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Tragic Attack in Lop Buri: Adisak Chansakulnee Fatally Mauled by American Bully Dogs

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Police and volunteer rescuers from the Ruamkatanyu Foundation were dispatched to a tragic scene at a family residence in Muang Lop Buri district, Lop Buri province, on Saturday. The youngest son of the family had been viciously attacked and killed by three dogs that had been brought home by his older brother. (Photo: Ruamkatanyu Foundation’s branch in Lop Buri)

In the central province of Lop Buri, an 18-year-old man named Adisak Chansakulnee met a grim fate on Friday night, felled by the very pets his brother had recently acquired. These formidable American Bully dogs were brought into the household by 23-year-old Abhisit Chansakulnee, who had acquired them from Bangkok just a week prior, according to Pol Maj Nattapong Wongwang, a police investigator from Tha Hin police station.

Security camera footage from the room where the dogs were kept reveals a heart-wrenching story. Adisak entered the room on the second floor, likely to engage the dogs in some playful interaction. However, in a shocking turn of events, the dogs turned aggressive. The footage shows Adisak’s desperate attempt to escape as he bolted to a room on the first floor. Tragically, he was unable to close the door in time, and the dogs pursued him, delivering fatal injuries.

The aftermath of the attack was horrific. Police reports indicated bite marks covering Adisak’s head and limbs, with severe injuries that included an opened skull and the loss of both ears. Pol Maj Nattapong confirmed that Adisak had been alone during the attack and had likely passed away over 12 hours before his body was discovered. His mother and brother returned home to find the harrowing scene, along with the three American Bully dogs still in the room.

Abhisit, still in shock, told police that the dogs had never exhibited such aggressive behavior before. He recounted that his brother had interacted with the dogs previously without incident. “Perhaps they didn’t recognize him well enough, or maybe he unknowingly triggered their protective instincts regarding their sleeping area,” Abhisit speculated.

Following this devastating incident, the dogs were confined to their room and are now under observation by animal behavior experts. This tragic event has left a family shattered and underscores the unpredictable nature of even domesticated animals.


  1. John Smith September 1, 2024

    This is such a heartbreaking story. Why didn’t the family think about the potential risks before bringing these dogs home?

    • Maxine September 1, 2024

      The fault lies with the brother who brought these dogs home. He clearly didn’t do enough research about the breed!

      • Lisa T. September 1, 2024

        Research can only go so far. It’s also about knowing how to handle and train such powerful dogs.

    • doglover88 September 1, 2024

      It’s not the breed’s fault! Any dog can become aggressive if not properly trained.

      • John Smith September 1, 2024

        That’s a fair point, but shouldn’t owning a breed known for its strength require more responsibility and caution?

  2. Karen September 1, 2024

    Oh my gosh, this is why I keep saying some dog breeds should be banned from residential areas.

    • Jake September 1, 2024

      Banning breeds isn’t the solution. It’s about responsible ownership!

    • animalrights123 September 1, 2024

      Agreed. Breed-specific legislation is discriminatory and doesn’t address the real issue.

  3. Michael P. September 1, 2024

    What a senseless tragedy. Sounds like negligence on the part of the owner.

    • Sarah September 1, 2024

      Absolutely. If the brother had properly introduced and supervised interactions with the dogs, this might have been avoided.

      • Michael P. September 1, 2024

        Indeed. This should be a wake-up call for anyone considering bringing a new pet home.

    • Hannah September 1, 2024

      It’s easy to blame the owner, but sometimes accidents do happen. It doesn’t always come down to negligence.

  4. Tim B. September 1, 2024

    This is exactly why I don’t trust big dogs. Too unpredictable.

    • Lila D. September 1, 2024

      That’s an unfair generalization. Plenty of big dogs are gentle giants with the right training.

    • petfan September 1, 2024

      Well, you could say the same about small dogs too. Any dog can be unpredictable.

  5. Emily September 1, 2024

    This is such a rare and unfortunate event. I hope it doesn’t lead to more hysteria against certain dog breeds.

    • Laura September 1, 2024

      Education and proper training are key. The more people know about handling dogs, the fewer tragedies like this we’ll see.

    • Sam W. September 1, 2024

      Right on. Knee-jerk reactions like banning breeds won’t solve the real problem.

  6. Olivia M. September 1, 2024

    I feel so bad for the family. They must be going through unimaginable pain.

  7. RJ September 1, 2024

    What a gruesome way to go. This incident shows we can never fully trust animals, no matter how domesticated they seem.

  8. Joseph September 1, 2024

    This is another reminder that dogs are animals and have instincts that can trigger under certain conditions.

  9. Zoey September 1, 2024

    Reading this makes me so scared to leave my kids alone with our dog. Even though he’s never shown aggression.

  10. NatureLover September 1, 2024

    Such a sad story. Did the family not have any contingency plan in case something went wrong with the dogs?

  11. Derek September 1, 2024

    The breed doesn’t matter; it’s all about the owner’s approach and the dog’s upbringing.

    • Mia September 1, 2024

      I agree, but some breeds do require more guidance and firm training.

  12. Sandy L. September 1, 2024

    This could have been avoided with better supervision and training of the dogs. Tragic loss!

    • Luke September 1, 2024

      We really need stricter regulations on owning certain breeds. This kind of tragedy is preventable.

    • Grower134 September 1, 2024

      Regulations won’t solve everything. It’s personal responsibility that matters the most.

  13. Jackson September 1, 2024

    How many more people have to die before we reevaluate our approach to owning potentially dangerous pets?

    • AnimalLover September 1, 2024

      Reevaluation should focus on education over outright bans. We need better understanding, not fear-mongering.

  14. Eric W. September 1, 2024

    Imagine how the brother feels, bringing the dogs into the house and then this happens. He must be devastated.

  15. Sue September 1, 2024

    It’s easy to jump to conclusions and cast blame, but we can’t ignore that sometimes, even the best-trained animals can act on instinct.

  16. Debbie R. September 1, 2024

    My heart goes out to the family. I hope they get the support they need during this difficult time.

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