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You Won’t Believe the Waves of People Flooding This Historical Thai Park After a Major UNESCO Announcement!

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The Si Thep Historical Park, nestled in Phetchabun, witnessed an exponential rise in tourism over the past weekend. This upsurge followed hot on the heels of the announcement on September 19 that the park had secured the prestigious World Heritage Site status from UNESCO. The rising waves of tourists flocking towards the park have led local administrative entities to turn towards the government with appeals for expanded facilities and accommodation options to handle the burgeoning influx of visitors.

Sittichai Poodee, the visionary director of Si Thep Historical Park, reported on September 25 that more than 5,000 visitors had swarmed into the park on the previous Saturday. Adding to this number was a similar headcount at Khao Klang Nok, a neighboring site steeped in rich historical significance. This brought the combined total of visitor headcount over the weekend across both sites to a staggering 20,000, a number that greatly surpassed the estimates projected by park officials.

In light of this overwhelming visitor saturation, Sittichai has approached various local government bodies with a plea for augmented support. His requests include an enhancement of the current public bathrooms and the establishment of a fully-equipped tourist centre. Taking it a step further, Sittichai is negotiating with local administrative bodies to initiate performances showcasing the region’s vibrant traditional culture within the park premises during weekends and on public holidays, to offer visitors a lively and warm welcome.

The park’s official fan page revealed on Sunday that the park’s two parking lots were inundated by the flood of visitors, reaching their maximum capacity. A Facebook user, participating in a discussion on the crowded historical park in a Si Thep community Facebook group, pointed out that the current state of management was lagging behind, stunting the possible expansion of tourism-aligned businesses. The insights were reported by Bangkok Post.

The user advocated for authorities based out in Phetchabun to set up a tourist centre that would cater to the needs of both Thai and international visitors. Simultaneously, he suggested that authorities engage with local business pioneers to install souvenir stores or food stalls within the park premises. The user further proposed arranging for local tour guides and establishing a systematic waste management protocol.

The user emphasized the importance of setting up designated regions for business premises or tourist lodging, as it is not feasible to erect these facilities within the confines of the historical park. He further added that such a strategic approach could potentially boost the community’s prosperity significantly. Latest updates are available on Thaiger’s new Facebook page.

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