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Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra Takes Oath with New Cabinet Amid Covid-19 Challenges

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Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra, donning a confident smile, posed with her cabinet members at Government House, exuding a palpable sense of enthusiasm ahead of a royal oath-taking ceremony on Friday. The photograph, captured by Reuters, portrayed a moment steeped in historical significance, emblematic of a new chapter in the country’s governance.

With elegance and precision, Prime Minister Paetongtarn, accompanied by her distinguished colleagues, took the solemn oath of office before His Majesty the King. This event signified a crucial milestone in the formal establishment of the new administration. As the sun cast long shadows over Dusit Palace, the Amporn Sathan Residential Hall echoed with the hallowed words of commitment, resonating with a unified determination to steer the nation forward.

In the wake of this dignified ceremony, Ms. Paetongtarn swiftly moved to convene an informal gathering of her cabinet on Saturday. The agenda: to meticulously review the policy statement she is poised to deliver in parliament the following week. The prime minister’s proactive approach exemplifies her readiness to hit the ground running, ensuring her vision for the country is articulated clearly and comprehensively.

However, not all cabinet members could partake in the ceremony. Songsak Thongsri and Sabeeda Thaised, both key figures in the Bhumjaithai Party and serving as deputy interior ministers, were notably absent. Unfortunately, they had tested positive for Covid-19 on Thursday. The confirmation of their test results by Bhumjaithai leader Anutin Charnvirakul added a sobering note to the proceedings. Their absence was palpably felt, underscoring the unpredictable nature of the times we live in.

Looking ahead, the political machinery is in motion as Parliament President Wan Muhammad Nor Matha prepares to meet with the various whips of the government, coalition parties, and the opposition on Monday. The objective is to finalize the dates for the policy statement’s presentation. The government has proposed Thursday for this pivotal event, with Friday also earmarked, ensuring ample time for thorough discussion and deliberation.

The policy announcement marks the final step in the procedural journey before the government can fully assume its administrative duties. Ms. Paetongtarn’s official commencement in her role is slated for September 16, a date that heralds the dawn of her leadership. The inaugural official cabinet meeting, scheduled for September 17, will undoubtedly set the tone for her governance and strategy moving forward.

The new administration, comprising 35 cabinet members, represents a diverse and comprehensive team. This ensemble of leaders is poised to drive the nation’s policies and initiatives, striving for continuity and progress. As the nation looks on with hope and anticipation, the promises and plans outlined by Prime Minister Paetongtarn and her team will soon be put to the test.

Related: PM promises policy continuity


  1. Sarah Lim September 6, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see new leadership in Thailand. Let’s hope Paetongtarn can deliver her promises!

    • John D September 6, 2024

      I agree! We need new blood to steer us in a better direction, especially after the past few years.

      • historybuff89 September 6, 2024

        New blood doesn’t mean better. Remember who her family is. Politics as usual.

      • Sarah Lim September 6, 2024

        Fair point, but sometimes a new perspective can make a big difference.

  2. thaitiger22 September 6, 2024

    Another Shinawatra in power. I guess corruption is here to stay.

    • Lina P September 6, 2024

      That’s a bit harsh. Every leader deserves a fair chance.

      • Michael September 6, 2024

        Exactly, prejudging won’t help anyone.

      • thaitiger22 September 6, 2024

        Maybe, but history tends to repeat itself.

      • Lina P September 6, 2024

        True, but change is also possible. Don’t be too quick to judge!

    • Cynthia W September 6, 2024

      Let’s focus on her policies first before jumping to conclusions about her.

  3. levi87 September 6, 2024

    Why weren’t there stricter measures to ensure no one had Covid before such a critical ceremony?

    • anne.k September 6, 2024

      They probably thought testing before was enough. It’s a difficult balance.

      • levi87 September 6, 2024

        Well, clearly it wasn’t enough this time.

    • DoctorMike September 6, 2024

      Testing has its flaws, but what else can they do? Complete lockdown again?

  4. Tony C September 6, 2024

    Paetongtarn’s initiative to jumpstart the cabinet’s work right after the oath is commendable. Shows she means business.

    • nancy pham September 6, 2024

      Definitely. Let’s see how these initiatives pan out.

  5. johndoe September 6, 2024

    The Bhumjaithai Party members’ absence is a stark reminder that Covid is still around and can affect government functions.

    • megan September 6, 2024

      True. We can’t let our guard down just yet.

  6. Diana L September 6, 2024

    I’m cautiously optimistic about this new administration. It’s a diverse team, which could be its strength.

  7. lawman23 September 6, 2024

    Hope they don’t spend too much time finalizing dates and actually get to work. Actions speak louder than words.

  8. Kimmy September 6, 2024

    Paetongtarn’s proactive approach is inspiring. We need more leaders like that.

    • larryj September 6, 2024

      Inspiring, yes. But let’s not forget, promising and delivering are two different things.

      • Elaine R. September 6, 2024

        True, but it’s a good start.

      • Kimmy September 6, 2024

        Agreed. At least it’s a step in the right direction.

  9. Osman September 6, 2024

    The fact that some top officials couldn’t attend due to Covid speaks volumes about our need to maintain strict health protocols.

  10. Amara Jones September 6, 2024

    I just hope the policy statement to be presented isn’t filled with empty promises. We’ve had enough of those.

    • ricky.s September 6, 2024

      Politicians are known for their promises. Actual delivery? That’s what counts.

  11. Blake September 6, 2024

    The historical significance of the ceremony can’t be overstated. This could mark a turning point for Thailand.

    • beachlover64 September 6, 2024

      I hope so. Thailand needs a strong and effective leadership now more than ever.

  12. Ravi K September 6, 2024

    I’m more interested in how they’ll tackle the economic challenges. That’s what really matters to the average citizen.

    • Sue September 6, 2024

      Economy, health, education…they’ve got a lot on their plate.

    • Ravi K September 6, 2024

      Indeed. Let’s hope they have concrete plans for these.

  13. TechGuru September 6, 2024

    With the way politics is in Thailand, I’m skeptical this administration will be any different. New faces, same old story.

  14. Steve September 6, 2024

    It’s crazy how Covid still manages to disrupt even the highest levels of government. We have to stay vigilant.

  15. Angela P September 6, 2024

    Anyone know the specifics of the policy statement she’s going to present? Hoping for some groundbreaking provisions.

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