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Posts published in “Thailand”

Electrifying Leap: Thailand Gears Up for a 100% Electric Public Transport Revolution!

If you’re someone who dreads the thought of air pollution as much as a delayed flight, have I got news for you! The Transport Ministry, spearheaded by the ever-determined Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit, has cast a bolt of electric excitement through the transport sector with an announcement that could make the DeLorean from ‘Back to the Future’ look like a relic! Launched during an electrifying exhibit at the 40th Motor Expo within the cavernous halls of Impact Challenger in Muang Thong Thani, Suriya declared a move that’s sure to spark joy among the eco-conscious. The entire fleet of Thailand’s public transport vehicles is switching gears to become 100% electric, starting with a revamp level-up of AoT’s limousine service—talk about going green with style! Ladies and gentlemen, gearheads and green hearts, the signs were all there at the Motor Expo. With an array of electric vehicles (EVs) sleekly lined up and the…

Eco-Chic Extravaganza: Bangkok’s Siam Discovery Unveils Colossal ‘Sustainable Living X’mas Tree’ and Snuggly South Korean Superstar BELLYGOM!

Embark on a festive journey to the heart of Bangkok’s most imaginative space – Siam Discovery, the Exploratorium. This destination is not just any ordinary shopping centre; it’s a vibrant testament to avant-garde creativity, a space where experimentation and cultivation thrive. Prepare to get whisked away into a world where eco-consciousness meets festival cheer! As we part ways with the year and ready our hearts for the fresh beginnings that New Year’s bring, Siam Discovery, in a joint effort with PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (GC) and the iconic BELLYGOM from South Korea, unveils the pièce de résistance – an eco-chic, one-of-a-kind, and splendid “Sustainable Living X’mas Tree 2023”. This isn’t just a tree; it’s a statement, a commitment to sustainability, reaching sky-high at 11.50 meters, made from upcycled HDPE plastic, while the adorable 4-meter-tall pink bear, BELLYGOM, offers a friendly paw to all those who wander into Discovery…

Green Titan Triumphs Again: Bangkok’s PTT Global Chemical Seals Unprecedented Third Year Award Win!

Imagine a world where business isn’t just about the bottom line, but also about making a positive imprint on the planet—that’s the vision that powers PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (GC). On an ordinary day in the bustling city of Bangkok, something extraordinary unfolded. It was November 21, 2023, and in a ceremony brimming with anticipation and prestige, GC, with the inspiring leadership of Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, the mastermind CEO and President, found itself in the limelight for an unprecedented third year in a row. The venue sparkled with prestige as Mr. Prasarn Trairatvorakul, the eminent Chairman of The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), graced the stage. There, in a moment of well-deserved recognition, he bestowed upon GC the coveted SET Sustainability Awards 2023 – Sustainability Awards of Honor, a testament to GC’s unwavering commitment to sustainability. This honor isn’t dished out to just anyone—it’s the hallmark of a…

Ascend to Opulence: How PLUS Property’s 750 Million Baht Triumph Paves the Way to Billionaire Status!

Welcome to the bustling world of PLUS Property, where the pinnacle of property project management is not just a dream, but a towering reality! Marvel at the grandeur of PLUS Property’s 27-year legacy that’s still going strong, having raked in a whopping 750 million baht by the third quarter of 2023. Yet, hold onto your hats because this real estate titan is not stopping there. With sights set firmly on the horizon, PLUS is gearing up for a thunderous 15% surge in income, eyeing that sweet billion baht milestone by year’s end. Now let’s meet the maestro behind this harmonious crescendo, Naruemon Arporntanakul, who commands the baton in this symphony of success as the Assistant Management Director of Project Management for Residential Projects. According to Naruemon, PLUS Property’s symphony is hitting all the right notes. The final quarter’s melody is played to the tune of Thailand’s open arms to international…

Rotten Beef Ruse Exposed: Activist Sniffs Out a Scandal in Thailand’s Food Chain!

It was a rather pungent affair that unfolded at the esteemed Central Investigation Bureau, as intrepid activist Atchariya Ruangratanapong, armed with evidence and a nose for justice, stood before the press on a mission to unearth a scandal with implications as far-reaching as the stench of its subject matter. With the fervor of a modern-day Sherlock Holmes, Atchariya alleged a conspiracy so rancid that it could turn even the most iron of stomachs: the suspicious release and subsequent sale of a staggering 75 tonnes of putrefying beef into unsuspecting markets. The tale begins in the bustling maritime hub of Laem Chabang, where in the year 2018, three mysterious containers housing bovine cargo were seized, their contents a bizarre enigma packed in cold storage. Fast forward two years, authorities had granted carte blanche to a couple of import companies, enabling them to rescue the meat from its portly purgatory and usher…

Dawn of a New Horizon: Will Loei’s Dream Cable Car Transform Tourism in Thailand?

Before the world wakes, a hushed gathering ascends Pha Nok An. They are a devoted band of early risers, drawn by the promise of daybreak unfurling across the expansive canvas of Phu Kradueng’s summit in the heart of Loei—a spectacle captured time and again in cherished snapshots, yet eternally breathtaking as reported by the Bangkok Post. Amidst the invigorating air of a recent mobile cabinet rendezvous this Monday, the charm of Loei Province was not merely appreciated but poised for an upliftment. A hum of excitement surrounded Minister Phuangphet Chunla-iad as she unveiled plans—still simmering in their conceptual stage—for a marvel that would gracefully scale the heights of Phu Kradueng: a cable car. A vision that has lingered in the realms of possibility for decades sparked newfound vigor as this proposition saw approval in principle for the initial investigatory and design funding. Nestled within the embrace of bureaucratic layers, the…

Scholar’s Plight: The 16 Million Baht Question at the Heart of a Lecturer’s Haunting University Ordeal!

Welcome to a tale that’s as much a head-scratcher as it is a heart-wrencher. Somewhere amidst the hallowed halls of Mae Fah Luang University in the picturesque province of Chiang Rai, a drama unfolded—a drama that would flit across the screen on a Monday morning, courtesy of the TV3 programme ‘Morning News’. There we met “Dr Keng”, a former lecturer and PhD scholar, transformed overnight from an academic to a protagonist in a financial thriller. Picture this: a young dreamer, born into the rough embrace of poverty, clutching at the ladder of education with hands worn bare by ambition. It’s the kind of story we all root for—the kind where scholarships flutter down like autumn leaves from the Ministry of Higher Education and Mae Fah Luang’s beneficent boughs. It’s a testament to human resilience, isn’t it? Dr Keng, our beacon of determination, fighting odds and oceans to snag that doctoral…

Green Revolution Ignites: Thailand’s Billion-Baht Bid to End Sugarcane Fires Forever!

Welcome to the heart of Thailand’s sugarcane territory, where the golden stalks rise up to meet the sky, creating a lush green carpet that stretches across the horizon. These fields are the pride of Suphan Buri, but beneath the postcard-perfect scenery, a fiery issue smolders. For years, the traditional practice of burning sugarcane before harvest has cloaked the region in a thick haze, troubling the skies and the lungs of those who breathe them. But change is on the horizon. Get ready to hear about a significant leap forward in sustainable farming that’s set to sweeten the deal for both farmers and Mother Nature. This Monday, amid the bustling energy of Thailand’s government epicenter, sentinels of change have made a monumental decision. The cabinet, with a heart for the environment and eyes on the future, has sanctioned a whopping 7.9 billion baht to ignite a different kind of fire—a spark…

600 Million Baht Game-Changer: STIEBEL ELTRON’s Eco-Innovation Revolutionizes Thailand’s Heat!

Behold, the Future of Heat and Water! – These opportunistic words might as well be carved in the steel of the water heaters and pumps produced at STIEBEL ELTRON’s state-of-the-art facilities. Shining faces of leadership— Mr. Roland Hoehn, Dr. Kai Schiefelbein, and Mr. Heinz-Werner Schmidt—express an aura of sturdy optimism as they unveil the grand masterstroke: a whopping 600 million baht investment in the Land of Smiles, Thailand. As we inch closer to the cusp of a centennial reverie, what better way to mark a century of innovation than to fortify Thailand’s status as the epicentre for cutting-edge heat pump technology—a technology that whispers promises of warmth into the future of homes worldwide. With an eagle eye for markets craving energy-efficient marvels, our savvy execs have charted a course that sees these eco-friendly titans bound for the burgeoning expanses of Australia and the manufacturing might of China. The wheels are…