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Botched Cosmetic Procedure Leaves Dentist Ketsarin Chatsunthorn Disfigured: Calls for Investigation

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The picturesque streets of the Siam area were once a place of joy for Ketsarin Chatsunthorn, a 42-year-old dentist whose days were filled with confidence and cheer. But a recent visit to a well-known cosmetic doctor, who claims to be a leading dermatologist and specialist in regenerative medicine, turned her life—and that of her family—upside down, leaving them in a state of despair and disfigurement.

On a sunny Tuesday morning, Ms. Ketsarin walked into the Consumer Protection Police Division (CPPD) to file a formal complaint against the doctor. Her voice trembled as she recounted her ordeal. She explained how she, along with her mother and sister, had placed their trust in a doctor who boasted an impressive resume and a clientele list that included celebrities and influencers. The promise of rejuvenation turned into a nightmare.

“We went to his clinic expecting nothing but the best,” Ketsarin said, her eyes welling up with tears. She had initially agreed to receive 15 cc of facial filler, her sister 11 cc, and her mother 30 cc. To their horror, they discovered later that they had been injected with 18 cc, 22 cc, and 37 cc of filler, respectively. The bill for this botched beauty affair amounted to a staggering 1 million baht.

Within a week of the injections, the family began to notice unsettling changes. Ms. Ketsarin’s mother, once vibrant and full of life, found her lower face sagging in a grotesque and uneven manner. Ms. Ketsarin and her sister also experienced alarming facial distortions that robbed them of their natural beauty. “We returned to the clinic in desperation,” Ketsarin explained. The doctor reassured them that he could fix everything with a solution that would supposedly dissolve the fat and restore their faces.

“But the so-called ‘solutions’ only made things worse,” she said, her voice cracking. The doctor applied pressure to her sister’s face in an attempt to reallocate the filler, but it resulted in even more disfigurement. For her mother, the doctor suggested an eye-watering 50 cc of additional filler, a proposal they outright rejected.

The family sought a second opinion from a respected medical professor, who confirmed their worst fears. “He pointed out that these deformities were the result of excessive filler. Generally, no more than 10 cc should ever be used,” Ketsarin explained. “Too much filler poses severe risks,” she said, recounting how the medical professor warned that excessive filler can infiltrate blood vessels, causing blindness, arterial stenosis, and ischemia.

The toll on the family has been immense. Ongoing treatment to remove the filler is costing them tens of thousands of baht and, despite some improvements, a full recovery seems a distant dream. Ms. Ketsarin sighed heavily, as if the weight of the world rested on her shoulders. “We just want our faces back,” she whispered.

In the wake of her experience, Ms. Ketsarin is calling for a thorough investigation into the practices of the so-called cosmetic specialist. “It’s not just about us,” she stressed. “Think of all those who might be suffering in silence, believing their dreams have turned into a nightmare they can’t wake up from.”

As the investigation proceeds, one thing is clear: Ms. Ketsarin’s story serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of trusting one’s appearance to anyone without ensuring their credentials are beyond reproach. Her bravery in coming forward may very well prevent others from enduring similar heartbreak.

For now, Ketsarin Chatsunthorn and her family continue on their journey of recovery. Each treatment session is a step closer to regaining their confidence and sense of self. And while their physical scars may eventually heal, the emotional ones will serve as an eternal reminder of a trust betrayed and a lesson learned the hard way.


  1. DoctorP October 2, 2024

    This is a tragic reminder of the dangers of improper cosmetic procedures. Always check credentials!

    • Elena19 October 2, 2024

      Totally agree. But isn’t there anyone regulating these so-called ‘specialists’?

      • Oliver Thompson October 2, 2024

        Regulation exists but it’s lax. Enforcement is sporadic, too.

    • JustBeingFrank October 2, 2024

      Sometimes, the blame is on the patients too. They should’ve done better research.

      • SarahM October 2, 2024

        That’s a bit victim-blaming. When doctors make claims, people trust their expertise!

      • DoctorP October 2, 2024

        SarahM is right. Medical professionals have a duty of care.

  2. Patty O’Furniture October 2, 2024

    Why do people mess with their faces anyway? Natural beauty is the best!

    • Mark_J October 2, 2024

      Easier said than done. Society pressures people into these things.

    • Ella Grace October 2, 2024

      Women especially face intense pressure to look young and perfect.

  3. John Doe October 2, 2024

    I feel bad for Ms. Ketsarin and her family. I hope they get justice.

    • Jessica Lee October 2, 2024

      Me too. This doctor should be held accountable!

    • DebbieD October 2, 2024

      I don’t have much hope in the system, honestly.

    • John Doe October 2, 2024

      Sadly, you might be right, but we need to keep pushing for change.

  4. LibertyBell October 2, 2024

    This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of such horror stories. When will people learn?

    • Susan K. October 2, 2024

      Everyone thinks it won’t happen to them until it does.

  5. TechieDude October 2, 2024

    Isn’t there a way tech can help in verifying doctors’ credentials easily?

    • CodeMaster October 2, 2024

      Blockchain could be a solution for secure medical licenses.

    • TechieDude October 2, 2024

      Blockchain for medical verification seems promising. Would love to see it happen.

  6. Amy_73 October 2, 2024

    I used to consider cosmetic procedures, but this story is terrifying.

    • Jasmin October 2, 2024

      You’re not alone. It’s dissuaded me too.

  7. Andy Brooks October 2, 2024

    I’m just thankful I’ve never wanted to alter my face. Stories like this are chilling.

  8. Dr. James October 2, 2024

    As a professional in this field, this breaks my heart. Upholding standards is critical.

    • Marie October 2, 2024

      Dr. James, what rigorous checks should patients look for then?

      • Dr. James October 2, 2024

        Marie, consult multiple sources, verify board certifications, and read reviews.

  9. RealityCheck October 2, 2024

    Everyone wants quick fixes. Let this be a warning!

    • Erik October 2, 2024

      True, but desperation leads people to risky decisions.

  10. Gracie October 2, 2024

    Feels like these ‘specialists’ prey on vulnerabilities. It’s disgusting.

  11. CuriousCat October 2, 2024

    Anyone know if the doctor faced any consequences?

    • Jeff October 2, 2024

      Not yet, but investigations are supposedly ongoing.

    • Anna October 2, 2024

      He better get stripped of his license if found guilty!

  12. Laurel J. October 2, 2024

    I think this highlights broader issues with the cosmetic industry’s regulation.

  13. BenG October 2, 2024

    I can’t believe this happened. Makes you question the trust placed in ‘experts.’

    • Sam October 2, 2024

      Indeed, always be vigilant, even with so-called experts.

    • Karen_M October 2, 2024

      Spot on. Blind trust is dangerous.

    • BenG October 2, 2024

      It’s a scary world out there, for sure. Always check and double-check.

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