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Mars Unveils WeR4HappyTails: A Heartfelt Initiative for Pet Adoption in Thailand

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In a world where our four-legged friends hold a special corner in our hearts, Mars, Incorporated steps up with a breakthrough that promises to paint the town tails—a vivid, wagging red! Renowned globally for its prowess in pet care products and services, as well as the mouth-watering delights that we sneakily devour on late nights, Mars has launched an initiative that’s all about love, loyalty, and leashes: the portal.

This innovative spree hits the scene right after a global survey that fetched insights on pet parents around the planet. But this is no mere pet project. Rather, it focuses on a cause with whiskers and wags—tackling pet homelessness in Thailand, a mission that promises to pull your heartstrings like a strummed harp. The initiative, in cahoots with notable pet havens like The Voice Foundation, Soi Dog Foundation, and Jai Dog Rescue, promises to roll out the red carpet for pets in search of forever homes. As if to sprinkle an extra dose of pizzazz, the inaugural shout coincides with Mars Global Adoption Weekend, amplifying the chant of harmony between humans and paws.

October 19, 2024, saw the world of pet care come alive in Thailand, where Mars Petcare blended tech wizardry with cuddles to introduce potential pet parents to their future furry family members. The digital spotlight? Their portal,, putting on a daily show of adoptable superstars—profiles boasting tails and tales waiting to be shared.

Mr. Ratchakorn Chenpattanapong, the General Manager tasked with steering Mars Pet Nutrition in Thailand and the Indochina region, took the stage, brimming with passion and purpose. Mars Petcare’s quest? Envisioning “A Better World for Pets,” one initiative at a time. “Our recent study revealed a world that’s gone barking mad with over one billion pets globally,” he quipped, shedding light on the penchant of pet rookies—nearly half of those surveyed were first-time owners. In Thailand, rookie pet parents are in abundance, yet only a small pitter-patter percentage arose from shelters. Time for change!

Enter the adoption portal, loaded with snippets of compatibility, designed to make sure potential parents find their perfect shaggy soulmates. With guidance, advice, and snippets of wisdom (on-site), this platform aims to guide future fur lovers toward happily ever after, minus the chaos.

As the paw-sitive excitement swirled, Ms. Chollada Mekratri, founding voice of The Voice Foundation, joined in: “We’re turning up the volume on animal advocacy. This association with Mars is kicking things into high gear, promising heaps of happy endings.” Not to be outdone, Ms. Louise Rose, Soi Dog Foundation’s big kahuna, barked up strategic partnerships as the ticket to tackling the homeless pet conundrum: “Together, we’re a force to reckon with, rewriting the sad stories of homeless paws.”

As if aligning stars, stemming from a cosmic cuddle, Mr. Mike Dower, co-founder of Jai Dog Rescue, underscored the matchmaker charm of the WeR4happytails platform: “We’re tying tails and tales, making sure each match is one for the crowd—a genuine connection for adoption that sticks.”

Not leaving a stone unturned, Mars tops it off with a tail-waggingly delightful campaign, calling all pet parents to play Santa on Lazada. From October 25-30, 2024, for every 100 THB worth of Mars treats purchased, a meal lands in a shelter bowl. Get those loyalty points, while feeding some hopeful faces, and perhaps even wag a few whiskers with pride! Terms and conditions apply, but ah, the rewards of a heartwarming impact.


  1. Joe October 22, 2024

    This is a great initiative by Mars! It’s important to help reduce pet homelessness, especially in places like Thailand.

    • Jill October 22, 2024

      While I agree that pet adoption is vital, isn’t it better to focus on preventing overpopulation first with spay and neuter programs?

      • Joe October 22, 2024

        Absolutely, but initiatives like these raise awareness and encourage responsible pet ownership, including spaying and neutering.

        • Elena P. October 22, 2024

          I think both approaches need to work hand in hand. Awareness and resources can lead to long-term change.

  2. Rickon Stark October 22, 2024

    Love the idea, but isn’t this just a marketing strategy for Mars to appear compassionate by using homeless pets?

    • Jasmine72 October 22, 2024

      Maybe it is a marketing strategy, but if it helps animals in need, isn’t it worth it?

  3. Tina L. October 22, 2024

    I can’t wait to see all the stories of pets finding their forever homes!

    • grower134 October 22, 2024

      It will be heartwarming, for sure. Let’s hope for a successful campaign.

  4. HannahLex October 22, 2024

    How do we know the portal will be effective? There are many adoption sites already, and not all of them work well.

    • Theodore M. October 22, 2024

      True, but the involvement of numerous organizations might give it the push it needs.

      • HannahLex October 22, 2024

        Let’s hope Mars backs it long-term and it isn’t just a flash in the pan.

  5. Carlos B. October 22, 2024

    So interesting to see big brands getting involved in social causes. It can really make a difference.

    • Lara22 October 22, 2024

      It’s a smart and responsible move, bridging corporate power for good.

  6. BlueSapphire October 22, 2024

    I’m skeptical. Are they really doing this out of concern for animals, or is it just to boost sales?

    • Duke October 22, 2024

      I think a positive impact remains regardless of their motivations. Let’s see if they back their words with action.

    • Maria G. October 22, 2024

      Corporations like Mars have resources that can effect real change. Hopefully, it encourages others to do the same.

  7. Grant H. October 22, 2024

    It’s awesome Mars is making shelter pets visible, but what about support for long-term care and training for new pet parents?

    • CherryBlossom October 22, 2024

      Good question! If Mars can include follow-up programs that would ensure sustainability and success, it would be even better.

  8. Sarah E. October 22, 2024

    I’m sorry, but this is another example of a company getting involved in things they have no business in. They should stick to making pet food.

    • Rickon Stark October 22, 2024

      Businesses have influence. Why not use it for good? If it results in fewer homeless animals, their involvement is welcome.

    • Theodore M. October 22, 2024

      In today’s world, companies are expected to do more than just sell products. Social responsibility is part of modern business.

  9. Petlover1 October 22, 2024

    This could change lives, both human and animal. Imagine the number of pets that could finally have a family!

    • AnimalAdvocate October 22, 2024

      Exactly! Bringing attention to this issue can inspire other companies to start similar initiatives.

  10. DeepThinker99 October 22, 2024

    Has anyone considered the cultural impact? Thailand has its own views on pets which might affect the outcome of this initiative.

    • Joe October 22, 2024

      Cultural considerations are definitely important. Hopefully, the local organizations involved know how to navigate these aspects.

  11. Barrington October 22, 2024

    I’m worried about the logistics. Ensuring the pets are ready for adoption and actually making meaningful matches is no small feat.

    • Lara22 October 22, 2024

      True. It would require a well-coordinated effort. Let’s hope Mars is ready to commit to that level of dedication.

  12. K9Enthusiast October 22, 2024

    Mars is doing amazing things for the animal community! More corporations should take note and contribute to solving global issues.

    • HannahLex October 22, 2024

      If this proves successful, it could set a precedent for other brands.

  13. GreenPeaceWarrior October 22, 2024

    I hope they include some reforestation projects alongside! Only then we can achieve true harmony between humans, pets, and nature.

  14. CuriousCat22 October 22, 2024

    Has anyone considered the existing pets in homes? We should focus on how to make their lives better too!

  15. RandomCommenter October 22, 2024

    Y’all realize they’re doing this to boost sales, right? It’s all about money.

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