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Koh Samui Crackdown: Russian ‘Psychologist’ Snared for Overstaying Visa by 20 Months

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Imagine the enduring, sun-soaked beaches of Koh Samui, where the emerald ocean kisses golden sands and whispers tales of intrigue to any soul savvy enough to listen. It was here amidst this slice of tropical paradise that a story unfolded—a tale not of serenity, but of overstay and intrigue. A Russian pseudo-psychologist with a penchant for defiance found himself a protagonist in an unsought drama that would not only capture the imagination but also serve as a cautionary fable of the modern wanderer.

It was an average day on Samui, enhanced only by the lazy sway of coconut palms and the rhythmic murmur of waves, when the tranquility of the island was punctuated by the brisk action of Thai immigration police. Their target: Dmitry Odintsov, a 41-year-old Russian national whose journey had landed him adrift in the tides of Thai immigration law. His crime? Casually overstaying his welcome by a staggering 20 months—far enough from the grace period to warrant a decisive crackdown.

The arrest piqued the interest of curious locals and tourists alike, initiated as part of a pre-New Year sweep aimed at tidying the island’s hospitality to honor its guests with legal sanctity. Dmitry’s operations were no secret to the eagle-eyed netizens. Having set up his virtual shop at psychologicalsececure.taplinksws, the clever émigré hawked psychological wisdom at 2,500 baht a pop—deftly crafting a cozy nook for troubled minds in search of solace.

But Dmitry was more than just a sage on a website. He was also the savvy administrator behind ‘Samuisecure’, a Telegram sanctum that boasted a fellowship of 89 kindred spirits, all under the watchful guidance of ‘Space Pro’—none other than Mr. Odintsov himself. In the digital ether of this group, he orchestrated the symphony of consul and counsel, the masquerade still intact for those who sought his guidance.

The scene of his dramatic downfall was the mundanity of a convenience store, wherein the unsuspecting counselor was lured by the siren call of an immigration officer in sheep’s clothing. There, amid the aisles of everyday commerce, whisperings of psychological relief were silenced by the stark reality of legal obligation. When confronted, our hero, sans passport, was beset by the irrefutable truth displayed on the icy screen of the Immigration database—an expired visa since April 24, 2022, with 612 days pirouetting in the annals of unlawfulness.

Faced with the consequences of the Immigration Bureau’s newfound vigilance, Dmitry’s odyssey had reached a climactic pivot—the charge of overstaying one’s visa, a specter no longer hovering in the shadows but brought into the glaring light of judicial reprimand. His tale, now woven into the fabric of Koh Samui’s folklore, accompanies a gallery of 16 entangled in the net of the island crackdown since December 18, among whom nine danced the same overstay ballet.

As Pol Col Naruwat Putthawiro, the Surat Thani immigration police chief, ensued with the protocol of the expulsions, the islands of Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, and Koh Tao resonated with the silent reminder of paradise found—and paradise regulated. For in this land of smiles and warmth, the laws of the land whisper just as loudly as the soothing seas, ensuring that those who come to drink in its beauty do so with the integrity of law in their sails.

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