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Richard Kua Highlights LGBTQ+ Inclusivity at Kiehl’s Thailand: Aiming for Equality and Empowerment

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Amplifying the voice of LGBTQ+ individuals not only fosters a delightful working ambiance but also substantially benefits employees both financially and in terms of life quality, according to Richard Kua, Brand General Manager at Kiehl’s Thailand. Speaking on the panel titled “What do allies think?”, Mr. Kua highlighted that the company operates in numerous countries where same-sex marriage is legal, making inclusivity a cornerstone of its corporate philosophy.

Emphasizing their comprehensive benefits package, Mr. Kua noted that the company extends support to all employees, irrespective of sexual orientation. These benefits cover partners, children or adopted children, and even include insurance provisions. “We’re very open about this because we spend eight to ten hours of our daily lives at work. You shouldn’t suffer in silence. Allowing everyone to express themselves openly is crucial. We strive for an environment where everyone can freely express their sexual orientation,” he explained, adding that such a culture encourages employees to amplify their beliefs and voices.

Highlighting social progress, he pointed to the increasing acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community, which is recognized for its professional talents. This societal acknowledgment not only propels their career advancement but also ensures their fundamental rights are legally protected. Mr. Kua proudly introduced the “Kiehl’s Open Door” initiative in response to the recent legalisation of same-sex marriage in the country. This project aims to aid underprivileged LGBTQ+ youth by recruiting 40 to 60 individuals seeking their first job. The program rotates them through various departments, from skincare to make-up, equipping them with diverse skill sets to thrive in society without facing discrimination. “Beauty doesn’t discriminate,” he declared.

Boasting a legacy of over 115 years, Kiehl’s has emerged as a leading beauty brand with a global impact. The company maintains stringent requirements for its suppliers, ensuring they align with its philosophy that beauty transcends differences and upholds inclusivity.

On the healthcare front, Dr. Norathep Sriprasit of Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital, shared insights on treating LGBTQ+ patients. He explained that many LGBTQ+ individuals require discreet and private consultations. The hospital’s medical staff is trained to conduct these consultations with utmost discretion. Dr. Norathep welcomed the legalisation of same-sex marriage, recognizing its positive impact on providing LGBTQ+ couples the legal authority to make decisions on their partner’s behalf during medical emergencies. “Previously, couples couldn’t legally make such decisions. But now, with the law in place, these decisions are legally binding, enhancing health security,” he said. He also expressed hope for future legislation that would allow surrogacy, enabling LGBTQ+ couples to have and raise their own children.

The event, “Bangkok Post PRIDE Every Day: Thailand as LGBTQ+ Paradise – What After #LoveWins?”, hosted by The Bangkok Post on Wednesday, brought together LGBTQ+ speakers who celebrated the country’s progress in legalizing same-sex marriage. The consensus among the panelists was that this milestone marks a significant step towards equality and rights. However, they acknowledged that more efforts are needed, particularly in public education and awareness on human rights, as Thailand aspires to become a paradise for the LGBTQ+ community.


  1. SammyRight July 24, 2024

    It’s great to see companies like Kiehl’s taking a stand for LGBTQ+ inclusivity. It sets a precedent for others to follow.

    • Jenna Brown July 24, 2024

      Absolutely! More companies need to step up and create such supportive environments.

      • Grower2020 July 24, 2024

        But isn’t it just good PR? I mean, how many of these companies actually care beyond the headlines?

      • SammyRight July 24, 2024

        Even if it is good PR, the results still benefit the LGBTQ+ community. The ends justify the means, right?

  2. Ashley M. July 24, 2024

    Why are we still debating this? Love is love and these initiatives should be a norm, not a novel idea.

    • Bob K. July 24, 2024

      It’s not that simple. Some cultures and religions have strong beliefs against this. Change takes time.

  3. Tommy July 24, 2024

    These benefits packages are fantastic. Everyone should be recognized and supported at work.

  4. Linda R. July 24, 2024

    This is why I love Kiehl’s! They are inclusive and respect everyone. Other companies need to take notes.

    • CivicDebater July 24, 2024

      Exactly, and it’s not just about the cosmetics industry. This should extend to all sectors.

    • TommyT July 24, 2024

      I’m skeptical. Some companies claim to be inclusive but their day-to-day practices tell a different story.

    • Linda R. July 24, 2024

      True, and continuous advocacy is key. We should hold them accountable.

  5. JimmyQ July 24, 2024

    I’m glad to see LGBTQ+ youth getting opportunities at Kiehl’s. Hopefully, other brands will follow suit.

  6. Patricia G. July 24, 2024

    Same-sex marriage legalization is a huge step forward. However, the struggle isn’t over and we need to keep pushing for more rights.

    • BigAl July 24, 2024

      Yes, and while we’re at it, we need better education on LGBTQ+ issues in schools.

    • Patricia G. July 24, 2024

      Education is crucial! It will help normalize inclusivity from a young age.

  7. VinnyD July 24, 2024

    I worry that some people might take advantage of these policies. How can companies ensure they’re benefiting the right people?

    • Trish123 July 24, 2024

      It’s a valid concern, but the benefits outweigh the risks. A robust vetting process should minimize exploitation.

  8. Emily W. July 24, 2024

    Dr. Norathep’s comments on healthcare are spot on. Legal recognition is critical for making medical decisions.

    • JR2000 July 24, 2024

      Medical decisions should always be in the hands of loved ones. Legal barriers have been cruel for too long.

    • Emily W. July 24, 2024

      Yes, and with these changes, there is hope for even more advancements in LGBTQ+ rights.

  9. Oscar L. July 24, 2024

    As much as I appreciate these efforts, it often feels performative. Are there any statistics showing real change?

    • DataDiva July 24, 2024

      There are studies indicating better mental health and job satisfaction among LGBTQ+ employees in inclusive environments.

    • Oscar L. July 24, 2024

      Good to know. We need more transparency and accountability to ensure long-term progress.

  10. AngieM July 24, 2024

    I’m thankful for these initiatives because they give LGBTQ+ people, like myself, more opportunities to thrive.

  11. Jon Snow July 24, 2024

    Let’s not forget the practical side of it. Inclusivity boosts productivity and company morale too.

    • Sarah Lee July 24, 2024

      Exactly! When employees are happy and accepted, they are more productive.

  12. Danny July 24, 2024

    I’m all for LGBTQ+ rights, but I’m worried about reverse discrimination. Thoughts?

    • Rachel July 24, 2024

      Reverse discrimination is more of a myth than reality. These policies are about creating balance, not favoritism.

    • Danny July 24, 2024

      Fair point, but we should always strive for equality for all, right?

  13. Henrique B. July 24, 2024

    Kiehl’s open door initiative is truly commendable. I hope it continues and expands.

    • Fashionista123 July 24, 2024

      It’s one of the most tangible ways to support LGBTQ+ youth. They need these opportunities.

  14. QuickWit July 24, 2024

    Let’s just hope this isn’t a temporary trend and that companies really commit to lasting change.

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