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Tragic Hiking Accident: Dutch Teen Tim Bakker Found Dead on Khao Ngon Nak Trail in Krabi

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The mesmerizing peak of Khao Ngon Nak, nestled in the enchanting landscape of Krabi, is accessible via a moderately challenging hike along a 3.7km trail. This journey usually takes about two hours and rewards adventurers with breathtaking views. However, the idyllic scenery was marred by tragedy recently.

Rescue workers discovered the lifeless body of 18-year-old Tim Bakker from the Netherlands atop Khao Ngon Nak (Dragon Crest Mountain), a renowned viewpoint within Hat Noppharat Thara-Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park, around 2 PM on Thursday.

The young explorer had embarked on a trek to the mountain’s summit on Wednesday, accompanied by his parents. After reaching the top, his parents decided to descend in the afternoon to gather food, planning to reunite with their son later. However, upon their return, they found the agreed meeting point eerily empty.

As anxiety set in, Tim’s parents frantically attempted to contact him via phone, but their calls went unanswered. In a desperate bid to locate him, they sought assistance from rescue teams, which initiated a search operation.

The serene beauty of Khao Ngon Nak often entices hikers with its panoramic vistas of undulating hills carpeted in lush greenery and the shimmering expanse of the Andaman Sea. The hike, though relatively straightforward, demands a good level of fitness and caution, making the unfortunate incident a stark reminder of nature’s unpredictability.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber glow over the majestic terrain, Tim Bakker’s story added a somber shade to an otherwise picturesque canvas. The peaceful trails of Khao Ngon Nak will forever echo the memory of a young man whose adventurous spirit was met with an untimely end.


  1. Olivia Johnson August 1, 2024

    Such a terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to his family. I can’t imagine the pain they must be going through.

    • Jake Thomas August 1, 2024

      Absolutely, Olivia. It’s always devastating to lose someone so young, especially in such a way. But this should also be a reminder about the importance of sticking together during hikes.

      • HikerBob August 1, 2024

        Yeah, but accidents happen. You can’t always predict these things. Sometimes it’s just bad luck.

      • Olivia Johnson August 1, 2024

        True, Bob. But maybe more safety measures and better guidelines could help prevent such incidents.

    • F. H August 2, 2024

      I knew the boy, he had just graduated together with my brother this year.

  2. Anna M August 1, 2024

    Why did his parents leave him alone? It’s common sense to stick together when hiking.

    • TrekkingTom August 1, 2024

      Anna, sometimes people think they’re in a safe enough spot. The trail is known to be relatively moderate, so they probably didn’t anticipate any danger.

      • Samantha R August 1, 2024

        Still, a bit of caution never hurts. Especially in unfamiliar terrain.

      • Anna M August 1, 2024

        Exactly, Samantha. Better safe than sorry.

    • Winny King August 1, 2024

      It said in an other article that he complained of being very tired and hungry so his parents said we will her you some food and drink, you stay here and we will be back. When they came back he was not there

  3. JohnDoe87 August 1, 2024

    This is why I never go hiking. Nature is unpredictable and can be deadly.

    • NatureLover August 1, 2024

      JohnDoe87, that’s a bit extreme. Hiking is generally safe if you follow basic guidelines and take precautions.

      • Emily Fields August 1, 2024

        I agree, NatureLover. It’s about being prepared and cautious. Tragic incidents like this are rare but can happen in any outdoor activity.

  4. Mike L August 1, 2024

    This is very sad. But why was there no phone signal in such a touristy spot?

    • WirelessWarrior August 1, 2024

      Mike, many hiking trails, even popular ones, can have spotty or no cell service. It’s part of the risk of being in nature.

      • George P August 1, 2024

        That’s why it’s essential to have offline maps or a GPS device. Relying solely on cell phones is a bad idea.

      • Mike L August 1, 2024

        Good point, George. Given how much we depend on tech, we often forget it has limitations.

      • HikerDan August 1, 2024

        That’s why I always carry a satellite phone or a personal locator beacon. Better safe than sorry.

        • Jane Doe August 2, 2024

          What a shit fucking AI generated story

  5. Sandra W August 1, 2024

    I’ve hiked that trail before, it’s beautiful but can be treacherous. Always hike with a buddy and make sure someone knows your plans.

  6. Roberto August 1, 2024

    I knew Tim, we went to school together. He was always an adventurous spirit. This is heartbreaking.

    • Jules August 1, 2024

      So sorry, Roberto. Losing a friend is never easy. Tim’s spirit will live on in your memories.

  7. Kayla S August 1, 2024

    Heartbreaking story. It’s a stark reminder of the unpredictability of nature and the importance of caution even during leisure activities.

  8. TrackerJack August 1, 2024

    The authorities should really consider adding more safety measures on popular trails like this one.

    • SafetySam August 1, 2024

      Absolutely, Jack. Things like emergency call boxes, better markings, and regular patrols could help prevent such tragedies.

    • OutdoorGal August 1, 2024

      While I agree, part of hiking’s appeal is its raw nature. Over-regulating might take away from the experience.

    • TrackerJack August 1, 2024

      True, OutdoorGal, but safety should always be a priority.

  9. Andy August 1, 2024

    I think the parents should have been better prepared. Leaving an 18-year-old alone in such a location is quite irresponsible.

    • ConcernedMom August 1, 2024

      Andy, it’s easy to point fingers after the fact. It’s a tragedy, and I’m sure the parents are going through enough without judgment.

    • Mary Jane August 1, 2024

      Agreed, Mom. Sometimes we make decisions in the moment that seem right, only to regret them later.

  10. Lucas August 1, 2024

    Such a sad story. I hope this leads to better awareness about the potential dangers of even well-known trails.

    • Timothy R August 1, 2024

      Lucas, awareness is key. Education on safety practices can save lives.

    • ExplorerEve August 1, 2024

      Timothy and Lucas, I think mandatory safety briefings should be required before any hiking permits are issued.

  11. Elena August 1, 2024

    This is such a grave reminder of how precious and fragile life is. My thoughts are with Tim’s family.

    • YogiBear August 1, 2024

      Yes, it makes you appreciate every moment. Hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight.

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