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Senator Keskamol Pleansamai Under Investigation for Alleged Fake PhD Claims

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The Election Commission (EC) is set to embark on a thorough investigation into the academic credentials of Senator Keskamol Pleansamai. The scrutiny revolves around whether she indeed possesses a legitimate PhD from California University. If found to be false, the repercussions could be severe, landing her up to 10 years in prison alongside a monetary penalty of up to 200,000 baht.

Earlier this week, it emerged that the EC had formally accepted two complaints aimed at probing into Dr. Keskamol’s educational history. The crux of these investigations is to ascertain if she had falsely presented herself as a professor with a PhD from California University, allegedly to garner votes, thus possibly breaching Section 77 of the 2018 Senate election law.

The complaints, which came into play on July 1 and July 5, predated her recent declaration as a senator just last week. In a twist, an insider revealed that despite the approved complaints, the EC proceeded to affirm her senatorial post. This decision stems from an electoral law loophole that doesn’t mandate a specific minimum educational qualification for senatorial candidates.

Nevertheless, the acceptance of these complaints obligates the EC to undertake an exhaustive investigation into Dr. Keskamol’s claimed qualifications. According to Section 77 of the Senate election law, anyone caught coercing, influencing, or using deceit to sway votes faces a daunting sentence of one to 10 years in prison and a fine ranging from 20,000 to 200,000 baht. Furthermore, such individuals will see a suspension of their voting rights for two decades.

Adding fuel to the fire, the National Institute of Development Administration (Nida) disavowed any affiliation with Dr. Keskamol, clarifying that she neither graduated from Nida with a PhD nor is currently pursuing one at the institute. This came to light after she had, in a social media post, used the hashtag “#Nida” and insinuated she was involved in a doctoral dissertation presentation at the institute, misleading many to believe she was a Nida student.

Moreover, other reports falsely claimed that Dr. Keskamol had acquired a PhD in Resource Management and Development from Maejo University in Chiang Mai. Koblap Areesrisom, the head honcho of the doctoral program at Maejo University’s Faculty of Agricultural Production, confirmed that while Dr. Keskamol is indeed enrolled in the three-year program, she is currently only in her second year. He urged her to publicly acknowledge she is still in the midst of pursuing her degree.

In response to these allegations, Dr. Keskamol has since retracted the PhD designation from her social media profiles.

At 45, Dr. Keskamol was the top vote-getter in the final round of the national Senate race held on June 26. However, this scrutinizing glare into her academic background could very well cast a shadow over her recent political triumphs, bringing her into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. The unfolding drama promises to keep the public riveted as the EC delves deeper into the authenticity of her academic claims.


  1. Sarah_T July 17, 2024

    If the claims are true, it’s disgraceful! Politicians should have integrity.

    • Prof. John Doe July 17, 2024

      Everyone deserves a fair investigation. Let’s not rush to judgment.

      • Jane B July 17, 2024

        True, but the evidence is compelling so far. Sadly, deception isn’t new in politics.

      • Sarah_T July 17, 2024

        Agree. I just think our leaders should set a better example.

  2. Mike444 July 17, 2024

    Why do we even need PhDs to be senators? Isn’t life experience enough?

  3. Anna July 17, 2024

    Doesn’t surprise me. We’ve seen this before in politics. It’s always about power and fame.

    • Tom M. July 17, 2024

      Sadly, seems like integrity isn’t a requirement for public office anymore.

  4. Dr. Emily S. July 17, 2024

    As someone with a legitimate PhD, this is incredibly frustrating. It devalues our hard work.

    • ScholarBob July 17, 2024

      Couldn’t agree more. Academia should not be used as a tool for deceit.

    • Mike444 July 17, 2024

      I understand the frustration, but isn’t teaching and influencing enough?

  5. Ronnie July 17, 2024

    If proven guilty, she should face the full extent of the law. No exceptions.

    • Grow_up_kids July 17, 2024

      Exactly! But I wonder if she’ll really get 10 years. High profile people often get lighter sentences.

    • Ronnie July 17, 2024

      True, but the public outcry might lead to real consequences. We should hold her accountable.

  6. EthanEver July 17, 2024

    How did she even get this far without thorough checks? Major oversight by the EC.

    • PaulWhite July 17, 2024

      Seems like a massive loophole in the system. Needs to be fixed immediately.

    • EthanEver July 18, 2024

      Definitely. If she can slip through, who else has?

  7. Maria123 July 17, 2024

    Does anyone really believe in what politicians say anymore? It’s all lies and empty promises.

  8. Tim L. July 17, 2024

    But how trustworthy is California University? Some institutions are just diploma mills.

    • Educator_Paul July 18, 2024

      California University has a solid reputation, but that doesn’t mean people can’t forge documents.

  9. Linda K. July 18, 2024

    It’s not just about the PhD, it’s about honesty and ethics. Leaders should exemplify these values.

  10. Mark July 18, 2024

    Politicians lying? Must be a day ending in ‘Y’.

    • RealityCheck July 18, 2024

      It’s sad but true. We need to demand better representation.

  11. Nate89 July 18, 2024

    What message does this send to young people? That you can fake your way to the top?

  12. PatriciaW July 18, 2024

    Regardless of if the allegations hold true, her initial rise through the ranks shows she must have some skill.

  13. ScienceMan56 July 18, 2024

    Doctoral degrees take years of dedication. If she’s lying, it’s a massive insult to all academics.

  14. JimL July 18, 2024

    This investigation is crucial. We can’t have deceitful individuals in such powerful positions.

    • Helen G. July 18, 2024

      I agree. Our leaders should exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity.

      • JimL July 18, 2024

        Yes, and we, as voters, must hold them accountable.

    • RogueWriter July 18, 2024

      That’s true. Public figures should be scrutinized more closely.

  15. James July 18, 2024

    Isn’t it odd that no one noticed her questionable credentials until now? Weird!

    • Lisa_M July 18, 2024

      Very suspicious. Makes you wonder how many others are hiding something.

  16. SavannahP July 18, 2024

    I’m curious how this will affect her supporters. Will they still stand by her?

    • TruePatriot July 18, 2024

      Some will, but many will feel betrayed. Trust is fragile.

  17. Kayla July 18, 2024

    Just another scandal in a long list. I’m becoming numb to political dramas.

    • Hope123 July 18, 2024

      I know the feeling, but we can’t give up on holding our leaders accountable.

  18. Politico_guy July 18, 2024

    Her political career might be over if these allegations are proven. Credibility is everything.

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