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### Siapo Po-arnon: Investigation Demanded After Assassination Attempt in Bang Kwang Prison

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Siapo Po-arnon is escorted by armed police after being arrested at his house in Bangkok in February 2021. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)

A high-profile incident has erupted as a lawyer advocates for an investigation into what is being labeled an “assassination attempt” against the notorious celebrity gambler Siapo Po-arnon, previously known by the name Apirak Chat-anont, who is currently incarcerated in the notorious Bang Kwang Prison.

Back in 2022, the Criminal Court slapped Siapo — a famed internet personality with connections to a House panel advising on gambling — with a staggering 54-year prison sentence for deceiving people into gambling online. In a twist of fate, this sentence was later reduced to a 20-year term, the maximum permissible under the Criminal Code. Not out of the legal woods yet, Siapo was additionally hit with a 13-year sentence by the Thon Buri Criminal Court in 2023 for an attempted murder that took place in a Thai massage parlour located in the Phasi Charoen area.

Detained in a specially controlled zone within Bang Kwang Prison, Siapo’s story took another dark turn. According to his lawyer, Witoon Keng-ngarn, he has become the target of life-threatening attacks. These threats have left his family on edge, fearing the most dreadful outcome.

Witoon’s appeal to the Ministry of Justice emphasizes the fundamental right of inmates to safety and security. He argues that if protecting Siapo within his current facility proves impossible, transferring him to another location could be the only viable safeguard.

The lawyer suggests that the drummed-up attempts on Siapo’s life might have been maneuvered by an influential figure. One harrowing incident reported was in February when Siapo narrowly survived an attack from behind by an assailant armed with scissors. The attack failed to hit its intended mark, but the fact that the scissors were obtained from a secured equipment room raises alarming concerns about prison security.

Further complicating the matter, the assailant was originally housed in a different section of the prison. Reports indicate that this individual has since been prosecuted and transferred out of Bang Kwang Prison. The claimed motive behind the attack? A twisted desire to gain notoriety within the prison walls by targeting the celebrity inmate.

Somboon Muangklam, an adviser to the justice minister, weighed in, pointing out the limitations posed by chronic prison overcrowding. He suggested that inmates awaiting trial should ideally be separated from those already convicted, but acknowledged the space constraints make such measures difficult.

Ultimately, any decisions regarding Siapo’s potential transfer lies in the hands of the director-general of the Department of Corrections. Bang Kwang Central Prison’s head, Yutthana Nakreungsri, maintained that the prison enforces stringent measures to monitor all convicted inmates. An inspection conducted last week reportedly revealed no dangerous items, save for some extra clothing, further muddying the situation of how such dangerous items could be accessed.

The story of Siapo Po-arnon continues to unfold with layers of intrigue, danger, and the chilling realization of what a life behind bars can entail, even for the most recognizable of faces.


  1. Dan L July 31, 2024

    It’s absolutely shameful that Siapo is still able to manipulate people even from within the prison walls. They should keep stricter control over him and his associates!

    • Anna Smith July 31, 2024

      I agree! If he’s still finding ways to be dangerous, the authorities are clearly not doing their job properly.

      • Marcus44 July 31, 2024

        But is it really his fault? Sometimes the system itself creates these problems by not having proper regulations.

    • John88 July 31, 2024

      System or no system, criminals like Siapo should be completely isolated! No compassion for his kind!

      • Dan L July 31, 2024

        Exactly, John! Isolation is key to ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

      • Jenny Lou July 31, 2024

        Complete isolation? That’s inhumane. Every person, no matter their crime, has the right to safety and security.

  2. Carly S July 31, 2024

    I think we’re missing a bigger picture here. An attempt on his life inside a high-security prison suggests corruption and lack of control. That’s the real worrying part.

    • Joe Lawson July 31, 2024

      Exactly! Who controls the guards if inmates can get such dangerous items? There must be more behind this.

    • Dan L July 31, 2024

      Good point. Corruption might be more dangerous than Siapo himself.

    • Clara99 July 31, 2024

      If authorities can’t secure a high-profile inmate, do you think they care about regular prisoners?

  3. Mike T July 31, 2024

    Why should we waste resources protecting him? He’s done enough damage, let him fend for himself!

    • Emily Brown July 31, 2024

      That’s a terrible thing to say, Mike. Everyone deserves protection, regardless of their past actions.

      • Nate H July 31, 2024

        Agreed. Basic human rights shouldn’t be compromised. Otherwise, our society isn’t just.

    • Chris P July 31, 2024

      Emily, while I understand your perspective, Mike isn’t entirely off. Resources are finite and should be used wisely.

  4. Sophia M July 31, 2024

    The fact that an influential figure might be behind these attempts is downright terrifying. This is what happens when you mix power with corruption.

    • Sam28 July 31, 2024

      True, Sophia. Corruption in prisons is a massive issue. It not only jeopardizes lives but also undermines the justice system.

    • Antonius July 31, 2024

      Power and corruption go hand in hand. We need to address the root cause.

  5. Ezra July 31, 2024

    This could be a setup to get Siapo transferred to a less secure facility where he could easily escape. Just saying.

    • Laura N July 31, 2024

      That’s an interesting perspective, Ezra. A transfer could indeed backfire if not properly managed.

    • Mike T July 31, 2024

      If it’s a setup, then he’s playing the system again. Incredible how far some people will go.

      • Ezra July 31, 2024

        Exactly, Mike. We need to be cautious and not just take everything at face value.

  6. Julia R July 31, 2024

    Bang Kwang Prison’s reputation itself is questionable. Inmates under their care have faced numerous issues over the years.

  7. Xander19 July 31, 2024

    Why does it feel like there’s always more to these stories than what we know? Something doesn’t add up.

    • Carly S July 31, 2024

      That’s always the case with such high-profile cases. There are layers of truth that are often hidden.

    • Zoe Bennett July 31, 2024

      Agree, Xander! Transparency is sorely needed.

  8. Xena P July 31, 2024

    If overcrowded prisons are the problem, why aren’t there better measures in place to prevent violence among inmates?

  9. Robert Taylor July 31, 2024

    Separating inmates awaiting trial from convicted ones seems like a simple solution. Why isn’t it being enforced?

    • Marcus44 July 31, 2024

      Space constraints, Robert. They can’t separate them because of the overcrowding.

  10. Trevor July 31, 2024

    An additional 13-year sentence for attempted murder in a massage parlour? What a bizarre twist. He seems to be attracting trouble everywhere he goes.

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