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Posts published in “Thailand”

Kees Bronk Navigates Thai Exporters Through EU’s Green Tsunami: Mastering EUDR Compliance

In a world where green is the new black, Kees Bronk stands as a beacon of wisdom and foresight for Thai lifestyle product exporters. In an era keenly attentive to sustainability, the European Union’s latest legislative wave – the EUDR – is making its grand entrance and it’s not merely a ripple but a tsunami set to transform the market landscape. With the law stretching its arms across all 27 EU member states, Bronk, wielding his expertise in EU sustainability laws, heralds a clarion call to action for Thai businesses. Amid the intricate webs of trade and commerce, STYLE Bangkok 2024 became a platform where Bronk shared his pearls of wisdom. Organized by the Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce, this webinar transformed into an oracle’s chamber, prophesying the need for swift adaptation to the EUDR’s embrace. But fear not, for this law, while not directly overseeing Thai…

Thailand Contemplates Diesel Price Cap Adjustment amid Economic Balancing Act

In the bustling heart of Thailand, amidst the vibrant hustle and bustle, an economic dance unfolds as the government contemplates fuel price strategies to keep the nation running smoothly. The latest chapter in this financial saga includes pondering an uplift in the diesel price ceiling, from the comforting shield of 30 baht per litre, alongside contemplating a nudge upwards in excise tax reduction on this essential fuel, currently at a modest 1 baht per litre. These whispers of change, delivered by a knowledgeable source, have stirred the air this Tuesday, hinting at the government’s maneuvers to balance economic scales. Picture it: September last year, the streets of Thailand buzz with the relentless energy of life, vehicles coursing through its veins. Then comes a governmental decree, a gesture of relief — capping diesel at 30 baht per litre, a balm to soothe the financial strains felt by many. This measure, cradled…

Chuan Leekpai vs Thaksin Shinawatra: A High-Stakes Courtroom Drama Unfolds in Thailand

In a saga that sounds like it was ripped straight from the pages of a political thriller, the courtroom became the battleground for an epic confrontation between two of Thailand’s political heavyweights. In one corner, we had Chuan Leekpai, a name that resonates with authority and experience, having served not only as a former premier but also as a seasoned veteran in the turbulent waters of Thai politics. In the opposing corner stood Thaksin Shinawatra, a figure whose legacy is as controversial as it is impactful, his shadow looming large over the nation’s recent history. The spark that ignited this legal firestorm was a lawsuit, stealthily filed on October 25, 2022, as if playing a game of beat-the-clock against the statute of limitations. This legal missile aimed directly at Chuan, accused him of defamation stemming from remarks he made in a speech on October 28, 2012. This wasn’t just any…

Russian Tourists’ Graffiti Escapade Leaves Indelible Mark on Phuket’s Patong Beach

In the sun-drenched streets of Patong, a beach town that vibrates with the energy of Phuket’s coast, a curious spectacle unfolded. Here, amidst the hum of tourists and the gentle lapping of the waves, two adventurers from the land of Russia embarked on a nocturnal escapade that would etch their names, quite literally, into the local lore. Picture this: the vibrant, bustling atmosphere of Patong, where every footpath tells a story, and every kerb is a silent witness to the myriad tales of those who walk its paths. It was against this cinematic backdrop that our protagonists, Evgenii Egorov, aged 23, and Oleg Shirshov, just a year younger, lent their own artistic, albeit illicit, touch to the canvas of Patong. The act was simple, yet bold. Armed with cans of spray paint, they set their sights on a footpath kerb and a restaurant sign, transforming these everyday landmarks into the…

Miraculous Escape: Explosion at Thai Police Training Center Warehouse Leaves No Injuries

In the stillness of a morning that promised just another day, the unexpected roared to life with a seismic blast at precisely 9:30 AM. This wasn’t the start of an action movie, but a real-life event that unfolded at a warehouse nestled within the strategic training centre of the Royal Thai Police’s forward command. The location? The eerily tranquil Ban Bukekla village, where the day’s calm was shattered in an instant. The reverberations of the explosion sent shockwaves through the surrounding area, igniting a ferocious inferno that devoured the warehouse in its fiery embrace. Yet, by some miracle, or perhaps due to the early hour, no lives were claimed, and no one was injured in this dramatic episode. In response, a ballet of urgency ensued as troops and police officers from the Muang Yala station swept into action. Their movements were precise, a choreographed response honed by training and necessity.…

Steam Into History: Thailand’s Scenic Railway Journeys Celebrate Tradition and Rail Heritage

Imagine stepping back in time, where the echoes of the past meet the anticipation of the future; a journey steeped in history, powered by the chug and whistle of steam locomotives. This isn’t just any train ride; it’s a voyage into the heart of Thailand’s rich heritage, a tradition initiated by King Rama V to commemorate the opening of the first public railway connecting Bangkok, the pulsating current capital, with Ayutthaya, the majestic old capital, on a day that remains etched in time: March 26, 1896. This day is proudly celebrated as SRT Foundation Day, marking an era of connectivity and progress. The stars of this historic journey are none other than two Pacific-class steam locomotives, numbered 824 and 850, marvels of post-World War II engineering built by Japan’s Nippon Sharyo in the years 1949 and 1950, respectively. These venerable iron horses, usually resting in the Thonburi Locomotive Depot (also…

Chuan Leekpai Acquitted in Defamation Case Over Critique of Thaksin Shinawatra’s Security Policy

In a tale that weaves together the complex tapestry of Thai politics, justice, and a longstanding debate over security strategies, the Bangkok South Criminal Court offered its latest chapter this Tuesday. This wasn’t just any court session; it was one that had veteran Democrat Chuan Leekpai—the man who has held the titles of both Prime Minister and Parliament President in his illustrious career—at its center. The charge? Defamation, stemming from a critique he leveled against Thaksin Shinawatra’s handling of southern security measures back in 2012. Let’s set the stage a bit, shall we? Picture it: October 28, 2012, at the political school of the Democrat Party in bustling Bangkok. Chuan Leekpai, a figure whose political acumen and experience are as much a part of him as his very shadow, decides to take the bull by the horns and address the elephant in the room—Thaksin Shinawatra’s controversial security policy in the…

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin Opts for National Pride Over Political Reunion with Thaksin Shinawatra

Imagine stepping into the hallowed halls of the Government House, where the air is thick with determination and the future of a nation is decided. In strides Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, a man who has seen the dizzying heights of power and the quiet solitude of a private life. It was a typical Tuesday, but the atmosphere was anything but ordinary for this was no regular cabinet meeting. The halls buzzed with whispers of a highly anticipated visit. The buzz wasn’t about just any visitor, but about former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a figure whose legend runs deep in the heart of Thai politics. His planned appearance at the Pheu Thai Party headquarters was to be a momentous occasion, pulling MPs, party members, and supporters into its orbit, much like the gravitational pull of a returning celestial body. Yet, amidst this cosmic event, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin made it clear…

Thailand Stands in Solidarity with Russia: A United Front Against Violence on Civilians

In an emphatic and resolute voice, the Land of Smiles, Thailand, has stood up to unequivocally denounce the savage and despicable act of violence that has unfolded. It’s a grim day when innocence is assaulted, and Thailand is clear in its stance against such barbarity and terror unleashed on civilians caught in the crossfire of hatred. There’s a somber air as Thailand extends its deepest sympathies, a heartfelt gesture of solidarity and compassion, towards the bereaved. Each loss is a story unfulfilled, dreams dashed before they could blossom, and Thailand holds these victims and their grieving families close to its heart. It’s a time of sorrow, of reflection, and of sending out fervent hopes for solace to those engulfed in this ordeal. As the clouds loom overhead, casting a shadow over the day, it is the joint prayers and thoughts of the Thai nation that reach across oceans and mountains,…

Royal Majesty in Thailand: The Sacred Ceremony of Changing the Emerald Buddha’s Attire

In an event that seems as though it’s plucked straight out of a page of a luxuriously illustrated storybook, we find ourselves transported into the heart of Thailand’s deeply rooted traditions and rituals. Imagine, if you will, a morning where the air is rich with expectancy and the grandeur of royal protocol unfolds before our very eyes. This is no ordinary day, for it hosts the enchanting ceremony of the changing of the Emerald Buddha’s seasonal attire—an event steeped in symbolism and awe. Picture this: His Majesty, with the composed grace that marks his reign, accompanied by the radiant presence of Her Majesty the Queen, makes the journey from the Amphon Sathan Residential Hall towards a destination that is more than just a location—it’s a testament to the spiritual heartbeat of Thailand, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. Now, for those unfamiliar, allow me a moment to set the scene…