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Thailand in Crisis: Epicenter for Fatal Mpox Outbreak Sends Chills Down the Spine – No One is Safe!

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Thailand has reported a concerning number of 385 confirmed cases of mpox infections this year up to date, along with one disheartening fatality, according to the official records presented by the Department of Disease Control (DDC), documenting cases from January 1-September 18. Tragically, the person who succumbed to this disease was an immunocompromised individual who particularly struggled with fighting off the infection.

Breaking down the cases reported this week, we find 42 new patients. Among them, an overwhelming number of 41 were male, pointing towards a possible gender predisposition, whereas only one of them was of female gender.

Lounging into nationalities, it came to light that Thai citizens bore the brunt of the disease with a staggering 38 new cases. However, this disease did not refrain from lurking onto the foreigners either, with three of them confirmed to be infected.

A quick dive into the specifics reveals that a majority of these newly diagnosed cases, i.e., 33, were in the male-to-male transmission group. Moreover, we find that 17 of them had a traceable history of risky sexual contact.

To add to these worrying numbers, a whopping 29 among the new cases were ascertained to be co-infected with HIV, a severe immune-disease that significantly affects their ability to combat the mpox infection.

Renowned professional, Dr. Sophon Iamsirithavorn, who holds the esteemed position of Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control, shed light upon preventive measures that could potentially curb the spread of mpox. These include refraining from any sexual contact with unknown individuals, maintaining interpersonal distance from those manifested with rashes, vesicles, or pustules, executing frequent hand hygiene and sternly declining any sort of personal item sharing with others.

The doctor went on to emphasize that the country’s wide network of public health agencies ought to work hand in hand. They should incessantly monitor and dedicate increasing efforts into follow-up sessions with high-risk groups, all while vehemently communicating the right and effective preventive measures. The concerted effort of each individual is required to reign over this fast-spreading mpox menace.

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