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Chubb Life Thailand Unveils 678 Step Savings: Revolutionary Financial Security Plan for 2024

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Excitement is in the air as Chubb Life Assurance Public Company Limited, known widely as Chubb Life Thailand, recently unwrapped an enticing blend of savings and life insurance to the market on 17 September 2024. Aptly named the 678 Step Savings, this innovative product is crafted especially for those keen on accomplishing their financial milestones without fuss.

The 678 Step Savings plan is as elegant as it is effective. Offering a breezy, short-term premium payment window of merely six years, it provides a comforting blanket of life assurance stretching up to the ripe age of 78. What’s more, customers are welcomed with an annual step-up cashback, a delightful perk starting at 9% of the sum assured from year one and continuing until an awe-inspiring payout of up to 600% upon policy maturity. The coverage doesn’t stop there; in the face of an unforeseen accident resulting in loss of life, policyholders or their beneficiaries will find solace in receiving up to 1,200% of the sum assured or the cash surrender values of the premiums already paid.

Ms. Alisa Areepong, the dynamic Country President at Chubb Life Thailand, shared an inspiring vision during the launch: “We firmly believe that effective wealth planning is the cornerstone of financial stability and the key to fulfilling personal dreams. We are acutely aware of our customers’ escalating need to shield their future against life’s unpredictabilities. The 678 Step Savings product extends a dependable route to financial security, ensuring that our customers can cement a lasting legacy for their loved ones, even in the face of life’s unexpected events.”

To turn heads and hearts, Chubb Life Thailand hit the media circuits with a compelling advertising campaign starring the illustrious Mr. New Chaiyapol Julian Pupart, a celebrated model and actor in the land of smiles. Launched on 14 September 2024, the campaign is making waves across popular online platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

The 678 Step Savings Features and Benefits at a Glance:

  • Swift premium payment term lasting just six years while enjoying life coverage up to age 78.
  • Attractive guaranteed returns: Kick-off with 9% of the initial sum assured from the end of the first policy year, incrementally increasing to 11% by the 14th policy year, continuing annually till age 77.
  • Enormous maturity benefit: A striking payout of up to 600% at the end of the policy upon reaching the age of 78.
  • In the unfortunate event of death, receive a payout benefit of up to 600%, and if the demise is due to an accident, a substantial lump sum of up to 1,200%.
  • Hassle-free application process—no medical exams or health questionnaires required.
  • Take advantage of personal income tax deductions for premiums paid, in line with the Revenue Department’s regulations.

Intrigued? More detailed information about the 678 Step Savings can be discovered by visiting:

Note: It’s paramount that potential buyers carefully review all details, coverages, and terms and conditions before committing to any insurance decisions. Don’t forget to consult the comprehensive brochure and insurance policy for complete information. The underwriting process adheres strictly to Chubb Life Thailand’s terms and conditions.

*Percentages are calculated based on the sum assured amount or cash surrender values of the premiums paid, less any cash coupons received as per policy benefits, depending on whichever value is higher.

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