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Starfish School in Chiang Mai Named Top 3 Finalist for World’s Best School Prize 2024

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An exceptional Thai school has recently made waves by being named a Top 3 finalist for the World’s Best School Prizes 2024. These prestigious awards, founded by T4 Education in collaboration with powerhouses like Accenture, American Express, and the Lemann Foundation, celebrate educational excellence worldwide. This year’s winners will share a generous $50,000 prize fund.

Starfish School, located in the serene landscapes of Chiang Mai, Thailand, stands out as a beacon of hope and innovation for marginalized communities. This charity-funded institution, catering to children from kindergarten through primary levels, has been reimagining education with its groundbreaking “3R Innovation Curriculum” and Makerspace Programme. Notably, Starfish School is the very first Thai institution to ever achieve finalist status for the World’s Best School Prize for Innovation.

The World’s Best School Prizes span five categories: Community Collaboration, Environmental Action, Innovation, Overcoming Adversity, and Supporting Healthy Lives. These awards, established in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022, aim to spotlight schools that are making transformative impacts both within their classrooms and beyond. The ultimate goal is to share their best practices to help uplift education systems globally.

In a glittering event scheduled for November 23-24 in Dubai, UAE, the winners and finalists of the World’s Best School Prizes will convene at the World Schools Summit. This summit will gather global education leaders alongside the world’s best schools, fostering an environment ripe for transformative discussions and collaborations.

Vikas Pota, the founder of T4 Education and the World’s Best School Prizes, shared his insights:

“Unless the world takes urgent action, it is set to miss UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 of universal quality education by 2030. The global education crisis is multifaceted, and so must be the solutions.

That’s why we must look to the grassroots, to our schools at the coalface, for answers. To exceptional Thai institutions like Starfish School, whose work should make governments around the world sit up and take notice. By spreading its innovations far and wide, we can inspire change where it’s needed most.”

Dr. Nanthaporn Janchalia Seributra, President of Starfish Education Foundation and licensee of Starfish School, expressed immense pride and joy in response to the recognition:

“Our entire school community is thrilled by this prestigious recognition. We take immense pride in offering an innovative learning approach that provides meaningful education to both our students and the wider community.”

About Starfish School:

Founded in 2006, Starfish School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has made remarkable strides in redefining education for marginalized communities. The school integrates cutting-edge teaching methodologies with local wisdom, ensuring inclusivity and empowerment for all its 234 students. The “3R Innovation Curriculum” aims to simplify Thai language acquisition for non-native speakers and incorporates “Thaiglish” to support English language learning. Additionally, the Makerspace Programme fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through a self-directed STEAM Design Process, preparing students for the future.

One standout moment illustrating the programme’s success is a student creating an air conditioner using local materials, a project that earned governmental accolades and exemplified practical STEM learning.

Starfish School adheres to the UPRISE framework – which stands for Useful, Problem-Solving, Real World, Impactful, Self-Directed, and Experiential learning. This philosophy ensures that every educational practice is meaningful and impactful. Since 2021, the school has been recognized as a Sandbox School, a title that underscores its commitment to innovative and effective education.

If awarded the World’s Best School Prize for Innovation, Starfish School plans to expand its influence through the Starfish Learning Hub, aimed at enriching community learning and fostering sustainable social entrepreneurship.

The announcement of the winners will take place in October, judged by a distinguished panel of leaders from various sectors including academia, education, NGOs, and more. Each winner will receive an award of $10,000 from the $50,000 prize fund. Additionally, the winner of the Community Choice Award, determined by public vote, will gain membership to the Best School to Work programme, aiding in teacher wellbeing and addressing recruitment and retention challenges.

About T4 Education:

T4 Education believes that every child deserves quality education, no matter where they are. They are building the world’s largest community of teachers and schools to achieve this vision collectively. Their digital media platform offers educators opportunities to network, collaborate, share best practices, and support one another. By amplifying teachers’ voices, T4 Education aims to create a world that listens to those at the heart of education.

Curious to see how Starfish School celebrated this incredible achievement? Check out their joyous announcement on their Facebook video!

Want to learn more about Starfish School and their innovations? Visit their official Facebook page and website.


  1. Joe Baldwin September 24, 2024

    This is so inspiring! It’s amazing to see a Thai school reaching such heights. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.

    • Patricia Wells September 24, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s about time schools like these get the recognition they deserve. The 3R Innovation Curriculum sounds revolutionary.

      • Alex1990 September 24, 2024

        I agree, but I think it’s also about investing in resources. Without proper funding, even the best ideas won’t take off.

      • Joe Baldwin September 24, 2024

        True, Alex. Starfish School is charity-funded, which shows what proper allocation of resources can achieve. More countries should consider such models.

  2. Lily Zhang September 24, 2024

    While this is a great achievement, let’s not forget that many countries are still falling far behind in basic education standards. Shouldn’t we focus on that first?

    • Rajiv S. September 24, 2024

      I understand your point, Lily, but showcasing successful models like Starfish can serve as an inspiration and blueprint for other struggling institutions.

    • EduLover September 24, 2024

      Lily, every success story contributes to the bigger picture. Maybe focusing on these successes will drive broader change.

  3. Tom Shields September 24, 2024

    Wow, the Makerspace Programme is exactly what education needs – fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. We need to adopt this globally!

    • science_nerd34 September 24, 2024

      Totally, Tom! Practical STEM education is the way forward. It’s time we move away from rote memorization.

    • Larry D September 24, 2024

      I’m not sure this works everywhere. Different cultures and economies have different needs and challenges.

    • Tom Shields September 24, 2024

      Larry D, I think you underestimate the universality of critical thinking skills. It’s not about replacing existing systems but enhancing them.

  4. Sammy K. September 24, 2024

    This smells like a PR stunt by T4 Education to gain more followers and attract investments. The educational crisis is too big for these small-time solutions to make a dent.

    • Anna B. September 24, 2024

      Cynical much? Even small-time solutions can lead to big changes. Starfish School’s success shouldn’t be minimized like that.

    • Samuel Reed September 24, 2024

      Sammy, small changes can have ripple effects. It’s about starting somewhere, not solving everything at once.

  5. grower134 September 24, 2024

    Yet another award ceremony in Dubai. When will we focus on real change rather than these elite gatherings?

  6. Nina Lopez September 24, 2024

    Recognition is important! It can bring funding and attention, which are critical for continuous improvement and wider impact.

  7. Edu_ENC September 24, 2024

    Congrats to Starfish School! As a teacher myself, I can say these innovations are what we need to rejuvenate education.

  8. Mike H. September 24, 2024

    Love the focus on marginalized communities. It’s societies that need it the most that often get the least support.

    • Sarah O’Brien September 24, 2024

      Agreed, Mike. Programs like these show that every child deserves a quality education, regardless of their background.

    • Jane Doe September 24, 2024

      Absolutely. It’s about time the spotlight is turned on communities that are often overlooked.

  9. Rahul J. September 24, 2024

    The air conditioner project is such a great example of practical learning! Governmental accolades are well deserved.

  10. SkepticalTeacher September 24, 2024

    Let’s not get too carried away. Sometimes these projects are outliers and don’t represent the average school experience.

    • FutureEducator September 24, 2024

      SkepticalTeacher, even if it’s an outlier, it still demonstrates what’s possible with the right tools and support.

  11. Abigail S. September 24, 2024

    I think initiatives like Starfish School’s are future-making. But how scalable are these programs really?

  12. Tony Lee September 24, 2024

    Congrats to them! This is what the world needs, real innovation from the ground up.

  13. Miranda September 24, 2024

    Not all schools have the luxury to innovate like this. Many are struggling just to stay open.

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