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SISTAM 2024: Premier Conference on Smart Industrial Safety & Maintenance in Bangkok

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The highly anticipated SISTAM 2024, the premier B2B conference and exhibition, is gearing up to take place from 26 to 27 September 2024 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC). SISTAM – Smart Industrial Safety & Technology for Advanced Maintenance – will unite industry giants, experts, and professionals to dive deep into the latest innovations in smart industrial safety and maintenance technology. This event aligns seamlessly with the Thailand 4.0 initiative, a visionary move to propel the Thai economy through innovation, high-value manufacturing, and sustainability. The 2-day conference, themed ‘3S – Smart, Safe, and Sustainable Technologies Toward Tomorrow,’ aspires to elevate Thailand’s industrial sector by enhancing safety and maintenance standards and fostering an ecosystem of knowledge exchange.

Nucharin Paradeevisut, Managing Director of ExpoSis – the organizer of SISTAM, expressed: “SISTAM 2024 is more than just a trade show; it’s a congregation of minds dedicated to the advancement of industrial safety and technology in Thailand. We are thrilled to bring together such a diverse and influential group of professionals to share insights and drive innovation.” Surachet Chalothorn, President of the Thai Institute of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (TIChE), co-host of SISTAM, echoed these sentiments: “We are honored to lead discussions on process safety management, a crucial area for ensuring the sustainability and safety of Thailand’s industrial sectors.”

“As SISTAM 2024 approaches, the significance of smart industrial safety and advanced maintenance cannot be overstated,” added Mr. Surachet. “The incorporation of digital technologies, automation, and advanced maintenance practices is vital for ensuring safety, efficiency, and competitiveness. Predictive maintenance, IoT-driven real-time monitoring, and advanced safety management systems are essential to preventing accidents and minimizing downtime. Given the substantial contribution of the chemical and process industries to Thailand’s GDP, SISTAM 2024, with its comprehensive conference program, is ideally timed to address these evolving needs and propel the industry forward.”

3S Conference: Collaborating for Tomorrow’s Technologies

A highlight of SISTAM 2024 is the 3S Conference, a collaborative effort organized with Chula Engineering, supported by an Executive Committee comprising 17 leading organizations across industry and technology sectors. This conference is poised to be a crucial platform for knowledge sharing and networking among key industry stakeholders. Dr. Supoj Chinveeraphan, Executive Director and Director-General of the Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan), a co-host of SISTAM 2024, remarked: “We are eager to contribute to the dialogue on Talent Development in Thailand, especially in the realm of smart data. As industries evolve, the capability to harness and analyze data becomes increasingly vital, not just for operational efficiency but for fostering a skilled workforce that meets the demands of modern industrial environments.”

He added: “At SISTAM 2024, we aim to showcase how smart data technologies can be leveraged to enhance human resource development. By integrating real-time monitoring, predictive analytics, and IoT into training and development programs, we can cultivate a workforce proficient in these advanced tools, capable of driving innovation and safety in the workplace. This conference offers professionals a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, share best practices, and collaborate on strategies that will shape the future of human resource development in Thailand’s industrial sector.”

A Robust Agenda with Over 70 Seminar Topics

Attendees at SISTAM 2024 can look forward to a packed agenda featuring over 70 seminar topics focused on smart industrial safety and maintenance technology. Highlight sessions include:

  • #14 CPSS (Navigating Process Safety through PSM Practices from Thailand Industrial Leaders): Presented by the Thai Institute of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry (TIChE), this session will explore critical aspects of process safety management in Thailand’s industrial sector.
  • Talent Development on Smart Data: Organized by the Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan), this seminar aims to build a robust digital economy through talented human resources skilled in smart data.
  • Safety Engineering & Maintenance System: Hosted by the Safety Engineering Association (SEA), this session will delve into the integration of advanced safety engineering practices with modern maintenance systems.

Supporting SMEs with a Free Safety Consultancy Clinic

Beyond the seminars, SISTAM 2024 will feature a Free Safety Consultancy Clinic for SMEs, organized by the Safety Engineering Association (SEA). This initiative is designed to provide small and medium enterprises with expert guidance on enhancing safety protocols and practices within their operations. Acknowledging the unique challenges SMEs face, such as limited resources and specialized expertise, the clinic will offer personalized consultations covering risk assessment, compliance with safety regulations, and the implementation of advanced safety technologies. Paradeevisut, Managing Director of ExpoSis, emphasized the importance of this initiative: “At SISTAM 2024, we are steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that all industry players, regardless of size, have the opportunity to advance their safety practices. The Free Safety Consultancy Clinic underscores our dedication to supporting SMEs by providing them with essential tools and guidance to thrive in today’s competitive market. By empowering these businesses to adopt best practices in safety management, we are not only enhancing their operations but also contributing to the overall safety and sustainability of the industrial sector.”

A Gathering of Industry Leaders: 3,000 Delegates and Visitors Expected

SISTAM 2024 is slated to attract around 3,000 delegates and visitors, making it a must-attend event for professionals in the industrial safety and technology sectors. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with leading experts, discover cutting-edge solutions, and establish valuable connections. Emphasizing the event’s significance, Assoc. Prof. Witaya Wannasuphoprasit, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Chulalongkorn University, stated: “Our collaboration with industry leaders and the support from key organizations make SISTAM 2024 an unparalleled platform for discussing the future of industrial safety. As the Knowledge Partner, Chula Engineering is dedicated to bringing cutting-edge research, innovative solutions, and academic rigor to the forefront of this vital dialogue. Being a Knowledge Partner is not merely about contributing expertise; it is about fostering an environment where groundbreaking ideas can be exchanged, offering lifelong learning, and developing actionable strategies that will drive the industry forward.”

SISTAM 2024 offers a unique opportunity for academia, industry professionals, and policymakers to converge, exchange knowledge, and explore the latest advancements in smart industrial safety and maintenance technologies. Building on the previous year’s success, SISTAM 2024 anticipates welcoming over 3,000 participants during its two-day conference and exhibition.

For more information about SISTAM 2024 and to register for the conference, visit


  1. Jane Smith September 11, 2024

    SISTAM 2024 sounds promising, but isn’t all this emphasis on technology going to leave behind the smaller companies that can’t afford these advancements?

    • TechGuru99 September 11, 2024

      They mentioned a free safety consultancy clinic to support SMEs. I think that’s a great initiative to ensure everyone benefits!

      • Jane Smith September 11, 2024

        Sure, a clinic might help a bit, but will it really level the playing field? Big companies still have the upper hand.

    • Bob Thornton September 11, 2024

      Small companies need to adapt or they’ll fall behind, simple as that. It’s not all on the big guys.

  2. Maggie September 11, 2024

    I’m psyched about the Talent Development on Smart Data seminar. Finally, a focus on data skills for the new age!

    • Jake Lopez September 11, 2024

      Totally agree! Data skills are key, but I hope they also address the current digital divide.

    • Data4Life September 11, 2024

      It’s great, but how about more programs for actual hands-on experience? Theoretical knowledge only gets you so far.

    • Maggie September 11, 2024

      That’s a fair point, Data4Life. Real-world applications are crucial.

  3. Alan September 11, 2024

    Why are we focusing on such expensive technological solutions? Can’t we just improve current safety standards without breaking the bank?

    • SafetyFirst September 11, 2024

      Advanced tech can prevent massive accidents. In the long run, it saves more money than it costs.

    • Julie September 11, 2024

      Plus, staying ahead in tech makes us globally competitive. Falling behind is not an option.

  4. Dr. Emily September 11, 2024

    The inclusion of academic perspectives from Chula Engineering as a Knowledge Partner is a brilliant move. We need more research-driven approaches to industrial safety.

    • ScientistSam September 11, 2024

      I agree. Industry-academia collaboration is critical. Still, will companies actually implement these research findings?

    • Dr. Emily September 11, 2024

      Only time will tell, but the dialogue has to start somewhere. This seems like a good beginning.

  5. Cecil September 11, 2024

    Interesting, but isn’t automation just going to take away more jobs? These ‘advancements’ feel like a double-edged sword.

    • AutomationFan September 11, 2024

      Automation might take some jobs, but it also creates new ones in tech and maintenance. Adaptability is key.

  6. Tom Nguyen September 11, 2024

    3,000 delegates sounds overcrowded. Will there be enough meaningful engagement, or is it just a networking fest?

    • BusyBee September 11, 2024

      Larger crowds mean diverse perspectives. It’s not just about networking, it’s about learning from each other.

  7. Innovator007 September 11, 2024

    The 3S Conference seems like a pivotal event in the industrial sector. I wish more conferences focused on sustainability as much as this one.

    • GreenWarrior September 11, 2024

      Sustainability is finally getting the attention it deserves. Kudos to SISTAM for leading the way!

  8. Larry Davis September 11, 2024

    Why isn’t there more focus on cybersecurity? With all this interconnected technology, it’s a crucial aspect of industrial safety.

  9. Critic September 11, 2024

    These conferences feel like a bunch of talk with no real action. Show us the results!

  10. Johnny September 11, 2024

    Why is such an important event only 2 days long? Seems like they’re cramming too much into a short time.

    • EventPlanner September 11, 2024

      Two days can be very effective if planned properly. Sometimes shorter is sweeter.

      • Johnny September 11, 2024

        Maybe, but I feel like more time would ensure thorough discussions on all topics.

  11. Lee September 11, 2024

    Wow, over 70 seminar topics! That’s impressive, but how do you choose which ones to attend?

    • SeminarJunkie September 11, 2024

      You can’t go wrong with any session. It’s about prioritizing what’s most relevant to your work.

  12. Anna Lu September 11, 2024

    It’s so great to see a focus on safety in the industrial sector, but I hope it’s not just for show. Real change needs real commitment.

  13. Grower134 September 11, 2024

    Free Safety Consultancy Clinic for SMEs? Count me in! Especially with the ever-increasing safety regulations.

  14. SkepticalSarah September 11, 2024

    All these fancy terms like ‘IoT-driven real-time monitoring’ sound good, but are they really practical in a factory setting?

    • FactoryEngineer September 11, 2024

      They are increasingly practical and necessary in today’s industrial landscape. It’s about integration and proper training.

    • SkepticalSarah September 11, 2024

      I guess so, but still, implementation seems daunting for many traditional factories.

  15. Mark C. September 11, 2024

    Thailand 4.0 initiative is exciting. This conference is a step in the right direction, but the follow-through will be key.

  16. FutureEng September 11, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see an event that aims to prepare our workforce for the future. Can’t wait to see the innovations presented.

  17. Veteran September 11, 2024

    I’ve been to these kinds of conferences before. They’re great, but they need to ensure actionable takeaways, not just theories.

  18. Eduardo G. September 11, 2024

    The focus on high-value manufacturing is paramount. We can no longer rely on low-cost labor to sustain economic growth.

  19. Cassie September 11, 2024

    3,000 attendees? Sounds chaotic but thrilling! Networking with industry experts will be invaluable.

  20. Paula September 11, 2024

    As someone transitioning into the industrial safety field, this conference seems like a goldmine of information and contacts.

  21. Grandpa Joe September 11, 2024

    Predictive maintenance and IoT are game-changers. I’ve seen factories transform with just minor tech upgrades.

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