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Chaiwat Kovavisarach Leads Bangchak Group’s Tribute to King Maha Vajiralongkorn’s 72nd Birthday

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The Bangchak Group recently orchestrated a grand event titled “Fulfilling Societal Happiness” in honor of His Majesty the King’s 6th Cycle, marking his 72nd Birthday Anniversary on July 28, 2024. At the helm was Chaiwat Kovavisarach, the Group Chief Executive Officer and President of Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, who presided over the ceremony with a sense of deep reverence for His Majesty the King. The event witnessed the convergence of Bangchak executives and employees, partner executives, social and local organizations, neighboring communities, and the general public, all gathered at the Bangchak Head Office at M Tower.

In his address, Chaiwat Kovavisarach emphasized, “The year 2024 is not only significant as it celebrates His Majesty’s 72nd birthday anniversary but also marks a milestone of 40 years of Bangchak’s business operations as we step into our fifth decade. Our commitment extends to nurturing sustainable business innovations that harmonize with the environment and society, fostered by a culture within our organization that values virtue, knowledge, and a spirit of giving.” He further shared, “We initiated the ‘Fulfilling Societal Happiness’ project to demonstrate our loyalty to His Majesty and have collaborated with partner organizations to spearhead various public welfare endeavors. It brings me immense joy to observe the collective cooperation across different sectors today, which is a piece of the larger puzzle aimed at creating an ecosystem that cares for society and the environment, thereby fostering sustainability for Thailand.”

The “Fulfilling Societal Happiness” project is brimming with activities designed to inspire a culture of sharing, promote green spaces and innovation, and enhance biodiversity through multiple praiseworthy missions:

Fostering a Sharing Society

  • Enhancing Blood Donation Initiatives: To bolster the Thai Red Cross Society’s efforts, Bangchak supported a new mobile blood donation bus and restored a previously donated one, commemorating their 30th anniversary. This helps increase the capacity for blood donations at the National Blood Centre.
  • SEC Blood Drive Participation: In honor of His Majesty the King’s 6th Cycle, Bangchak partook in a blood drive organized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in collaboration with the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organisations (FETCO).
  • Fuel Cash Card Issuance: Distributed fuel cash cards worth THB 30,000 each to 72 social organizations, nominated by Bangchak Group employees, lending aid to their operations.
  • Pedestrian Traffic Signal Sponsorship: Sponsored the installation of pedestrian traffic signals at the Sukhumvit 62 intersection to mitigate accident risks and enhance road safety.

Promoting Green Spaces, Innovation, and Biodiversity

  • Solar Power System Installations: Installed solar power systems and enhanced several areas and landscapes of the Chang Hua Man Royal Project in Phetchaburi province.
  • Developing Pocket Parks: Established 15-minute Pocket Parks and improved green spaces around Phra Khanong, Khlong Toei, Bang Na districts, and Bang Kachao. Efforts also included conserving the flora and fauna in Bang Nam Phueng, Phra Pradaeng district, and planting trees along the fences of Phra Khanong Refinery.

The event was more than just a ceremonial gathering; it featured a blood donation drive, campaigns for organ and eye donations to the Organ Donation Centre and the Thai Red Cross Eye Bank. As a token of appreciation, participants received saplings and organic seeds from the Punsook Urban Greenery initiative.

The event was illuminated by special guests Khemanit Jamikorn and Sanpetch Kunakorn, who passionately discussed the project and urged the public to get involved in “Fulfilling Societal Happiness.” Enchanting live performances included renditions of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great’s royal compositions by Vie Trio and Tanis Sriglindee, National Artist of Performing Arts in Thai Contemporary Music (2016), with the event being masterfully hosted by Sanya Kunakorn.


  1. Mike R. July 19, 2024

    This is nothing more than a PR stunt by Bangchak. They are just trying to gain some goodwill without making real changes.

    • Jane D. July 19, 2024

      I disagree. Their initiatives, like supporting blood donations and enhancing green spaces, are highly commendable.

      • Grower134 July 19, 2024

        It’s easy to be cynical. At least they’re trying to do something good for society.

      • Mike R. July 19, 2024

        Actions speak louder than words. I’ll believe it when I see consistent efforts, not just grand events.

  2. Sophie T. July 19, 2024

    This seems like a fantastic initiative. Kudos to Bangchak for giving back to the community!

    • John L. July 19, 2024

      Indeed, even if there’s some PR involved, the community still benefits from these actions.

    • EcoWarrior July 19, 2024

      Bangchak should focus more on renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions. Their green initiatives are barely scratching the surface.

    • Sophie T. July 19, 2024

      Reducing carbon emissions is important, but these small steps like green spaces and solar power also make a difference.

  3. Nina July 19, 2024

    Are we really going to celebrate a company for doing the bare minimum? It’s 2024, more drastic measures are necessary!

    • Jared P. July 19, 2024

      True, but positive steps are still steps in the right direction. Criticism without action achieves nothing.

    • Tom H. July 19, 2024

      Agreed. We need more than ‘greenwashing’ to address our environmental crises.

  4. Tommy July 19, 2024

    I’m glad to see local companies taking initiatives seriously instead of waiting for government intervention.

    • EcoSkeptic1982 July 19, 2024

      But are they really serious, or just looking for a pat on the back?

  5. Alexandra M. July 19, 2024

    I’m impressed by the range of activities, from blood donations to solar power installations.

  6. ChaiwatFan July 19, 2024

    Chaiwat Kovavisarach is a visionary leader! His initiatives should be a model for other CEOs.

  7. BusinessSavvy July 19, 2024

    Bangchak is smart. This is not just charity, it’s a strategic investment in their public image.

  8. Eva July 19, 2024

    How about fixing traffic problems permanently? Sponsoring signals at one intersection is a Band-Aid solution.

  9. Ponderer July 19, 2024

    By collaborating with partner organizations, Bangchak is fostering a culture of collective responsibility.

  10. Skeptic2023 July 19, 2024

    Great fanfare, but will they follow through in the long term?

    • Lily V. July 19, 2024

      Follow-up is crucial. Companies need to commit to sustained efforts and greater transparency.

  11. Chris P. July 19, 2024

    It’s heartening to see companies use their power for good, even if it’s partly for image.

  12. Pat C. July 19, 2024

    Just another corporate event to rub elbows with the elite and say they did something meaningful.

  13. Harper W. July 19, 2024

    emphasizing biodiversity and green spaces is the kind of initiative we need to see more of globally.

  14. Olivia July 19, 2024

    The best part is the collaboration between Bangchak and other social organizations to achieve these goals.

    • Will B. July 19, 2024

      Yeah, collaboration is important, but they also need to measure and share their impact transparently.

  15. Jordan M. July 19, 2024

    Reverence for the King aside, we need to judge these actions on their merit and long-term impact.

  16. Alice F. July 19, 2024

    Mixed feelings here – good to see positive steps, but always wary of the corporate motivation behind them.

  17. Danny July 19, 2024

    So they donated some old buses? How about investing in more sustainable transport solutions?

    • Ray K. July 19, 2024

      Donating the buses is still helpful for the immediate need of the Thai Red Cross Society.

  18. Kailey S. July 19, 2024

    It’s great that Bangchak is being proactive, but larger systemic issues still need attention.

  19. Michael Green July 19, 2024

    Solving societal issues is not a one-time event – continuous effort is needed.

  20. Lila P. July 19, 2024

    Agreed, sustainability requires an ongoing commitment and adjustments over time.

  21. Connie W. July 19, 2024

    I hope this event encourages other Thai companies to follow suit and promote community welfare.

  22. Paul X. July 19, 2024

    Interesting, but why isn’t Bangchak investing more in renewable energy technology?

  23. Natasha July 19, 2024

    Sure, it’s a step in the right direction, but companies should integrate sustainability into their core business.

  24. HarvardGrad July 19, 2024

    Fostering societal happiness through corporate benevolence can be genuinely effective if pursued sincerely.

  25. Teddy July 19, 2024

    The pedestrian traffic signal sponsorship is a great initiative, more companies should do this.

  26. Liam July 19, 2024

    Real change will only come when there is accountability beyond these ceremonial gestures.

    • Rose July 19, 2024

      Exactly, consistent and transparent efforts are what we need to truly drive change.

  27. Alexis July 19, 2024

    How can we be sure these initiatives will continue beyond the ceremonial spotlight?

  28. Felix July 19, 2024

    It’s good to see tangible support for green spaces; Bangchak’s efforts could inspire others.

    • Nina July 19, 2024

      But tangible doesn’t always mean impactful. We need to see robust outcomes.

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