returns seem promising.

  11. Robert G. August 14, 2024

    The seminar sounds like a great platform for exchanging ideas and strategies. Industrial collaboration is the key.

  12. Sophie August 14, 2024

    Wastewater and energy management systems are crucial. Glad to see these aspects being addressed.

    • EcoNick August 14, 2024

      Absolutely. Effective waste management can make a huge difference environmentally and economically.

  13. GlobalCitizen August 14, 2024

    Thailand’s approach could serve as a model for other developing countries. Really inspiring!

  14. Kate J. August 14, 2024

    I’m all for innovation, but let’s not gloss over the challenges and risks involved. It’s a mixed bag.

  15. TechieTom August 14, 2024

    LIV-24 integrating AI and human expertise is a smart move. Combining the best of both worlds.

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