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Investigation into Tragic Death of Kian Leepol After Power Cut in Nakhon Phanom

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In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the bereaved family of Kian Leepol gathered solemnly on Wednesday to bid farewell during the funeral rites held in Wang Yang district, Nakhon Phanom. Kian, a 68-year-old bedridden woman, passed away at her home on Tuesday, leaving relatives seeking answers about the circumstances leading to her tragic death. The serene setting spoke volumes of the sorrow felt by those who knew and loved her. (Photo: Pattanapong Sripiachai)

The story drew significant attention as Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul swiftly called for a thorough investigation into claims surrounding Kian’s unfortunate demise. Stirring public outcry, the elderly woman had been reliant on life-supporting medical equipment like an oxygen concentrator, which critically depended on electricity. The concern arose when her power supply was cut due to an unpaid electricity bill of 1,154 baht.

While an initial report concluded that Kian did not die during the three hours her home’s electricity was disconnected, relatives expressed distress over the potential repercussions of the brief power cut on her fragile health. As the investigation unfolds, Mr. Anutin directed the governor of the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) to present a comprehensive report on the incident.

Relatives recounted the poignant story of Kian, who lived alone amidst her humble abode in Ban Nakham village. Her solitude stemmed from being childless and losing her husband over a decade ago. Describing the chain of events, family members, along with local health officials, voiced out that a PEA subcontractor had severed the power on Tuesday morning, despite impassioned pleas to spare the ailing woman from further distress.

Though her home previously enjoyed exemption from power tariffs due to low usage, Kian’s condition had deteriorated, prompting a reliance on electric medical devices. This dependency inevitably led to increased power consumption and, consequently, billing. In a desperate bid to restore power, a younger relative journeyed 10 kilometers to settle the overdue bills at the PEA branch in Wang Yang, albeit the reconnection came too late to alter fate’s course.

The family believes that the power cutoff exacerbated Kian’s condition, hastening her death later that same evening. Sutharinee, Kian’s niece, recounted how the family had diligently attended to the elderly woman’s needs, taking turns to stay by her side each night. Despite hardships, Kian displayed spirited resilience, engaging with visitors and maintaining her appetite until the end.

As the town grapples with collective grief, the PEA issued a social media reminder for households with medical device-dependent members to register for a secure power supply. Such registrations ensure uninterrupted power unless payments remain due beyond three months. Thawee Saranrom, manager of the PEA’s Nakhon Phanom branch, expressed his condolences to the family, attending the funeral rites in person.

Amidst a flurry of emotions and discussions, it emerged that Kian’s household had not registered for the secure supply. Mr. Thawee explained that the power was cut at 9:20 am, the bills cleared by 10:49 am, and supply reinstated by 11:49 am, resulting in a gap of two hours and twenty-nine minutes without electricity. Given that Kian’s death did not occur during the outage, the family remained ineligible for PEA compensation, though efforts are being made to explore alternative means of recompense.

In an effort to cushion the emotional blow, Thawee and his team personally contributed 10,000 baht to the bereaved family and pledged to cover the funeral costs. Shedding light on power usage patterns, he revealed that households consuming less than 315 baht monthly qualify for exemption. Kian’s bills had surged due to medical device usage, jumping to 348 baht in July, 620 baht in August, and 534 baht in September.

As the investigation continues, Kian’s story reverberates beyond her village, shedding light on broader systemic issues and the delicate balance between human welfare and institutional policies. Her life, though marked by adversity, serves as a poignant reminder of the need for compassion and understanding within any community.

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