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Dentist Ketsarin Chatsunthorn Demands Probe into Cosmetic Doctor After Disfiguring Filler Injections

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A furor is brewing in the plush Siam area, where a woman is demanding an immediate investigation into a well-known cosmetic doctor after she and her family were allegedly left disfigured by facial filler injections. The discontent comes from Ketsarin Chatsunthorn, a 42-year-old dentist, who recently lodged a formal complaint with the Consumer Protection Police Division (CPPD).

Ms. Ketsarin recounted that she, along with her mother and sister, had consulted a doctor purported to be a dermatologist and an expert in regenerative medicine. The doctor runs three high-profile cosmetic clinics that are reportedly popular among celebrities and influencers. With such a reputation preceding him, Ms. Ketsarin and her family felt confident in seeking his services.

According to Ms. Ketsarin, she opted for a 15 cc filler injection, her sister for 11 cc, and her mother for 30 cc. However, they were stunned to discover later that the doctor had administered higher doses: 18 cc for Ms. Ketsarin, 22 cc for her sister, and a whopping 37 cc for her mother, charging them a steep total of 1 million baht.

The trouble began a week after the injections. Ms. Ketsarin’s mother first noticed her lower face sagging unevenly, a troubling sign. Soon after, both Ms. Ketsarin and her sister began experiencing noticeable facial distortions. They promptly sought to address the situation by returning to the clinic.

In an attempt to rectify the issues, the doctor injected a solution purported to dissolve fat and restore facial symmetry. Her sister underwent a different ‘pressure’ treatment intended to correct the misplaced filler. Unfortunately, both attempts only seemed to exacerbate the problems.

In a particularly alarming turn of events for her mother, the doctor insisted that due to her advanced age, she needed more than 50 cc of filler. The family stood firm and refused the additional injections. Seeking a second opinion, Ms. Ketsarin consulted a medical professor who explained that the deformities were a direct result of excessive filler. Typically, no more than 10 cc should be administered in such treatments.

Ms. Ketsarin was warned of the severe risks associated with overusing facial fillers, such as the potential for the substance to enter blood vessels, causing blindness, arterial stenosis, and ischemia. Currently, she and her family are undergoing expensive treatments—costing tens of thousands of baht—to remove the excess filler. While some improvements have been noted, the journey to complete recovery remains uncertain and fraught with anxiety.


  1. Samantha M October 1, 2024

    This is absolutely horrifying! How can someone trusted and reputable do this to their patients?

    • grower134 October 1, 2024

      It’s always the famous ones who think they can get away with anything. They’re just after your money!

      • Larry Davis October 1, 2024

        Celebrity status doesn’t equate to quality. People should do thorough research before committing to any cosmetic procedures.

    • Jen October 1, 2024

      This is why I’m so skeptical of cosmetic procedures! They say it’s safe, but you never know what could go wrong.

  2. Tommy Lee October 1, 2024

    I think Ketsarin should’ve known better. Injecting that much filler is insane, common sense, people!

    • Katie _1998 October 1, 2024

      It’s not uncommon to trust a professional, especially one with a solid reputation. Blaming the victim isn’t helpful.

      • Tommy Lee October 1, 2024

        I’m just saying, no one should blindly trust anyone, no matter their reputation.

  3. GrowwithFlo October 1, 2024

    The issue here is over-commercialization of beauty. People are risking their health for unrealistic standards.

    • Steve Cook October 2, 2024

      True, but if there’s a demand, someone will supply. It’s a vicious cycle.

  4. Anita H October 2, 2024

    How can this doctor still run clinics after such malpractice? Where’s the regulatory oversight?

    • Cathy19 October 2, 2024

      Sadly, regulations are often too lenient. Money talks, and clinics keep operating despite these incidents.

    • Mark S. October 2, 2024

      Agreed. This should prompt a serious look into cosmetic surgery regulations. Lives are at stake.

  5. rachel_m October 2, 2024

    Patients need to demand more transparency about materials and dosages used in procedures. You can’t just assume everything is safe.

  6. DrSkin October 2, 2024

    As a dermatologist, this case is a clear violation of ethical medical practice. Patients deserve proper dosage and care. This doctor needs to be held accountable.

    • Anita H October 2, 2024

      Absolutely, and this should serve as a warning to others in your field.

    • Tommy Lee October 2, 2024

      Finally, hearing from a professional! What should victims like Ketsarin do next?

  7. Wendy32 October 2, 2024

    I hope they get justice and the doctor faces serious consequences. This is a betrayal of trust!

  8. Harry Simons October 2, 2024

    This is why there needs to be better education about the risks of cosmetic procedures. People think it’s just a simple fix.

    • Joe October 2, 2024

      Totally agree. Schools should cover this kind of stuff in health classes to prepare everyone better.

  9. Emma L October 2, 2024

    What a nightmare for that family. It’s shameful that this clinic is still in operation.

    • Lucia M October 2, 2024

      At least they had the courage to speak out. Awareness is key.

  10. AlexB October 2, 2024

    It sounds to me like this doctor overbooks and overprescribes to maximize profits with little regard for patient safety.

  11. Sandy W October 2, 2024

    I’ve been considering fillers but stories like this make me hesitant. Maybe it’s better to just age naturally.

    • grower134 October 2, 2024

      Natural beauty is the best way to go! Avoid these risky procedures.

    • Steve Cook October 2, 2024

      There are safe procedures, just make sure to really vet your doctor.

  12. Jill H October 2, 2024

    This story puts a spotlight on the darker side of the beauty industry. Regulatory bodies need to crack down before more people get hurt.

  13. Larry D October 2, 2024

    It’s appalling that this is happening in 2024! We need better protection for consumers.

  14. Jon Doe October 2, 2024

    Funny how people will pay a million baht to look younger but not spend on proper healthcare. Priorities are skewed.

  15. Tina October 2, 2024

    It should really be a wake-up call for people to stop altering their faces for societal standards.

  16. Mike Barnes October 2, 2024

    Ketsarin and her family should go to court. This kind of negligence deserves to be punished.

    • User1234 October 2, 2024

      Absolutely, and it’s not just about compensation. It’s about setting a precedent.

    • Lisa P. October 2, 2024

      I hope they win and get a decent settlement to cover their medical expenses at the least.

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