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Justice Minister Tawee Sodsong Clarifies Thaksin Shinawatra’s Hospitalization Probe

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The intricate web of political drama continues to swirl around former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Recently, Justice Minister Tawee Sodsong declared that the Department of Corrections (DoC) lacks the authority to demand CCTV footage from the Police General Hospital, where Thaksin was previously hospitalized. This statement followed a fiery dispute between the DoC’s director-general and Seri Ruam Thai Party leader Pol Gen Sereepisuth Temeeyaves concerning whether Thaksin received preferential treatment during his time on the hospital’s elite 14th floor.

Pol Col Tawee clarified that the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is currently investigating the matter. He detailed the protocol for determining the conditions of detention, specifying that the court could issue orders for confinement in one of three places: a prison, a hospital, or another approved facility. The Justice Minister elaborated that “other places of confinement” might include any secure location provided by a security agency, a measure necessitated by the chronic overcrowding in prisons.

As to the special treatment allegations, Pol Col Tawee assured that the DoC has supplied relevant information to all investigating bodies. He pointed out that upon Thaksin’s return to Thailand in August of the previous year, the government led by former premier Srettha Thavisin had yet to take office. When queried about the availability of CCTV footage to the NACC, he responded that it was a matter for the Police General Hospital to address, as the footage fell under their jurisdiction.

“While inmates in alternative confinement places remain under DoC supervision, the Justice Ministry has no power to install CCTV cameras in official buildings outside its domain,” he remarked, addressing the claims of a lack of footage.

Pol Gen Sereepisuth has made bold assertions, alleging that he visited Thaksin twice during his hospitalization and questioning the authenticity of Thaksin’s medical reports. Pol Col Tawee expressed the ministry’s willingness to consider Pol Gen Sereepisuth’s perspective.

Dr. Sompop Sangkutkaew, deputy DoC director-general and department spokesman, emphasized that Thaksin was under constant surveillance by DoC officers during his hospital stay. This security detail included a rotating roster of approximately 100 officers. Addressing the contentious remarks by Pol Gen Sereepisuth, the spokesman indicated that the DoC has not yet decided whether to pursue legal action against him, especially since Pol Gen Sereepisuth’s name was conspicuously absent from the official visitor list.

In a related development, former Democrat MP Watchara Phetthong submitted a letter to DoC director-general Sahakarn Petchnarin. The letter requested a comprehensive list of officers assigned to oversee Thaksin at the Bangkok Remand Prison, including performance reports and disbursement records of allowances from August 23, 2023, to February 18. This request adds another layer to the already complex saga surrounding Thaksin’s detention and alleged special treatment.

The entire episode has captivated the nation, with every twist and turn offering new fuel for public debate. Whether this investigation will unearth any actionable misdeeds or simply add to the noise remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Thaksin Shinawatra’s influence on Thai politics continues to loom large, and the quest for justice, in all its manifestations, threads through every development.


  1. James Peterson September 4, 2024

    It’s baffling how the DoC doesn’t have access to CCTV footage. Isn’t that a basic requirement in any probe?

    • Lily_D September 4, 2024

      Maybe it’s not about bureaucracy but a deliberate move to protect certain interests.

      • Grower123 September 4, 2024

        Exactly. The whole thing reeks of political maneuvering.

      • James Peterson September 4, 2024

        Certainly looks that way. It’s infuriating how justice gets twisted for the powerful.

  2. Annie L September 4, 2024

    Why should Thaksin get any different treatment than any other inmate? It’s a sheer disgrace!

    • SuperLegalBeagle September 4, 2024

      Because like it or not, he’s a former PM and that carries a different set of concerns, rightly or wrongly.

      • Annie L September 4, 2024

        That’s no excuse! The law is supposed to be blind, isn’t it?

      • SuperLegalBeagle September 4, 2024

        True in theory, but in practice, high-profile figures often get special treatment.

  3. Yara_07 September 4, 2024

    The rotating roster of 100 officers? Seems like overkill. What a waste of resources!

    • Dan P. September 4, 2024

      They have to ensure his safety. It’s not just about him; it’s also about preventing chaos.

  4. Oliver Sanderson September 4, 2024

    No visitor list with Pol Gen Sereepisuth’s name? Who’s lying? Him or the system?

    • Vince September 4, 2024

      I think everyone’s playing their own game here. Can’t trust either side fully.

  5. Chia Mei September 4, 2024

    Is anyone else curious why Thaksin’s medical condition allowed him hospital time but not enough to be listed officially?

    • Han Z. September 4, 2024

      I think it’s about maintaining plausible deniability. This whole affair is shady.

    • justice4all September 4, 2024

      It’s just a cover-up. They’re all in on it.

      • Chia Mei September 4, 2024

        Exactly. This whole thing feels very orchestrated.

  6. Ben Dover September 4, 2024

    Why investigate at all if the NACC can’t get basic evidence like CCTV? It’s just theatrics.

  7. Dr. Sam W. September 4, 2024

    Thaksin hasn’t lost his charm. Even when he’s supposedly down, he’s still stirring the pot.

    • BigDawg September 4, 2024

      Charm or manipulation? Let’s not romanticize what’s likely abuse of power.

  8. Karen Willows September 4, 2024

    With overcrowded prisons, there is no way Thaksin should get a special place. We already have enough disparities in our justice system.

    • Maxine M September 4, 2024

      You nailed it, Karen. But sadly, this is more norm than exception around here.

  9. SharpEagle September 4, 2024

    Think about it: Is the DoC really going to risk anything without solid evidence? They know what they’re doing.

    • Jenna Taylor September 4, 2024

      That implies they might have something to hide too. It’s all connected.

    • SharpEagle September 4, 2024

      Could be, but what’s the endgame? They can’t keep this under wraps forever.

  10. TheRealMVP September 4, 2024

    Corruption has been seeping through every part of our system. This is just another example of that.

  11. Megan Leigh September 4, 2024

    I don’t get why this is so controversial. Every country deals with political inmates differently.

    • languidcommentator September 4, 2024

      Yes, but the issue here is transparency and the rule of law, which seem to be blatantly ignored.

  12. Jacob Smith September 4, 2024

    The DoC sounds like they’re just muddling through this and hoping the chaos dies down eventually.

    • Emma_H September 4, 2024

      I doubt it will. This is too high-profile to just evaporate.

  13. Liam B September 4, 2024

    There’s no way Thaksin isn’t being used as a political pawn. Everyone has an agenda.

    • Nina_T September 4, 2024

      Totally! They’re leveraging his case to push their own narratives.

  14. Candice504 September 4, 2024

    The depth of this saga is insane. From visitor lists to medical reports—it’s a circus!

  15. FactFinder September 4, 2024

    We need transparency. If Pol Gen Sereepisuth visited Thaksin, it should be in some log. This shouldn’t be hard to prove.

  16. Lizzie B September 4, 2024

    What happened to Thailand’s justice system? This is turning into a mockery.

  17. Theo September 4, 2024

    It’s all about the money and influence. Nothing will be resolved fairly unless those at the top want it to be.

  18. Derek T. September 4, 2024

    Does anyone else feel like we’re just watching a soap opera? None of this will change anything for regular citizens.

    • Yvonne September 4, 2024

      Unfortunately, true. Real justice feels very far away.

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