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Lop Buri’s Monkey Crisis: Authorities Surpass Capture Goals in Record Time

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In an astonishing display of resolve and ingenuity, authorities in Lop Buri have not only met but exceeded their ambitious target of capturing rogue monkeys in the downtown area. Over a mere seven days into their second-phase operation, about 1,150 primates were rounded up, obliterating the goal initially set for a 10-day campaign.

Kicking off on June 5, this intensive initiative was a joint effort between the Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation and the Lop Buri municipality. The aim was to capture between 800 and 1,000 of these mischievous monkeys over the period. Yet, within just one week, they have surged past their goal, proving the campaign’s extraordinary effectiveness.

The captured monkeys are now housed in a specially prepared facility in tambon Po Kao Ton in Lom Buri province’s Muang district. Here, they undergo a thorough process of registration and sterilisation before being placed into enclosures, a strategy designed to prevent any subsequent in-fighting. Initial reports indicate that these relocated monkeys are in robust physical and mental condition, which is a reassuring update for concerned animal lovers.

This well-coordinated operation has garnered widespread acclaim from both the local community and the broader online audience. One TikTok user, known by the handle @aoo8070, shared a video that quickly went viral. The footage showed the formerly chaotic city centre around the Prang Sam Yod historical sanctuary—a site teeming with monkey-related turmoil—now remarkably serene. “Lop Buri monkeys are now gone,” read the succinct yet triumphant caption attached to the video.

The mischievous monkeys had long been a source of misery for both residents and business owners, whose livelihoods were often upended by the marauding primates. The aggressive behavior of the monkeys had even brought several local enterprises to a grinding halt, making life exceedingly difficult for everyone in the vicinity.

Nevertheless, some macaques have managed to elude the sweeping efforts of the authorities, particularly around Vichayen Road. Residents in this area observed that the monkeys exhibiting an uncanny cleverness, seemingly growing more adept at dodging capture. The crafty creatures appeared to recognize the authorities by the distinct military-style caps worn by the monkey-trapping team.

“They visibly panicked every time they saw strangers wearing those familiar army fatigue caps,” remarked one resident, preferring to remain anonymous. The ongoing challenge of capturing these elusive monkeys adds an intriguing twist to an already compelling story, leaving us to wonder how the authorities will adapt their strategies to ensure the complete success of their operation.

As Lop Buri inches closer to reclaiming peace and normalcy, the community’s collective sigh of relief is nearly palpable. The remarkable feat achieved by the authorities in such a short period serves as a testament to their dedication and resourcefulness, bringing hope that downtown Lop Buri will soon be entirely free from its monkey-related woes.


  1. Jessica Lee June 13, 2024

    I can’t believe they captured over 1,000 monkeys in just a week! This is both impressive and somewhat sad. What happens to these monkeys after they are moved to the facility?

    • frmrs123 June 13, 2024

      They are sterilised and kept in enclosures. I think they should be released back into the wild, but controlled areas.

      • Allen T. June 13, 2024

        But if they release them back, won’t they just cause the same problems somewhere else? The sterilisation is necessary to keep their population in check.

      • Jessica Lee June 13, 2024

        You make a good point, Allen T. The delicate balance between keeping the monkeys in check and ensuring their well-being is so complex!

  2. Brian K. June 13, 2024

    The locals must be relieved for sure. Those monkeys were really messing up businesses and daily life.

    • Natalie Summers June 13, 2024

      Absolutely! Just imagine trying to run a shop or even walk down the street with monkeys wreaking havoc everywhere!

  3. greenearthwarrior June 13, 2024

    Does anyone think capturing and sterilising these monkeys is too extreme? What about their natural habitat and rights?

    • Sandy Chan June 13, 2024

      While I understand your concern, human settlements shouldn’t have to endure daily disruptions from monkeys. Balance is key though.

      • greenearthwarrior June 13, 2024

        True, but we should be looking for alternative ways to coexist peacefully with wildlife.

  4. Seth P. June 13, 2024

    Are we even considering why the monkeys are straying into urban areas? Could it be due to deforestation or habitat loss?

    • Tim Roberts June 13, 2024

      That’s a valid point, Seth. Human activity has likely forced them into urban areas.

  5. Linda G. June 13, 2024

    So many people are focusing on the monkeys’ rights, but what about the people living there, whose lives have been turned upside down?

    • Joe June 13, 2024

      Exactly, it’s easy to feel for the monkeys, but let’s not forget the humans who’ve had enough.

    • Kayla June 13, 2024

      Linda, I totally agree! Business owners must be thrilled to have one less thing to worry about.

  6. Markus W. June 13, 2024

    I wonder how sustainable this solution is. Will they need to keep capturing monkeys every year?

    • Jennifer L. June 13, 2024

      Good question, Markus. If the root cause isn’t addressed, this could be a never-ending cycle.

  7. David Moran June 13, 2024

    It’s great that they managed to do this efficiently, but isn’t 7 days too quick for something so complex? I worry about the welfare of the monkeys.

    • Karen June 13, 2024

      David, I think they had to act fast due to the havoc being caused. As long as the monkeys are treated well, it’s a necessary measure.

      • David Moran June 14, 2024

        Karen, I hope you’re right. Speed and care should both be priorities in such operations.

  8. AnnaF June 13, 2024

    Can we take a moment to appreciate how well-coordinated this effort was? Props to the authorities!

  9. naturesvoice June 14, 2024

    Instead of relocating the monkeys, maybe we should be restoring their natural habitats to keep them from invading urban areas.

  10. Alex P. June 14, 2024

    A viral TikTok video kind of shows how serious this issue was. Social media really brings attention to these problems nowadays.

  11. Cathy S. June 14, 2024

    It’s fascinating how the monkeys outsmarted the authorities around Vichayen Road! These cunning primates can recognize military caps!

    • Jason June 14, 2024

      Shows how intelligent animals can be! This definitely isn’t over yet.

    • Cathy S. June 14, 2024

      Indeed, Jason. The authorities will have their work cut out for them.

  12. Tommy June 14, 2024

    Lol, monkeys seeing the caps and running away! Seems like a cartoon! 😂

  13. Emily B. June 14, 2024

    I hope these monkeys find some peace and security in their new home. They must be so stressed out from all the chaos.

  14. Samantha R. June 14, 2024

    This is just step one. Hopefully, they also plan to educate the public on coexisting with wildlife.

  15. Roger K. June 14, 2024

    I’m still skeptical. What if this is temporary and the monkeys return in larger numbers?

  16. Darren J. June 14, 2024

    This was long overdue! The authorities should have taken action years ago.

  17. Olivia M. June 14, 2024

    As effective as this operation was, I’m worried about the long-term ecological impact.

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