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Senator Keskamol Pleansamai Refuses to Resign Amid Education Scandal Investigation

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Senator Keskamol Pleansamai

Amid the swirling controversy about her educational background, Senator Keskamol Pleansamai, who is at the center of the storm, has firmly declared her position: she will not be resigning. According to her lawyer, Decha Kittiwittayanan, the senator remains steadfast and has no plans to step down from her position.

During a recent Facebook livestream, Mr. Decha shed light on the discussions surrounding the senator and her impressive number of votes in the final round of the Senate poll. “I asked her, and she told me some people suggested that she resign. She said she won’t, and getting the most votes was no fluke,” shared Mr. Decha, in a candid address to the public.

The issues looming over Senator Keskamol involve two complaints currently under consideration by the Election Commission (EC). These complaints challenge her claim of being a PhD graduate and a professor from California University, hinting at potential deception aimed at swaying votes.

The EC’s evaluation will hinge on whether her assertions violated Section 77 of the 2018 Senate election law, which aims to ensure the integrity of the electoral process. This section stipulates that anyone found to be coercing, influencing, or misleading others in their vote can face severe repercussions, including a jail term ranging from one to ten years, fines between 20,000 to 200,000 baht, and suspension of voting rights for 20 years.

While the law itself does not specifically mandate a minimum educational qualification, the key issue is the alleged deception involved in presenting her credentials. Any deceit used to garner votes, if proven true, can have significant legal consequences.

Reflecting on his involvement, Mr. Decha revealed that he had attempted to distance himself from the case several times but remains on board as she has yet to secure a new legal adviser. “I tried to remove myself from the senator’s case several times but am still involved because she has yet to find a new legal adviser,” he explained with a hint of resignation.

Furthermore, Mr. Decha noted that he has never represented a client with as many university affiliations as Senator Keskamol, adding an additional layer of complexity to the proceedings. In a separate livestream, Mr. Decha announced that Dr. Keskamol has decided to cease all media interviews for the time being. Both the senator and her lawyer are choosing to keep a low profile amidst the controversy.

Adding fuel to the fire, Dr. Keskamol was recently seen in parliament declining to address any questions, including those regarding a report about the Medical Council of Thailand’s (MCT) plans to take legal action against her. The MCT claims that she has falsely represented herself as a skin and beauty specialist without the necessary certification, further marring her reputation.

The unfolding drama has certainly captivated the public’s attention, with many eagerly awaiting the outcome of the Election Commission’s investigation and the potential ramifications on her political career. For now, Senator Keskamol remains undeterred, standing her ground amidst the tempest of allegations and legal scrutiny.

In the ever-moving chess game of politics, only time will tell if her firm stance will pay off or if further revelations will force a change in strategy. One thing remains clear: this is a political saga that promises not to fade quietly into the night but to keep the nation on the edge of its seat.


  1. John Smith July 19, 2024

    I think it’s outrageous that Senator Keskamol refuses to resign. If she’s lying about her credentials, she needs to step down immediately!

    • Samantha July 19, 2024

      It’s innocent until proven guilty, John. Let’s wait for the EC investigation results before we jump to conclusions.

      • john_smith July 19, 2024

        Samantha, in politics perception is everything. The longer she stays, the more it damages public trust.

    • Educator1 July 19, 2024

      John, lying about educational credentials is a serious offense. If proven true, it would be a clear violation of public trust.

    • Skeptic123 July 19, 2024

      But what if this is all a political smear campaign? People do all sorts of things to discredit their rivals.

  2. Rachel D July 19, 2024

    It’s hard to believe someone could fabricate their entire academic background and still get this far in their career.

    • Politico87 July 19, 2024

      Rachel, you’d be surprised at how often this happens. The system has loopholes.

    • Chuckles July 19, 2024

      Just shows you how thorough our vetting process is— or isn’t!

    • Rachel D July 19, 2024

      Absolutely, Chuckles. This needs to bring about some serious changes in how candidates are checked.

  3. Cleverman July 19, 2024

    Why is everyone so focused on this when there are bigger issues at hand like the economy and healthcare?

    • SeriousSally July 19, 2024

      Cleverman, integrity in leadership is a huge issue. If we can’t trust our leaders, how can we trust them to fix bigger problems?

  4. Dave T July 19, 2024

    Isn’t it strange that her lawyer tried to leave her case multiple times? Seems like even he doesn’t believe her.

    • LegalEagle July 19, 2024

      Dave T, lawyers stick with their clients through some pretty rough stuff. This does seem odd and suspicious.

    • SenFan July 19, 2024

      Lawyers might leave for many reasons, maybe he’s overworked or doesn’t agree with her strategy. Who knows?

    • Dave T July 20, 2024

      Good point, SenFan. But it does raise eyebrows, especially with other allegations stacking up.

  5. Grace July 19, 2024

    She should be given a chance to defend herself. The media frenzy isn’t helping anyone.

  6. ConcernedVoter July 19, 2024

    This scandal just adds fuel to the fire of distrust in our political system.

  7. EduExpert July 20, 2024

    If she did misrepresent her qualifications, it’s disappointing but also a wake-up call for better verification processes.

  8. Watcher99 July 20, 2024

    This is another distraction tactic. The real issue doesn’t get addressed while we discuss her credentials.

  9. TechGuy July 20, 2024

    Can someone explain what the actual qualifications required for a senator are? Does she really need a PhD?

    • Politico87 July 20, 2024

      TechGuy, no specific educational requirement, but honesty about one’s background is crucial.

    • Student23 July 20, 2024

      So it’s not about the degree, it’s about misleading the voters. Got it.

  10. WonderingSoul July 20, 2024

    Doesn’t the EC have more pressing matters than chasing after every claim like this?

  11. Mark L July 20, 2024

    If she misrepresented herself, then the punishment fits the crime. Integrity is everything.

  12. Naysayer July 20, 2024

    Politicians lie all the time. What’s the big deal? She’s just part of the system.

  13. Tina July 20, 2024

    It’s sad that we’re so used to politicians being dishonest that we’re not even shocked anymore.

  14. Greg P July 20, 2024

    Until the EC finishes their investigation, all of this is just speculation and noise.

    • Civics101 July 20, 2024

      Greg P, sometimes noise brings attention to necessary issues. We can’t ignore these allegations.

    • Greg P July 20, 2024

      True, Civics101. But let’s ensure the noise doesn’t become a distraction from facts.

  15. BestLife July 20, 2024

    Everyone loves a scandal, but this needs to end with clear facts and justice.

  16. i_atheist July 20, 2024

    This is all a result of a corrupt system. It’s not just Keskamol, it’s the whole structure.

  17. RealPolitik July 20, 2024

    Interesting how accusations always seem to come out right before significant events. Is this political sabotage?

    • RealPolitik July 20, 2024

      Either way, it’s a win for her opponents if she’s discredited.

  18. EconomistJohn July 20, 2024

    We should be more concerned about her policies and less about academic qualifications.

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