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Upcoming SIAL Shenzhen 2024 and SIAL Paris: A Golden Opportunity for Thai Food Entrepreneurs

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Following the roaring success of SIAL Shanghai from May 28-30, 2014, which magnetically drew in over 5,000 exhibitors from 75 countries and 175,739 visitors from 110 countries, the Comexposium Group—a veritable titan in the global event organization scene, orchestrating over 170 B2C and B2B events across 11 sectors—is setting the stage for two spellbinding food and beverage exhibitions for Thai entrepreneurs. Buckle up because these exhibitions aren’t just any run-of-the-mill events; they’re your ticket to the heart of the food and beverage universe!

First up, we’ve got SIAL Shenzhen, the gateway to the burgeoning food and beverage market in Southern China. The Chinese government has grand plans to pivot Shenzhen into a hubbub of international food industry investments, an epicenter dubbed the “International Food Valley.” This event, scheduled from September 2-4, 2024, promises a whirlwind of high-stakes business matchmaking and spectacular returns on investment. The venue? The cosmically vast Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center.

Last year’s SIAL Shenzhen was a knock-your-socks-off affair with over 1,200 exhibitors from 33 countries and a throng of 52,792 visitors. This year, prepare for an even bigger spectacle with over 1,500 exhibitors from 40+ countries sprawling over a 60,000 square meter exhibition haven. Think of it as a gourmet Disneyland.

The exhibition is peppered with three tantalizing product villages—Chinese food and beverages, international food and beverages, and international meat. Plus, 24 zones spotlighting everything under the sun: beverages, wine and spirits, ready-to-eat food, dairy products, fresh and dried fruits, seafood, frozen food, confectionery, organic foods, meat, food production technology, health food, and even baby food. This is the culinary kaleidoscope you’ve been waiting for!

But wait, there’s more! SIAL Shenzhen 2024 has special zones bursting with excitement like the SIAL Innovation booth showcasing cutting-edge food products, the SIAL Chic & Tea Contest hunting down the best tea brewers in China, the SIAL CUP Barista Challenge offering jaw-dropping coffee brewing demos, and the SIAL Snacking Awards flaunting top-tier snack innovations. For a ticket to this epicurean extravaganza, visit: website. Register here for free event tickets: registration link. For more info, contact Promosalons Thailand/FTCC at Tel: 02 650 9613 ext. 140 or Email: [email protected].

Zhou Mingwu, the Deputy Director of the Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, couldn’t sound prouder: “The inaugural SIAL Shenzhen 2023 set an exemplary model of our ambition to transform Shenzhen into a leading MICE (Meeting Incentive Convention Exhibition) city. We focus on precise business matchmaking, ensuring sky-high returns on your investments.”

SIAL Shenzhen 2024 has three ambitious goals: uncovering innovative products and services from the region aligned with RCEP and initiatives like the Belt and Road; forging steadfast business partnerships with local food manufacturers in Southern China, including heavyweights like Hong Kong, Macau, and Guangzhou; and collaborating with e-commerce giants like Alibaba, TikTok, and Plus, the event offers an unceasing online marketplace and integrated matchmaking solutions, so the networking never stops!

Backtracking to Europe, another must-attend spectacle is SIAL Paris, the crème de la crème of global food innovation exhibitions, celebrating its momentous 60th anniversary from October 19-23, 2024, at Parc des Expositions, Paris Nord Villepinte. Expect over 7,500 exhibitors from 130+ countries and a whopping 75% international visitors—a veritable melting pot of innovation, thought leadership, and decision-making.

Under the theme ‘Own the Change,’ SIAL Paris aims to embolden industry wizards to embrace change and tackle global food challenges. This movement is championed by exhibitors’ CSR projects and jaw-dropping initiatives like SIAL Insights, analyzing food industry trends biennially; SIAL Innovation, offering a glimpse into future developments; and SIAL Start-Up, doubling the presence of new ventures in 2024.

Countries from every corner of the globe will showcase their culinary wizardry—France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, China, Belgium, Brazil, India—you name it! African nations too, like Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, and newcomers Uganda, Libya, and Iraq, will enrich the event’s cultural diversity in Hall 5a. It’s a smorgasbord of over 400,000 products and a spectacle with 7,500 exhibitors from 130+ countries.

Thai entrepreneurs itching to join the global fun at SIAL Paris can dive into more details at: website. Register for event tickets (fees apply) here: registration link. For more info, contact Promosalons Thailand/FTCC at Tel: 02 650 9613 ext. 140 or Email: [email protected].


  1. Anna P. August 14, 2024

    These food expos sound incredible! It’s great to see Thai food entrepreneurs getting such amazing opportunities.

    • TheGourmetGuy August 14, 2024

      Totally agree! But isn’t it kind of risky to rely on these big events? What if they don’t get the ROI they’re expecting?

      • Anna P. August 14, 2024

        Fair point. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Plus, these events have a strong track record.

      • Xian Yu August 14, 2024

        Risk is a part of the game. Successful entrepreneurs are usually those who can handle and mitigate risks.

  2. Leslie Chen August 14, 2024

    It’s encouraging to see focus on e-commerce giants like Alibaba and This could be a game-changer for local entrepreneurs.

    • Grower34 August 14, 2024

      But e-commerce platforms can be ruthless. Small businesses might get crushed under the competition.

    • Leslie Chen August 14, 2024

      True, but the integration provides them with a larger marketplace to reach more customers. It’s all about adaptation.

  3. JohnDoe867 August 14, 2024

    Are these expos just another way for big corporations to dominate even more?

    • Eduardo Santos August 14, 2024

      Sometimes it feels like that, but they do offer small businesses a platform to showcase their products to the world.

    • TradeMan78 August 14, 2024

      JohnDoe867, you’ve got a point, but these events can level the playing field if used correctly.

  4. Lucy Q. August 14, 2024

    SIAL Paris sounds massive! Imagine all the food from different cultures!

    • Marie LaRue August 14, 2024

      Absolutely, Lucy! It’s a rare chance to experience global culinary trends. Can’t wait!

      • Lucy Q. August 14, 2024

        And it’s their 60th anniversary! It should be extra special this year.

  5. ChefJacques August 14, 2024

    Shenzhen as an ‘International Food Valley’? Sounds like grandiose marketing. Is it really all that?

    • Mark T. August 14, 2024

      I’ve been to Shenzhen, and it’s rapidly evolving. The potential certainly seems there.

      • ChefJacques August 14, 2024

        Thanks for the insight, Mark. I might keep a closer eye on Shenzhen then. It’s hard to keep up with all the buzz.

  6. Sarah Robbins August 14, 2024

    The SIAL Innovation booth could provide fresh ideas for our restaurant. Hopefully, innovation isn’t just a buzzword here.

    • TechieChef August 14, 2024

      Innovation is key in today’s fast-moving food industry. Can’t wait to see the new concepts coming out!

  7. GreenEats August 14, 2024

    SIAL’s focus on organic and health food is crucial. We need more emphasis on sustainable food production.

    • Davis R. August 14, 2024

      Agree 100%! Sustainability should be at the forefront of these exhibitions.

    • FoodieEver August 14, 2024

      Totally! But are these events just paying lip service to sustainability or actually driving change?

  8. Kevin J. August 14, 2024

    Great opportunities for networking. Connecting with big players like TikTok could be revolutionary for branding.

    • Vanessa H. August 14, 2024

      Indeed! TikTok’s influence is immense. But, branding on these platforms is a different ball game altogether.

  9. Bethany Wright August 14, 2024

    I’m skeptical. Do these expos actually help small businesses, or are they just golden tickets for well-established brands?

    • Samantha Lee August 14, 2024

      Good question. I know several small businesses that boomed after attending such expos.

    • Bethany Wright August 14, 2024

      That’s good to hear, Samantha. Maybe I’m being too cynical.

  10. Sumita R. August 14, 2024

    It’s amazing to think about the international exposure entrepreneurs will get. Kudos to Thailand for participating!

    • Lokesh Patel August 14, 2024

      Exposure is great, but Thai entrepreneurs will need to differentiate themselves to stand out.

  11. Peter J. August 14, 2024

    The mention of Africa’s participation is intriguing. Hope to see more diverse food products get global recognition.

    • Chidi K. August 14, 2024

      Yes, it’s high time African cuisine got the spotlight it deserves.

  12. Natalie R. August 14, 2024

    Participating in SIAL Paris is a dream. It’s basically the Oscars of the food world!

    • Jeff Johnson August 14, 2024

      Haha, good comparison! It definitely has that grandeur.

  13. FoodLover123 August 14, 2024

    Will there be enough focus on traditional food? Sometimes innovation overshadows cultural heritage.

  14. Barry Z. August 14, 2024

    These expos seem to be more about business than consumers. Are there sections for food enthusiasts too?

    • Linda M. August 14, 2024

      Usually, they cater to both. Interactive demos and tastings are common to engage consumers.

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