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**Massive Truck Crash on Bangkok’s Kanchanaphisek Road Leaves Chaos in Samut Prakan**

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(Photos: Sutthiwit Chayutworakan)

Samut Prakan was the scene of a chaotic incident on Sunday evening, as a massive 22-wheeled truck barreled into 16 other vehicles on Kanchanaphisek Road, more commonly known as Bangkok’s southern ring road. The unfortunate collision took place in the bustling Phra Pradaeng district, sending shockwaves through the area.

The calamitous crash occurred on the Bang Phli-Suksawat stretch of the outer ring road in tambon Bang Yaphraek at around 5pm. Rescue workers were swiftly notified and rushed to the scene, working diligently to transport the injured to nearby hospitals while the police tackled the daunting task of removing the mangled vehicles to clear the path and restore order.

For about an hour, the usually busy section of the road ground to a halt, causing a massive traffic snarl that stretched for several kilometers, impacting drivers headed towards Pak Nam and Bang Na. Authorities managed to partially reopen the road at approximately 6.30pm, but the disruption lingered in the form of slow-moving traffic and detours.

Among the unfortunate victims of the crash was Prasert Ketbung, 51, who recounted the harrowing experience. “Traffic was slowing down, and out of nowhere, this huge truck plowed into everything. It hit cars, pickup trucks, and even a gas truck,” he recalled, still visibly shaken from the ordeal.

As investigators comb through the wreckage and eyewitness accounts, questions loom about what could have caused such a devastating pile-up. The local police have launched an investigation to determine the factors that led to this extraordinary accident, which could range from mechanical failure to driver error or external road conditions.

Despite the severity of the incident, the community’s response has been one of resilience and cooperation. The swift action of rescue teams, medical personnel, and law enforcement has been commendable, underscoring the effectiveness of coordinated emergency response measures in the region.

As Samut Prakan residents grapple with the aftermath of the accident, they’re reminded of the intricate ballet of logistics and humanity that keeps the arteries of Bangkok moving. For now, the focus remains on healing the injured and piecing together the puzzle of what went wrong on that fateful Sunday evening.

Stay tuned as authorities continue to investigate this major traffic mishap, bringing to light the details that led to such a dramatic event on Kanchanaphisek Road.


  1. Joe September 22, 2024

    This is absolutely horrifying. I can’t believe that such a large truck could cause so much damage!

    • grower134 September 22, 2024

      Yeah, and yet another piece of evidence that we need stricter regulations on these massive trucks. They shouldn’t be allowed on such busy roads.

      • Marta September 22, 2024

        Exactly. Every time I see one of those monsters on the road, I get nervous. They’re just too dangerous.

      • Larry September 23, 2024

        It’s not just about the size; it’s about proper maintenance and ensuring drivers are adequately trained. Oversimplifying the issue won’t make roads safer.

    • Pradeep September 22, 2024

      I think we also need to consider the road conditions and the infrastructure. Not every part of Bangkok’s road network can safely accommodate such heavy vehicles.

      • Rachel Z. September 23, 2024

        Good point, Pradeep. Infrastructure needs to be updated to match the heavy traffic.

      • Joe September 23, 2024

        Absolutely, better infrastructure may help, but we can’t ignore the responsibility of the truck companies.

  2. Emma W. September 22, 2024

    How tragic! My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

    • Peter52 September 23, 2024

      Thoughts and prayers are fine, but we need real action. This kind of accident happens far too often.

  3. Harry September 22, 2024

    These accidents aren’t just about driver error, sometimes it’s mechanical failures. We need to look into how well these trucks are maintained.

  4. Noreen September 23, 2024

    Mechanical failure or not, it doesn’t excuse the sheer devastation caused. Lives are at risk!

  5. Kiara September 23, 2024

    The emergency response teams did an incredible job. Kudos to them for their swift action.

    • Bobby September 23, 2024

      True, but if the regulations were stricter, maybe they wouldn’t have had to act in the first place.

    • Layla September 23, 2024

      We shouldn’t downplay the need for a good emergency response system though. It’s essential for minimizing harm when accidents do happen.

  6. Cathy September 23, 2024

    Incredible job by the rescue workers. Just wish it didn’t have to be this way.

  7. Lucas M. September 23, 2024

    Accidents like these make me question why we allow such huge trucks near populated areas.

    • Samantha K. September 23, 2024

      Right? It’s a disaster waiting to happen. We need to rethink urban planning and heavy vehicle routes.

  8. BigDog1984 September 23, 2024

    Accidents are part of life. Deal with it. Not much we can do about it.

    • Jenny G. September 23, 2024

      That’s a terrible way to look at it. We should always aim to reduce accidents, not accept them as inevitable.

    • Bruno September 23, 2024

      Preventing accidents is everyone’s responsibility. Saying ‘deal with it’ isn’t helpful.

  9. Ava Cayne September 23, 2024

    The loss and damage is immense, but what really irks me is the slow response to change regulations.

    • grower134 September 23, 2024

      Exactly, Ava. How many more accidents do we need before things actually change?

  10. Patrick September 23, 2024

    As a former truck driver, I know how challenging it can be to control a large vehicle. Training and safety checks are crucial.

  11. johnnybgood September 23, 2024

    Man, these kinds of crashes are why I avoid driving anywhere near big trucks.

  12. Kate P. September 23, 2024

    I hope the investigation reveals the true cause. Only then can we learn and prevent future accidents.

  13. Vince September 23, 2024

    The authorities should face consequences for not maintaining safe roads.

    • Nicole September 23, 2024

      Agreed. Accountability is key. The road conditions are a big factor and authorities often ignore this.

  14. Leo September 23, 2024

    I have a feeling this was driver error. Too often we’ve seen reckless driving.

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