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Anchalee Bunsongsikul Appointed as New CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Thailand

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Exciting changes are afoot at Standard Chartered Bank! The financial giant has recently announced the appointment of Anchalee Bunsongsikul as the new President, CEO, and Head of Banking & Coverage for Standard Chartered Bank (Thailand) and its Representative Offices in Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. This significant transition takes effect on 18 September 2024, and the entire banking community is buzzing with anticipation.

Anchalee steps into the role formerly held by Plakorn Wanglee, bringing with her an impressive legacy of over three decades in the banking and finance sector. Known for her extensive expertise in client and product knowledge, Anchalee has cultivated a robust network of clients over the years. Since joining Standard Chartered Bank in 2012, she’s played a pivotal role in steering the Corporate & Institutional Banking (CIB) Client Coverage business in Thailand. Her résumé is further adorned with illustrious titles such as Head of Financial Markets and Head of Global Banking, making her a formidable force in the industry.

Patrick Lee, the CEO of Singapore and ASEAN, had glowing remarks on this monumental shift. “Thailand’s dynamic economy is at the heart of the ASEAN region and our cross-border strategy. It is an important market, and we remain optimistic about its long-term economic potential,” Lee noted with enthusiasm. “Our Thailand franchise has thrived in line with our strategy, solidifying our position as a leading international bank over the past 130 years. We would like to thank Khun Plakorn for his leadership and contributions over the years, and I look forward to the Bank’s continued success in Thailand under Khun Anchalee’s leadership.”

Indeed, Anchalee’s appointment marks a new chapter for Standard Chartered Bank in the ASEAN region. The bank has been an unwavering pillar of financial stability and innovation, demonstrating remarkable resilience and adaptability in an ever-evolving economic landscape. The elevation of Anchalee to this prestigious position underscores the bank’s commitment to nurturing leadership from within its ranks, while also setting the stage for continued growth and success.

The excitement surrounding Anchalee’s new role is palpable, not just within the corridors of Standard Chartered Bank, but also among clients and stakeholders who have benefitted from her insightful leadership and visionary approach to banking. Anchalee’s strategic acumen and client-centric philosophy are expected to propel the bank to new heights, aligning perfectly with the bank’s long-term goals and aspirations within the ASEAN region.

With Thailand’s economy being a critical player in the regional market, Anchalee’s leadership is poised to harness these dynamics effectively, fostering robust cross-border strategies and fortifying the bank’s presence in Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. It’s a thrilling time for the bank, as they continue to navigate the complexities of international banking with Anchalee at the helm.

As the banking world keeps a close eye on this transition, one thing is certain: Standard Chartered Bank’s legacy of excellence and forward-thinking will only be enhanced under Anchalee’s guidance. The future looks bright, filled with promising opportunities and continued triumphs. Here’s to the new era of leadership and innovation at Standard Chartered Bank!


  1. Maria P. September 18, 2024

    So happy to see a woman leading such a significant institution. This is a win for gender equality!

    • SammyB September 18, 2024

      I agree, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s about talent, not gender.

      • Maria P. September 18, 2024

        True, but breaking the glass ceiling is still worth celebrating.

    • Tom Jenkins September 18, 2024

      Exactly, it’s about time more women got these top spots. Anchalee has earned this.

  2. James L. September 18, 2024

    Standard Chartered really needed fresh leadership. Plakorn Wanglee was good, but the bank needs new ideas.

    • FinanceGuru90 September 18, 2024

      Agreed! Anchalee’s experience will bring a fresh perspective.

    • Lisa K. September 18, 2024

      I think she’s a solid choice. Her background speaks for itself.

  3. grower134 September 18, 2024

    Anchalee’s appointment isn’t going to change much. Big banks play the same game no matter who’s in charge.

    • Harry F. September 18, 2024

      Maybe, but leadership does make a difference in strategy and vision.

    • Economist23 September 18, 2024

      Agreed, grower. Let’s see if she actually shakes things up or just follows the status quo.

    • grower134 September 18, 2024

      Leadership change often just means new faces doing the same corporate dance.

  4. Susan September 18, 2024

    What about the other markets like Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar? Will her focus on Thailand neglect these regions?

    • Diane T. September 18, 2024

      I doubt it. With her cross-border expertise, she should enhance their strategy across ASEAN.

    • Rodney Pierce September 18, 2024

      The regional approach is crucial. Ignoring smaller markets would be a mistake.

  5. Mason G. September 18, 2024

    Another high-paid executive. I wonder how much of a bonus she’ll get this year.

    • Tina September 18, 2024

      True, but if she drives growth, isn’t that justified?

    • BoldMove September 18, 2024

      Bank executives usually get obscene pay regardless of actual performance.

    • Mason G. September 18, 2024

      Exactly, it’s a messed-up system rewarding the top while ignoring the workforce.

    • Tina September 18, 2024

      Valid point, Mason. Compensation needs to be fair across all levels.

  6. Bill R. September 18, 2024

    Not a fan of this appointment. I think it’s just a PR move.

    • Lori G. September 18, 2024

      Disagree, Bill. Her credentials are rock solid. PR is just a plus.

    • EyeOnFinance September 18, 2024

      Could be both PR and a smart business move. Time will tell.

    • Bill R. September 18, 2024

      Maybe. Let’s see if her actions speak louder than the words.

  7. Jenny September 18, 2024

    Anchalee’s background in Thailand’s banking industry is impressive. Can’t wait to see what she implements.

    • Mark Winter September 18, 2024

      Indeed, her experience could pivot them into new lucrative ventures.

  8. FinanceFreak September 18, 2024

    Would be interesting to see how she handles the competition from local banks. Tough market!

    • Mila S. September 18, 2024

      Competition will be fierce. Hope she’s ready for the challenge.

  9. Leo M. September 18, 2024

    Isn’t Standard Chartered notorious for laying off employees whenever there’s new leadership?

    • Annabel C. September 18, 2024

      Unfortunately, that’s common in many big corporations.

  10. Chris J. September 18, 2024

    Patrick Lee seems confident in her leadership. But what else is he supposed to say? He’s also from the bank.

    • Analyst42 September 18, 2024

      Haha, true. Conventional polite stuff. But I think he genuinely supports her.

    • Chris J. September 18, 2024

      Let’s hope he’s not just saying it for the media.

  11. Mandy L. September 18, 2024

    I hope her strategy includes financial inclusion and support for small businesses.

    • Tom D. September 18, 2024

      Yes, these big banks often overlook small enterprises. Would be a good move.

    • Sarah Young September 18, 2024

      Definitely! Supporting small businesses boosts the overall economy.

    • Mandy L. September 18, 2024

      Exactly, Sarah. Hope she focuses on sustainable and inclusive growth.

  12. Omar Z. September 18, 2024

    This significant change will surely create ripples in the market. Positive or negative remains to be seen.

  13. Kelly A. September 18, 2024

    Anchalee’s dedication over the years speaks volumes. Ready to see positive changes!

  14. Jordan99 September 18, 2024

    Hopefully, this change brings some innovation. The banking industry needs it desperately.

  15. Alex Thompson September 18, 2024

    Good luck to Anchalee. A lot of pressure now to deliver strong results specially in this volatile market!

  16. Sam P. September 18, 2024

    Why such a big fuss? CEOs change every few years. What difference does it make?

    • Ella L September 18, 2024

      New leadership can bring new strategies and changes in policies. It’s important.

  17. NotAnotherBanker September 18, 2024

    Count me as skeptical. Let’s see if there’s real change or just another high profile appointment with no substance.

  18. Patricia W. September 18, 2024

    Exciting times ahead! Anchalee’s expertise should drive Standard Chartered to new heights.

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