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CKPower Shines at GCNT Forum 2023: Championing Sustainable Intelligence and Community Empowerment

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Imagine a world where every light flicked on brings empowerment, where renewable energy isn’t just fueling our homes, but also fueling progress and sustainable prosperity for all. Stepping into this vibrant vision is Ms. Tuangporn Bunyasaranand, the dynamic Assistant Managing Director of Corporate Communication and Sustainability Management at CKPower Public Company Limited. She recently took center stage at the UN-backed GCNT Forum 2023, illuminating the path forward with the mantra “Lead Everyone Forward, Leave No One Behind”.

CKPower, a titan in the realm of green energy, not only bears one of the smallest carbon footprints in its wake but leaves the seeds of growth wherever its influence reaches. Gracing the event at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Ms. Bunyasaranand unfolded the company’s blueprint for the future—a future where society thrives on ‘Sustainable Intelligence’.

The strategy unfurled into two potent pathways: Environmental and Social Empowerment and Value Creation for Society. Ms. Bunyasaranand wove a narrative of a company that extends beyond merely generating clean energy, portraying CKPower as an entity that intertwines its destiny with those of the local communities it serves. It’s about harnessing the power of collective local intelligence and transforming this into a force for knowledge sharing and innovation.

CKPower has championed three pivotal initiatives to ensure the local communities around its power plants are not just surviving, but thriving:

  1. Housing and Infrastructure Development: Gifting community members with life-enhancing amenities—healthcare hubs, hubs of learning, and vibrant marketplaces nestling into their surroundings.
  2. Community Development Program: Elevating local skills and products to forge a sustainable livelihood that’s as sturdy as the renewable energy that powers it.
  3. Public Health Care: Nurturing the health of the communities, ensuring they are robust and ready for the opportunities the future brings.

Embracing every juncture, the company’s holistic approach ensures no aspect of development is overlooked—planning, executing, and reflecting—to solidify the bridge to tangible progress.

The second prong of the strategy delves deeper into social currency, contributing to a society rippling with sustainable intelligence. Ms. Bunyasaranand vividly described how CKPower’s engineering prowess is being repurposed to enrich the surrounding communities. Imagine a picture where 57,430 watts of renewable energy doesn’t just light up homes but also sparks socio-economic betterment.

The ‘Grow Green’ initiative, a vision turned verdant reality, sees CKPower transforming waste into gold—literally turning food waste into soil enhancers. Picture lungs of green, with tree-planting drives, and green power plants as landmarks of innovation. And there’s no stopping there. With an eye on the horizon, CKPower fosters innovation rooted in age-old wisdom, encouraging products that echo the heartbeat of local culture yet meet the dynamics of modern marketplaces.

Peering back at the recent past, Ms. Bunyasaranand highlighted the transformative initiatives of 2022 and 2023. CKPower didn’t just transfer knowledge; they wove it into the very fabric of future generations. They’ve taken children by the hand, leading 1,553 of them to brighter educational prospects and imbued the minds of 3,700 with the marvels of renewable energy. Not to mention their “Waste to Value” program, a silent revolution turning scraps into treasures, while fostering job creation and local product development.

All these layers converge to fortify the human capital, equipping it for a seamless transition into Economy 5.0. The GCNT Forum 2023, a crucible of human resource innovation, has set forth ambitious targets—inspiring over 1 million people across 133 member organizations by 2030. They have planted the seeds of the Sustainable Intelligence Youth Club, designed to bloom by 2024 and power the younger generation with direct, hands-on wisdom from the corporate world.

And so, as the chorus rang out at the forum, CKPower pledged its support to this monumental initiative. The shared commitment to sustainability resonates with the passion to sculpt a society lit by sustainable intelligence. At CKPower, it’s more than just renewable electricity—it’s about crafting a future where every individual has the power to prosper sustainably.

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