Governor Chadchart Sittipunt’s Vision: Bangkok’s Ambitious Green Transformation by 2026

Order Cannabis Online As global sustainability efforts pick up steam, Bangkok is taking strides in redefining its environmental agenda under the stewardship of Governor Chadchart Sittipunt. Shifting focus from the Green Bangkok 2030 initiative that his predecessors initiated, the governor is now pushing forward with an even more ambitious vision. Mr. Chadchart aims to create what he calls a “15-minute city” where residents can access green spaces within a short stroll. This plan involves adding 130 parks and doubling the original tree-planting goal to two million trees by 2026, a significant leap after Bangkok successfully hit its initial target of one million trees within just two years. “The first thing he did when he came into office was he went to a park and planted the first tree,” says Pornphrom Vikitsreth, the BMA’s Chief of Sustainability and advisor to the governor. Thailand faces a slew of environmental problems, including rampant … Continue reading Governor Chadchart Sittipunt’s Vision: Bangkok’s Ambitious Green Transformation by 2026