In an unexpected series of events, a policeman in Thailand found himself forking out a whopping 140,000 Baht as a settlement to Tittaya Boonpamee, a local durian vendor. This hefty amount served as reparation for a physical brawl that had broken out between them, a tussle triggered over an unsquared debt of 350 baht for the purchase of the pungent fruit.
The 27-year-old vendor, Tittaya, had her personal video footage of the event spread across social media, featuring segments of the scuffle captured by a surveillance camera. The shared video successfully drew extensive attention towards her story, which she later unfurled in great detail to the ThaiRath.
The incident had its roots in a coffee shop nestled in the quaint northeastern province of Sisaket, in August. The officer, whose identity remains undisclosed, seemingly bought a durian for 1,350 Baht but only coughed up a cash amount of 1,000 Baht, a shortfall Tittaya refused to let slide. When she persistently demanded the officer complete his dues, things took an ugly turn with the policeman responding by a brutal kick to her face; a kick that cumulatively shattered the recently plastic-surgery repaired nose of the resilient durian vendor.
Tittaya providentially found a platform to voice her grievance to a sympathetic officer at the Meuang Sisaket Police Station. Following the report of the assault, the offending officer was called in for an investigation, at the conclusion of which he consented to a restitution of 140,000 Baht. Out of this sum, 50,000 Baht was set to cover Tittaya’s medical bills, with the large remainder ostensibly claimed for 500 kilos of durian which had laid unsold due to her inability to work from the incident. Despite compensating her monetarily, the officer did not extend an apology, according to Tittaya.
Confirming the man’s identity as part of his precinct was Nattakit Jaroenketsuwan, the Superintendent of the Mueang Sisaket Police Station. In a conversation with ThaiRath, the Superintendent communicated his deep apologies on behalf of the department for this shocking case seen on social media. The regretful superintendent, vowing to prevent a recurrence of such an incident, stated: “We fully recognize our mistake. Our colleague displayed an alarming lack of awareness and discipline. We are resolved in our decision to constitute a dedicated committee with the sole purpose of overseeing this member’s behavior in the future.”
Photo credit: Tittaya Boonpamee via Facebook.
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