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Nonthaburi Senate Election Drama: EC Faces Criticism Amid Delays and Investigations

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The Senate candidates are entering the final stretch of their election journey in Nonthaburi, with the critical date set for June 26. As captured in a striking photograph by Pattarapong Chatpattarasill, the atmosphere is thick with anticipation. However, the excitement is shadowed by controversy as the Election Commission (EC) faces mounting criticism for the delay in announcing the certified results for the 200 new senators, almost two weeks after the votes were cast.

During a recent meeting, EC chairman Ittiporn Boonpracong addressed the media, clarifying that several issues needed final resolution before the results could be officially announced. Despite the criticism, Boonpracong steadfastly denied stalling tactics, emphasizing the necessity of thorough scrutiny before making any declarations.

Although there’s widespread speculation, Boonpracong refrained from confirming whether the EC’s upcoming Tuesday meeting would see the results unveiled. An insider hinted that if Tuesday passes without any announcement, the release might be pushed back by another week, coinciding with Boonpracong’s return from his scheduled leave.

Pressure is rapidly mounting on the EC from both the victors and the vanquished in the Senate race. Demands to endorse the results are growing louder to avoid extending the current Senate’s tenure. On the flip side, there are calls for investigations into alleged electoral fraud and questionable eligibility rulings. The tension reached a boiling point, with some former candidates threatening to lodge malfeasance complaints against the EC if the results are announced before their grievances are heard.

Adding fuel to the fire, a petition was filed with the Administrative Court seeking to suspend the result announcement and requesting the outgoing Senate to impeach the poll commissioners for purportedly violating the charter. The organic law governing Senate composition is somewhat nebulous, requiring the EC to resolve complaints within five days following the election’s final round but not setting a precise timeline for the result announcement.

In an intriguing development, the outgoing Senate convened and voted 101:10, with 17 abstentions, to establish a 23-member special panel tasked with investigating the Senate poll. This panel has a 30-day mandate to complete its work. Outgoing Senator Somchai Swangkarn justified the formation of this panel, emphasizing that the current Senate feels a strong responsibility to ensure a clean and transparent handover to the incoming chamber.

As the clock ticks towards the final announcement, the political landscape in Nonthaburi remains electrifying. With the EC under intense scrutiny, the outcome of this pivotal election will undoubtedly be a significant chapter in the nation’s political narrative. Stay tuned for what promises to be an enthralling conclusion to the Senate election saga.


  1. Anna M July 8, 2024

    Honestly, the EC is just taking too long. This delay reeks of incompetence.

    • Sunil77 July 8, 2024

      I don’t think it’s incompetence. Maybe they’re just being thorough. Better safe than sorry.

      • Anna M July 8, 2024

        Thorough? Give me a break. It’s been almost two weeks. People deserve to know the results by now.

      • Dr. Patel July 8, 2024

        Indeed, there’s a fine line between thoroughness and inefficiency. The EC needs to clarify the reasons behind such delays.

  2. Joe July 8, 2024

    Why can’t they just get the results out already? All these delays are frustrating!

    • Farhana L July 8, 2024

      Maybe they are finding issues that need to be resolved first, Joe. It’s important to ensure the results are legitimate.

      • Joe July 8, 2024

        Legitimate or not, people have a right to some transparency. It’s just causing more distrust.

      • MKarn July 8, 2024

        Distrust is exactly what the EC should avoid. A clear timeline would help everyone.

    • Hans July 8, 2024

      These types of delays always seem to happen in important elections. Coincidence? I think not.

  3. Linda S. July 8, 2024

    The fact that the outgoing Senate had to establish a special panel is really telling. What’s going on behind the scenes?

    • Jacob Kim July 8, 2024

      It’s standard procedure to ensure there’s no foul play. But it does make you wonder.

      • Linda S. July 8, 2024

        True, but the timing seems suspicious. It’s causing unnecessary tension.

      • OldManStan July 8, 2024

        Every election has tension. It’s actually impressive they’re taking these steps.

    • Percy July 8, 2024

      What’s suspicious is why they didn’t have this panel prepared in advance. They knew there would be issues.

  4. Chris908 July 8, 2024

    Shouldn’t there be international observers for these kinds of delays? This just looks bad for everyone.

    • Mary T. July 8, 2024

      Good point. International oversight might make the process more transparent and trustworthy.

      • Zach July 8, 2024

        Totally. It’s not just about the delay; it’s about how they handle criticism and transparency.

    • truthseeker July 8, 2024

      Why rely on international observers? Shouldn’t we be able to trust our own institutions?

  5. globalwatcher July 8, 2024

    This delay could be a sign of greater issues within the country’s electoral process. It’s not just about patience.

    • Katie D July 8, 2024

      Election fraud is a big accusation to make. Is there any evidence suggesting this?

  6. Lisa W July 8, 2024

    The EC is under immense pressure from all sides. They’re between a rock and a hard place.

    • David H July 8, 2024

      Absolutely. They’re trying to avoid mistakes that could invalidate the entire election. We should cut them some slack.

  7. UncleJohn54 July 8, 2024

    Forming a special panel is a smart move; it brings another layer of checks and balances.

    • Catherine E July 8, 2024

      A smart move, yes, but also a necessary one. The integrity of this election is in question.

  8. an0nymous July 8, 2024

    I think the outgoing senators are just trying to hold onto power as long as possible.

    • Maya L. July 8, 2024

      That’s quite a leap! They could just want to ensure the process is fair and just.

      • an0nymous July 8, 2024

        Or maybe they have something to hide. Politics is never black and white.

  9. Carla July 8, 2024

    No matter the outcome, this election has shown serious flaws in the system. Reforms are desperately needed.

  10. TechieTom July 8, 2024

    Imagine if technology played a bigger role in our elections. We could avoid these delays completely.

  11. Ravi S July 8, 2024

    What a mess! How can anyone have faith in the democratic process with these ongoing issues?

  12. Frank July 8, 2024

    It’s always the same old story. The EC drags its feet, and the people suffer the consequences.

  13. Yusuf July 8, 2024

    Maybe it’s not incompetence. There could be legitimate reasons for the delay. Patience, people!

  14. Mikael A July 8, 2024

    The EC needs to communicate better. A clear, concise update would go a long way to calming this storm.

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