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CKPower PLC Achieves ESG DNA Certification: Highlights Commitment to Sustainable Growth

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Dr. Soraphol Tulayasathien (left), Senior Executive Vice President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, recently presented a prestigious ESG DNA certificate to CKPower PLC. The honor was received by Mr. Jessadin Suwanbubpa (right), Assistant Managing Director of Human Resources, during a ceremony held at the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

CKPower Public Company Limited, renowned by its ticker CKP, is one of the largest producers of renewable electricity in the region and boasts one of the lowest carbon footprints. The company has been making remarkable strides in ingraining a sustainability-driven DNA throughout its organization as part of its visionary “C-K-P” strategy. This strategy’s cornerstone is the development of human potential across all levels. With this in mind, CKPower has enthusiastically participated in the “ESG DNA Project: Sustainability Knowledge Set for All Levels of Personnel,” an initiative organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Among 50 exemplary organizations participating in the project, CKPower was duly recognized with a certificate, indicative of its unwavering commitment to sustainability.

Since joining the project, an impressive 79.7% of CKPower’s employees have successfully met the evaluation criteria of the sustainability courses offered. This statistic underscores the company’s steadfast dedication to its stakeholders while adhering to core environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. By embedding sustainability in its corporate DNA, CKPower ensures that these principles permeate all business processes, thus propelling the organization toward sustainable growth.

Mr. Thanawat Trivisvavet, the Managing Director of CKPower PLC, elaborated on the company’s ethos: “We prioritize the development of our people while caring for society and the environment as part of our goal to achieve ‘sustainable development’ and progress towards a ‘low-carbon society’. We firmly believe that our people are the key drivers of our success and collective growth. To support this, we promote both internal and external training programs and empower employees to design their own self-improvement plans in technology and innovation, aimed at reducing energy consumption in power production. Additionally, we provide the necessary tools to help employees upskill and reskill at all levels.

Our participation in the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s ESG DNA Project: Sustainability Knowledge Set for All Levels of Personnel aligns perfectly with our C-K-P sustainability strategy. We continuously encourage our people to improve their knowledge and capabilities, particularly in sustainability. Alongside this, we have established a corporate sustainability committee to set direction and goals, ensuring that all employees actively participate and take meaningful action under our C-K-P sustainability strategy as we make tangible progress towards achieving sustainable Net Zero.”

In 2024, as part of the ESG DNA Project, CKPower tasked 300 employees from various levels of the organization, both from Thailand and Lao PDR, to complete two fundamental ESG courses—ESG 101 and P01 (Business Sustainability Basics)—through the SET e-Learning system. Remarkably, 239 employees, or 79.7%, successfully completed the training and met the test criteria. This comprehensive knowledge set provides employees with a foundational understanding of sustainable development principles, focusing on three critical aspects: Environment, Society, and Governance. Armed with this knowledge, employees are now better equipped to enhance the operations of their respective departments.

A total of 257 organizations have enrolled more than 139,000 employees in the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s ESG DNA Project. The Stock Exchange of Thailand awarded certificates to 50 organizations that demonstrated a robust commitment to improving the ESG knowledge of their employees at all levels. This landmark achievement is a testament to CKPower’s strategic vision, as it leverages sustainability knowledge to drive operational excellence, boost competitiveness, foster growth, and position its workforce as a key driver in building a low-carbon society.

As we look toward the future, the journey of CKPower—emphasized by its impactful motto, “CKPower – Renewable Electricity for a Sustainable Future”—continues to symbolize a beacon of hope, illustrating how a commitment to sustainable practices can lead to a brighter, greener world.


  1. Jane D September 24, 2024

    This is great news! Companies like CKPower are setting the bar for corporate responsibility.

    • growth_minded September 24, 2024

      Sure, but this feels more like a publicity stunt than a real commitment. How can we be sure they’re actually following through?

      • Jane D September 24, 2024

        I understand the skepticism, but 79.7% of their employees met the sustainability course criteria. Those numbers can’t lie.

      • EcoObserver September 24, 2024

        Numbers can be misleading. They could just be checking boxes without real impact. What really matters is seeing them implement these principles in their actual operations.

  2. Tom F. September 24, 2024

    Why are we celebrating a company for doing the bare minimum in terms of sustainability?

    • SustainableSue September 24, 2024

      Because even the ‘bare minimum’ in sustainability is a step in the right direction. We need more corporations following CKPower’s lead.

    • Tom F. September 24, 2024

      I’m all for sustainability, but let’s not start handing out medals for every small achievement. We need stronger regulations and real accountability.

    • greenlover222 September 24, 2024

      Why does it have to be one or the other? Celebrating small achievements can build momentum for bigger changes. It’s a process!

  3. Larry Davis September 24, 2024

    Does anyone else think that ESG certifications are just a way for companies to get some good PR while continuing business as usual?

    • Mike987 September 24, 2024

      Absolutely. Many companies use ESG certifications to greenwash their image without making substantive changes.

    • EnvironmentalEve September 24, 2024

      That may be true for some companies, but CKPower seems to be genuinely committed to sustainability with their extensive employee training programs.

    • Larry Davis September 24, 2024

      Maybe, but I still think a lot of companies hide behind these certifications rather than make real, meaningful changes.

  4. biofan34 September 24, 2024

    I’m impressed that CKPower is promoting upskilling and reskilling among their employees. More companies should do this.

  5. Joe September 24, 2024

    Why don’t we see more companies from other sectors making these kinds of efforts? The energy sector alone can’t save the planet.

    • recycle_rick September 24, 2024

      Totally agree. Every industry needs to step up and take responsibility for their environmental impact.

    • Julie K. September 24, 2024

      It’s happening slowly, but some sectors are much harder to ‘green’ than others. Still, no excuse for not trying.

  6. lucid_dreamer September 24, 2024

    The focus on ‘low-carbon society’ is a positive step. Now if only governments would do more to support these initiatives.

  7. GreenGuru September 24, 2024

    CKPower setting a goal for net zero is commendable. We need more such visions for a sustainable future.

  8. EcoEmma September 24, 2024

    ESG certifications might not be perfect, but they’re a way to hold companies accountable. I’m glad CKPower is transparent about their progress.

  9. growth_minded September 24, 2024

    The real test will be if CKPower can maintain these ESG standards long-term, not just for a certificate.

  10. Jeff H. September 24, 2024

    I wish my company had similar training programs. It’d make a big difference in our overall awareness and actions towards sustainability.

  11. Larry Davis September 24, 2024

    At the end of the day, actions speak louder than certifications. We need to keep an eye on CKPower to see if they walk the talk.

  12. Janet September 24, 2024

    79.7% of employees completing sustainability courses is impressive, but what about the other 20%? Total commitment is key.

  13. MindfulMike September 24, 2024

    Honestly, all these initiatives mean nothing if we don’t see real-world improvements in emissions and community impact.

  14. Tom F. September 24, 2024

    Exactly, Mike. There’s a huge gap between theoretical knowledge and practical impact. How is CKPower planning to bridge this gap?

    • SustainableSue September 24, 2024

      According to the article, they’re implementing what they’ve learned in their operations. This is a good start, but time will tell how effective it is.

    • Tom F. September 24, 2024

      Let’s hope they actually follow through. We need more than just promises.

  15. growth_minded September 24, 2024

    CKPower’s vision is definitely ambitious. I hope they set a precedent for other companies in the region.

  16. Jenna September 24, 2024

    Public recognition like this can motivate other companies to take sustainability seriously. Let’s hope it creates a ripple effect.

    • biofan34 September 24, 2024

      Exactly. Awards and certifications can inspire healthy competition towards cleaner practices.

    • Jenna September 24, 2024

      Let’s hope so! We need all hands on deck to tackle climate change.

  17. EcoObserver September 24, 2024

    The ASEAN region has a lot of room for improvement in terms of sustainability. It’s good to see CKPower leading the way.

  18. TechSavvy September 24, 2024

    Training employees in sustainability is great, but what about investing in more innovative green technologies? That’s where the future lies.

  19. EcoEmma September 24, 2024

    CKPower is doing well, but I wish the article gave more specific examples of how they’re reducing their carbon footprint, not just training staff.

    • Julie K. September 24, 2024

      Good point, Emma. Real-world case studies would make their claims more convincing.

    • Joe September 24, 2024

      Training is important, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Let’s see some hard data on their emissions reductions.

  20. Jane D September 24, 2024

    Actions speak louder than words, and CKPower seems to be taking real steps. Let’s give credit where it’s due.

  21. Tom F. September 24, 2024

    I’m not convinced yet. There’s always a way to spin things to look better than they are. We need independent reviews.

  22. Larry D September 24, 2024

    This is a step in the right direction, but we should continue pushing for transparency and accountability in all ESG initiatives.

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