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Surat Thani Train Accident: Mother and Daughter Killed, Couple Injured in Tragic Collision

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The wrecked car lay forlorn near the level crossing, its battered frame illuminated by relentless rain under a murky sky. Moments before, it had been struck by a Bangkok-bound Sprinter train in the Tha Chang district of Surat Thani, transforming a routine drive into a tragic event late on Saturday night. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)

In the serene southern province of Surat Thani, heartbreak struck abruptly on Sunday night. A mother and her young daughter lost their lives, while a married couple sustained serious injuries when their car collided with a Sprinter train at a railway crossing. The fateful crash occurred around seven in the evening at a level crossing en route to Ban Bang Por in tambon Tha Chang.

Emergency responders, braving the torrential downpour, discovered a crushed white Honda City, its shattered remains resting roughly four meters from the crossing. Registered in Surat Thani, the wreck bore grim testament to the violent impact.

Inside the mangled vehicle, rescuers found Suchawadee Wisetkaeo and her husband Withaya Panasee, both 34 years old. Clinging to life, the couple were swiftly transported to Tha Chang Hospital, their condition mirroring the severity of the crash.

Tragically, just a meter from the car, the responders located the bodies of Aranya Pahamak, aged 52, and her nine-year-old daughter, Supatthida Panasee. Residents of Tha Chang district, they had been returning home with the Wisetkaeo couple from a visit to a relative’s home in tambon Tha Chang.

According to the police, the railway crossing was equipped with flashing warning lights; however, it lacked barricades. The elements conspired against them as heavy rain obscured visibility. It was under these dire conditions that the Sprinter, heading towards Bangkok, collided with the car about thirty minutes after departing from Surat Thani station.

Despite the turmoil, the train itself sustained only minor damage. After a delay of about three hours, it resumed its journey, leaving behind a scene of profound loss and sorrow.


  1. Joe September 30, 2024

    Such a devastating tragedy. Why on earth aren’t there any barricades at these crossings?

    • grower134 September 30, 2024

      Barricades wouldn’t have made much difference in that kind of weather. Blame the rain and low visibility.

      • Larry D September 30, 2024

        True, but improved safety measures could have reduced the chances of this tragedy regardless of the weather.

    • Susan Jones September 30, 2024

      I agree, barricades should be a standard safety measure. This is unacceptable.

      • Joe September 30, 2024

        Exactly, this is basic infrastructure that should have been in place. How many more lives must be lost before something changes?

      • Carla September 30, 2024

        We need to start holding the authorities accountable for such negligence.

  2. Skeptic99 September 30, 2024

    This is just another incident showcasing human error, not necessarily a failure of infrastructure.

    • Annie September 30, 2024

      That’s a very insensitive take. Lives are lost, and better safety measures would help prevent similar incidents!

      • Larry D September 30, 2024

        Exactly. Humans do make errors, but it’s the duty of the infrastructure to mitigate these errors as much as possible.

    • Eric September 30, 2024

      I kind of see your point, but it’s not either-or. Both human caution and better infrastructure are crucial.

  3. Kendra September 30, 2024

    Does anyone know how the train operators reacted? Were there any attempts to stop in time?

    • Mike Banner September 30, 2024

      I’m sure the train operators did what they could, but trains can’t stop on a dime.

  4. Sarah89 September 30, 2024

    What a heartbreaking story. I can’t imagine what the families must be going through right now.

    • Jake September 30, 2024

      Yeah, this has shattered so many lives. Thoughts and prayers with the families.

    • grower134 September 30, 2024

      Prayers are good, but actions are better. We need safety reforms.

  5. David W. September 30, 2024

    The design of railway crossings globally needs to be re-evaluated. Automated gates should be the norm.

  6. Lexie M September 30, 2024

    Here we go blaming infrastructure again. What happened to personal responsibility?

    • Sam September 30, 2024

      Personal responsibility is important, but that’s no excuse for lack of safety measures.

  7. Engineer01 September 30, 2024

    Visibility plays a huge role. Why aren’t there better lighting systems at crossings like this?

  8. Laura Green September 30, 2024

    Every time it rains heavily, accidents spike. Weather isn’t fully controllable, but roads and crossings should be ready for all conditions.

  9. P. Smith September 30, 2024

    Investing in better infrastructure might be costly, but human life is priceless. No more excuses.

    • David W. September 30, 2024

      Absolutely. It’s past time for governments to take action.

  10. Kim September 30, 2024

    This is such a preventable tragedy. My heart aches for the families involved.

  11. Rick September 30, 2024

    Let’s stop focusing solely on what was lacking. Condolences to the affected families.

    • grower134 September 30, 2024

      We can offer condolences and still demand change. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

  12. littlejohn September 30, 2024

    Wonder if the train drivers will face any consequences? Doesn’t seem fair to lose their jobs over this.

  13. Randy P. September 30, 2024

    This is horrifying. I keep thinking, what if it was my family?

  14. Nina September 30, 2024

    Lack of barricades and the rain were a deadly combination. It’s a reminder for everyone to be extra careful around crossings.

    • Laura Green September 30, 2024

      Exactly, safety measures combined with public awareness can make a significant difference.

  15. Victor September 30, 2024

    Will they upgrade the safety features of that crossing now? It’s tragic it took a loss of lives for action to be considered.

  16. Theresa C. September 30, 2024

    Living in rural areas exposes people to such risks. Condolences to the families affected.

  17. Mark T. September 30, 2024

    It’s so frustrating to read about accidents like this. Hopefully, this prompts some immediate reforms.

    • Engineer01 September 30, 2024

      One can only hope. Sometimes, it takes tragic events to open eyes to the necessary changes.

  18. Emily R. September 30, 2024

    Imagine surviving the crash but losing your loved ones. Heartbreaking. Hope the survivors get all the support they need.

  19. Ivan September 30, 2024

    Wow, this is terrible. Eco-friendly transportation like trains need to also be implemented with better safety practices.

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