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PalFish English Speech Contest: Celebrating Thailand’s Young Linguistic Talents

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Gather ’round, eager minds and aspiring orators! Behold the tale of linguistic prowess and youthful eloquence that unfurled amidst the grandeur of Grand Fortune Town Hotel in Thailand. It was on a Saturday, crystalized in history as December 16th, 2566 on the Buddhist calendar, when an event of majestic proportions captured the hearts and minds of both the young and old.

PalFish (Thailand) Limited Company, the brains behind the much lauded “English Language Teaching Application for Children aged 3-15”, fresh off their victory lap from winning the “1st prize from EdTech South East Asia,” decided to raise the bar yet again. Introducing the crème de la crème of linguistic showcases: the “PalFish English Speech Contest” finals.

Why, you ask, would these digital linguists decide to gather the brightest young minds? The answer is as ambitious as it is altruistic. The contest was a call to arms for the younglings—kindergartners, primary schoolers, and their slightly older brethren in secondary school—to demonstrate their command over the Queen’s English in the most public of arenas. This stage was set not only to mold their language skills to new heights but also to foster a sense of indomitable confidence that would echo throughout their lives, celebrating the accomplishment of these young wordsmiths and the institutions that honed their talents.

The journey was no effortless feat—beginning with an invitation that reverberated across Thailand—to every school where English held its ground as a subject of study. Video submissions poured into the PalFish in Thailand Facebook fan page, a digital Colosseum where only the most persuasive and articulate gladiators between the ages of 3 and 15 were chosen to advance.

These budding scholars were separated into two leagues:

The first, ranging from spritely three-year-olds to the sage eleven-year-olds, were tasked to contemplate and converse on the beings they idolized and what dreams unfurled in their tender hearts.

The seasoned campaigners, between twelve and fifteen, engaged in discourses on the lofty ideals of reducing inequality and championing quality education, mirroring the very essence of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

The final showdown commenced that Saturday, amidst the excitement-filled air of the prestigious Grand Fortune Town Hotel. From 1 PM till half-past four, the very atmosphere thrummed with anticipation as participants from a grand total of nine educational establishments demonstrated their command over the language of Shakespeare with admirable finesse.

To crown the experience, PalFish’s gallant endeavor was bestowed the honor of aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, an accolade that sent waves of pride through all involved—students, educators, and parents alike.

Rewards for this merry contest, you inquire? Ah, let the trumpets sound as we unveil the champions and their spoils! Victors emerged, brandishing trophies and brandishing beaming smiles as they claimed their bounties of hefty cash prizes, recognition certificates, and an intellectual treasure trove—free PalFish English classes, AI Pen Translators, and Brainy Pad smart card readers.

Their spoils included:

  • First Place: A princely sum of 20,000 Baht, the signature grand trophy, the proclamation of victory through certificates, and a slew of learning tools designed to further sharpen their linguistic swords.
  • First and Second Runner-Up: Boasting their own cash prizes, a visual testament to their victories with trophies and certificates, and the same tools to satiate their endless thirst for knowledge.
  • Honorable Mentions: With cash rewards and learning tools, these participants too were venerated for their valiant efforts in the battlefield of words.

All nine institutions that harbored these intellectual combatants were also lauded with trophies, recognitions of their tireless crusade to elevate the standard of English language mastery.

Yet, it doesn’t end there! PalFish extends a heart-warming thank you to PalFish Class, the staunch supporters of the contest and the masterminds behind the English teaching app, nourished by Pearson’s esteemed curriculum. This app summons over 50,000 language teachers from six nations to mold young minds, while its digital library boasts a staggering collection of English E-Books and picture books, enchanting over 60 million readers globally.

For those intrigued, yearning for the magic of English mastery at their children’s fingertips, the time for hesitance has passed. The door to this wondrous realm is but a click away at: Embark upon this journey, and may your linguistic sails always catch the winds of success.

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