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Breaking Diplomatic Walls: High-stakes Trade Gambit Between Thailand & Sri Lanka Ignites – An Epic Win or a Grave Misstep?

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The esteemed director-general of DTN, Auramon Supthaweethum, recently revealed that representatives from both sides of the negotiating table will convene from Monday to Wednesday. The agenda is comprehensive, encompassing cross-disciplinary segments of international commerce.

This synergy will be brought to life by the seven dedicated sub-committees. These squads of individuals who are recognized for their proficiency in their respective fields, will discuss an array of subjects – goods trading, country of origin rules, services, investments, technical obstacles, remedies, and law.

Devoted to the mission and vision of her department, Auramon is hopeful that the free trade negotiations with Sri Lanka will be successfully finalized by the onset of the new year. The commitment and persistence exhibited in this endeavor are indicative of the high expectations for a fruitful outcome.

Dating back to 2018, Thailand and Sri Lanka laid the groundwork for a free trade agreement. Unforeseen circumstances such as the onslaught of the Covid pandemic, along with the alteration of Sri Lanka’s committee in charge of negotiations, led to an intermittent pause in discussions.

However, resilience and determination to optimize bilateral relations saw the dialogue resume in 2021.

A snapshot into the volume of bilateral trade between Thailand and Sri Lanka during the first half of the current year, provides a clear portrait of the commercial engagement between the two nations, exceeding US$178.99 million—translating to an impressive 6.34 billion baht.

Thai exports to Sri Lanka have proven to be extremely profitable, accumulating to the tune of $119.62 million. Meanwhile, Thailand’s import from Sri Lanka was pegged at a substantial $59.37 million over the same period.

Overall, the buoyant economy between these two nations reflects the potential benefits to be reaped from the free trade agreement under discussion, laying a solid foundation for positive future endeavors in the domain of international trade and cooperation.

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