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Psychic Healer Nong Ying Goes Viral: Claims Buddhas Aid in Unusual Healing Methods in Thailand

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Thai netizens found themselves in a state of bewildered amazement, as Ms. Sorawee, a 38-year-old woman famously known as “Nong Ying,” made a captivating claim on live television. Proclaiming to possess mystical psychic abilities, Nong Ying demonstrated her supposed prowess in communing with spirits. During her appearance on Channel 3’s Hon Krasae talk show on May 21st, she captivated both the host and the audience by asserting that she could engage with five Buddhas to heal ailments and liberate individuals from the burdens of past life karmas.

The atmosphere on the show was electric as Nong Ying articulated the foundations of her extraordinary abilities. With serene confidence, she declared that her healing technique requires neither physical contact nor financial contributions; rather, it solely demands unwavering faith and trust in her process. According to Nong Ying, her method is grounded in “quantum physics,” a bold claim that adds a veneer of scientific legitimacy to her assertions. She explained that a person imbued with positive energy, love, and compassion could find their afflictions alleviated through her unique approach.

The show achieved monumental success, amassing over 4 million views on YouTube. However, the highlight of Nong Ying’s rise to Internet stardom occurred during a separate appearance on THAIRATH TV. In a moment that left viewers both stunned and curious, she claimed to be in direct communication with a Buddha right there on the show. The scene took an even more unexpected turn when she suddenly erupted into a spine-chilling scream, an outburst that instantly went viral. This dramatic clip quickly spread like wildfire across TikTok, racking up over 13 million views and thrusting Nong Ying into the spotlight.

Nong Ying isn’t just a figure enveloped in mysticism; her academic credentials reveal another dimension to her persona. She holds a master’s degree in science and environment and had established herself as a successful entrepreneur prior to her television debut. Her entrepreneurial prowess was showcased when she received the 2020 Best Businessperson of the Star Variety Awards. However, her business exploits hit a roadblock when law enforcement intervened.

In a surprising twist, Nong Ying’s seemingly unshakable journey took a detour when she was apprehended by the police in Udon Thani province. Allegations arose that she had violated the Computer Act, leading to her arrest. Despite the mounting tension, Nong Ying was processed and released on bail after four intense hours of questioning at the police station.

The public remains divided about Nong Ying’s true capabilities. Whether you consider her a gifted psychic healer or view her with skepticism, one thing is certain: Nong Ying knows how to command attention. The debate around her abilities continues to swirl, making her a fascinating figure in the modern digital age.

For more on Nong Ying and her intriguing journey, delve deeper here.


  1. Alex M July 16, 2024

    Isn’t it amazing that this kind of thing still goes viral in today’s world? I mean, come on, communicating with Buddhas?

    • Faith124 July 16, 2024

      Considering her background, it’s fascinating! She’s not just some random person; she has a master’s degree.

      • Bob July 16, 2024

        A degree doesn’t give her psychic powers. She’s playing on people’s beliefs.

      • Alex M July 16, 2024

        Exactly, Bob. Education doesn’t exonerate her from possibly being a fraud.

    • Mary P July 16, 2024

      People are so easily convinced by theatrics. Her scream was just a ploy for attention.

  2. Ryan July 16, 2024

    Whether you believe her or not, you cannot deny that she captivated millions. That’s a talent in itself.

    • SkepticalSam July 16, 2024

      So what? Captivating people doesn’t mean she’s genuine. Con artists captivate people all the time.

    • Ryan July 16, 2024

      True, but the sheer number of views indicates she touched on something people are curious about, genuine or not.

  3. Ming L July 16, 2024

    I know many people in my community who believe in spiritual healing. Things like this resonate with them deeply.

  4. ScienceNerd2023 July 16, 2024

    Her mention of quantum physics is laughable. She’s using buzzwords to sound legitimate.

    • Ava July 16, 2024

      People often misuse scientific terms to give credibility to their claims. It’s sad but effective.

    • Liam July 16, 2024

      Ava’s right. Quantum physics is so complex that most people take such claims at face value.

  5. Sarah H July 16, 2024

    Nong Ying’s appearance on THAIRATH TV was shocking. That scream was something else!

    • Ghost101 July 16, 2024

      Do you think she was genuinely communicating with a Buddha or just putting on a show?

    • Sarah H July 16, 2024

      Hard to say. It felt real at the moment, but looking back, it seems like it was staged.

    • RealBelief July 16, 2024

      Why is it so hard to believe she was genuine? Not everything needs to fit into our conventional understanding.

  6. John Doe July 16, 2024

    The fact she got arrested makes me more skeptical. If she was truly special, wouldn’t she avoid such trouble?

  7. PaulaP July 16, 2024

    Ms. Ying’s claims make me question the role of media in promoting such content. Are we moving backward in our critical thinking?

  8. Zara July 16, 2024

    I believe in karma and past lives. If there’s even a small chance she can help, why not give her a try?

  9. Mike July 16, 2024

    These so-called healers prey on vulnerable people. It makes me mad that they get so much attention.

    • TruthSeeker July 16, 2024

      Yes, they exploit emotions and beliefs for fame and money. It’s despicable.

    • Zara July 16, 2024

      Not everyone is a fraud. Some genuinely believe in what they do and want to help. We shouldn’t paint everyone with the same brush.

    • Mike July 16, 2024

      You’re right, Zara. But the burden of proof is on them, and so far, I’m not convinced.

  10. Tina July 16, 2024

    I remember watching the Hon Krasae episode. It was bizarre but hard to look away.

  11. spiritual_journey July 16, 2024

    She might be a charlatan, or she might possess real abilities. Either way, her story makes us ponder deeper meanings of life.

    • RickG July 16, 2024

      Interesting perspective. Sometimes these stories do make us think outside our usual mindset.

  12. Anna B July 16, 2024

    Calling it ‘quantum physics’ adds a layer of credibility for many people. It’s clever, albeit deceitful.

  13. Mark S July 16, 2024

    I think we should be open-minded. Just because we can’t explain it doesn’t mean it’s not real.

    • Emma July 16, 2024

      True, but we should also be cautious. Blind faith can lead to being easily misled.

    • SkepticalSam July 16, 2024

      Exactly, Emma. Skepticism is healthy. It prevents us from being duped by every claim.

    • Mark S July 16, 2024

      Fair point. Maybe a balanced approach is best. Skepticism while remaining open-minded.

  14. Lily July 16, 2024

    Her arrest should raise red flags. It casts a shadow over her credibility.

    • Kayla July 16, 2024

      Yes, it’s suspicious. Makes you wonder if there’s more to her story than meets the eye.

    • Lily July 16, 2024

      Absolutely. It’s a reminder to critically evaluate who we trust.

  15. JustCurious July 16, 2024

    Why would someone with a successful business venture into questionable psychic claims?

    • Ellen July 16, 2024

      Maybe fame and influence are more enticing. Plus, there’s a lot of money in these pseudosciences.

  16. Ken P July 16, 2024

    I watched her scream clip. It felt so theatrical. If she’s genuine, why resort to such gimmicky displays?

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