In a shocking turn of events, a young girl of 14, pseudonymously referred to as “A”, had the lamentable ordeal of being sexually assailed by two minors out of a group of five. Further compounding the horror, it was divulged that she is now expecting as a result of this crime. The matter was reported to law enforcement officials at the Khlong Luang Police Station at approximately 11 o’clock in the morning today.
A representative named Cholada Butwicha, from a support group aptly named Survive, along with the unfortunate minor’s aunt, brought “A” forward, presenting the case to Adisak Kotchasak, a seasoned investigative officer presiding at the Khlong Luang Police Station. Steps are now being taken to apprehend the five adolescents tied to this horrific incident.
Cholada, speaking for the victim and her family, stated that the minor’s aunt had sought help from the Survive group just the day before after the heart-wrenching discovery that her 14-year-old niece had fallen prey to teenagers who were under the influence of cannabis.
Painting a more detailed picture of the incident, she revealed that on the day in question, despite five young boys being present at the scene, only two were directly bodily involved in the crime. Notwithstanding that the accused are underage, it was stressed that legal prosecution isn’t off the table.
Providing her account of events, “A” reported that the crime unfolded on the 13th of August during the hours from 7 until roughly 10pm. At the time, she was on her way to rendezvous with a friend, however, en-route she came across a group of familiar faces, as recorded by KhaoSod.
Delving further into the harrowing experience, “A” revealed that the group took control of her motorcycle keys and coerced her into following them into a desolate house. In the said home, she found the five teenagers engaged in smoking cannabis and was bullied into participating. Subsequently, two of the older boys forced her to a separate location and committed the sexual assault, while their three accomplices abandoned the scene. As per the report by KhaoSod, the crime scene was chillingly devoid of adults while the accused were estimated to be around the age of 15 to 16 years.
The minor’s horrified aunt, who had been her primary caretaker since her infancy, grew suspicious when the girl’s usual menstrual cyclical pattern was disrupted. A subsequent pregnancy test confirmed her worst fears: her niece was indeed pregnant. The aunt, in a bid to confront the alleged culprits, was met with defiant denials before eventually reaching out for assistance from the Survive page.
Having been briefed on the incident, detective Adisak recorded the complaint and proceeded to liaise with the Pathum Thani Province’s Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. The aim was to schedule a clinical examination for “A” at the Thammasat University’s Chulalongkorn Hospital, in the pursuit of more concrete evidence to strengthen the impending legal proceedings against the offenders.
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