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Daniel Sancho Bronchalo Sentenced to Life for Gruesome Murder of Colombian on Koh Phangan

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A still from a security camera on Koh Phangan seems to reveal Spanish national Daniel Sancho Bronchalo transporting a bag loaded with the body parts of his Colombian victim, Edwin Arrieta Arteaga, on a motorcycle to a kayak, before discarding it into the sea in August 2023.

KOH SAMUI: In a courtroom drama that has gripped the nation, the Samui Provincial Court on Thursday sentenced Spaniard Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, the son of renowned actor Rodolfo Sancho, to life in prison for the horrifying murder and dismemberment of a Colombian man on the idyllic tourist haven of Koh Phangan last year. The court declared 30-year-old Sancho Bronchalo guilty of the premeditated murder of Edwin Arrieta Arteaga, 44, whose body was gruesomely dismembered and subsequently concealed by Bronchalo, as detailed in the court’s statement.

The convicted man, Daniel Sancho, is the offspring of Rodolfo Sancho, famous for his role in “El Ministerio del Tiempo” (The Ministry of Time) and actress Silvia Bronchalo. Though Daniel confessed to hiding Arteaga’s body, he adamantly denied any semblance of premeditated murder, as proclaimed by the court.

Throughout the trial, Sancho stuck to the tale that the grim events of August 2023—which led to the death of Arteaga, a reputable plastic surgeon—were driven by self-defense, according to various Thai media outlets. Curiously, when Reuters reached out on Thursday, Sancho’s lawyer chose to remain tight-lipped.

During his vacation in Thailand, Sancho, a trained chef, found himself embroiled in this horrific incident. The chilling crime scene was a jigsaw puzzle of plastic bags, each containing dismembered parts of Arteaga’s body, scattered across the serene island.

Initially handed a death sentence, Sancho saw his fate altered to life imprisonment, thanks to the detailed account he provided during his cross-examination. Nevertheless, the court didn’t let him walk away without a hefty price, ordering him to compensate the victim’s family with a sum of 4.42 million baht.


  1. Joe August 29, 2024

    This is just horrifying. How can anyone be capable of such a gruesome act?

    • AngryBen August 29, 2024

      Right? It’s insane! The guy should’ve been executed.

      • HistoryBuff82 August 29, 2024

        Execution doesn’t solve anything. Life in prison is a better deterrent.

    • CuriousCat August 29, 2024

      I wonder if his famous dad will get involved to lessen the sentence?

  2. Melinda August 29, 2024

    A premeditated murder is a terrible crime, but I don’t agree with the death penalty. Life imprisonment seems fair.

    • Justice4All August 29, 2024

      I agree, capital punishment is inhumane and should be abolished.

    • OldTed August 29, 2024

      If he wasn’t a celebrity’s son, he would’ve been executed!

  3. MrSmartyPants August 29, 2024

    This case highlights how flawed our world justice systems are. In some countries, he’d walk free.

    • TravelGuru August 29, 2024

      Agreed, but Thailand has a strict justice system. He won’t see daylight again.

      • JusticeSeeker August 29, 2024

        Thailand’s justice system may be strict, but it’s not infallible.

    • Elementary August 29, 2024

      We need a unified global justice system to prevent disparities.

  4. Lisa August 29, 2024

    His poor parents must be devastated. I can’t imagine what they’re going through.

    • SympatheticSam August 29, 2024

      I feel for them. It’s a tragic situation for everyone involved.

    • NoMercy August 29, 2024

      His parents should have raised him better!

  5. HistoryTeacher August 29, 2024

    These crimes remind me of the infamous Black Dahlia case. Disturbing how history repeats itself.

    • DetectiveDan August 29, 2024

      Interesting comparison. Human nature hasn’t changed much, has it?

  6. EcoWarrior August 29, 2024

    This kind of crime also pollutes our oceans. Beyond the human tragedy, there’s an environmental impact.

    • GreenGuy August 29, 2024

      You’re right! Disposing of body parts in the sea is not only gruesome but also harmful to marine life.

    • SkepticSally August 29, 2024

      I think the impact on the environment is the least of our concerns here.

      • EcoWarrior August 29, 2024

        Every impact matters. We can’t ignore the environment even in horrid situations.

  7. TravelEnthusiast August 29, 2024

    Koh Phangan is such a beautiful place, it’s hard to believe something this horrific happened there.

    • GlobetrottingSam August 29, 2024

      No place is immune to crime, unfortunately.

  8. ArmchairDetective August 29, 2024

    I bet he thought he would get away with it. People like him always do until they don’t.

  9. LegalEagle August 29, 2024

    Interesting how the court reduced his sentence based on his detailed confession. Shows the power of testimony in court.

  10. FamilyMan August 29, 2024

    I can’t get over the fact that he’s a chef. Someone who creates beautiful dishes involved in such a monstrous act.

  11. PhilosophicalPete August 29, 2024

    Those who think they can play God always end up facing the harshest realities.

  12. JusticeForEdwin August 29, 2024

    Edwin’s family should sue for more than just 4.42 million baht. No amount can compensate for his life.

  13. ConcernedParent August 29, 2024

    This makes me worry about my children traveling abroad. Such tragedies are terrifying.

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