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World Heritage Logistics Nightmare: Uncontrollable Tourist Surge Could Spell Disaster for Thailand’s Treasured Khao Klang Nok Ruins! Will UNESCO’s Blessing Turn to a Curse?

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The globally acclaimed Si Thep Historical Park situated in the province of Phetchabun could potentially see restrictions on tourist access to its Khao Klang Nok ruins. Locals harbor a deep reverence for these pyramidal ruins, viewing them as both influential and sacramental. The influx of tourism following the UNESCO’s declaration of Si Thep Historical Park as a World Heritage Site has sparked concerns around the possible physical damage to the site and violation of local sensibilities.

No sooner had the announcement by UNESCO been made on September 19, then the park found itself the recipient of an unprecedented torrent of visitors eager to explore and behold its history and beauty. This influx, however, has been the source of worry for many locals, primarily due to the volume of tourists scaling Khao Klang Nok. This historical landmark, ensconced within the confines of the park and a mere 2 kilometers from the ruins of the ancient town, is seen by locals as deserving of respect and mindful treatment.

The enormity of Khao Klang Nok can be appreciated by its structure – it’s a formidable brick and laterite stupa that stands 20 meters high and spreads across a length of 64 meters on each side. The ruins testify an important cultural chapter, inviting the interest and enthusiasm of visitors and historians alike.

The district chief, Mr. Weerawat Wattanawongphreuk, recently spoke about these concerns. His discussion with the head of the Si Thep Historical Park led to the proposal of possibly putting a stop to the tourists climbing Khao Klang Nok.

At present, the Historical park authority permits visitors to scale the hill. However, the prevalence of various relics and ancient stupas – sacred for local Buddhists– at its summit convolutes the issue. In the eyes of the local, tourists moving around these relics could seem irreverent.

Chief Weerawat said, “Personally, a ban lends an enhanced sacrosanct value to this ancient locale. Scaling to the pinnacle of the hill is nothing but a photo opportunity for most people. The tangible benefits shrink in comparison to the rich experience of observing, from a respectful distance, the World Heritage-declared cultural and historical expanse.”

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