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Posts published in “Thailand”

Cholnan Srikaew Calls for Action as Songkran Toll Rises: Drunk Driving and Youth Most Affected

The atmosphere was palpably tense, akin to the mounting anticipation before a tropical storm makes landfall, as Public Health Minister Cholnan Srikaew took the stage at the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department this past Tuesday. With an air of gravitas, he revealed startling figures that would serve as a clarion call for road safety advocates across the nation. In a bold move to combat the surge of road accidents during one of Thailand’s most beloved and bustling holidays, the department launched a vigilant monitoring center. From April 11, as waves of people rolled out of Bangkok like a departing tide, seeking the embrace of their hometowns for the Songkran festivities, to their eventual return to the capital’s concrete jungle, the center kept a keen eye on the nation’s roadways. Cholnan, orchestrating the press conference with the precision of a maestro, divulged that on the Monday in question, a disheartening tally…

Songkran 2023: Thailand’s Joyous Festival Marred by Road Fatalities and Injuries

Imagine the vibrant streets of Phitsanulok, a district usually buzzing with life and soaked in the rich traditions of Thailand, waking up to a rather unusual sight. The aftermath of the exuberant Songkran celebrations had left its mark, with roads not just drenched in water, but also adorned with a sprinkle of talcum and an unintended garnish of garbage. This picturesque chaos, captured on a serene Tuesday morning, paints a vivid image of festivity and its hefty footprints. But amidst the revelry and joy that Songkran brings, there lies a grim narrative that unfolds on the roads of Thailand during this time of year. The first five days of the Songkran road safety campaign week unveiled a bittersweet story – a tally that counted 206 souls lost and 1,593 others bearing the brunt of injuries. With 1,564 traffic mishaps recorded from April 11-15, there was a slight dip of 10.4%…

EU’s Innovative Plastic Cap Rule: A Sustainable Step Forward Unveiled in Madrid

Imagine strolling through the bustling streets of Madrid, the air filled with the aroma of tapas and a hint of intrigue about the city’s latest environmental maneuver. This time, it’s about something as seemingly mundane yet crucial as plastic bottle caps. Phumtham, Thailand’s deputy prime minister, recently shared an interesting nugget of information that’s set to revolutionize our approach to plastic bottles, courtesy of an update from Patcharamon Trakultivakorn, the minister counsellor at the Thai embassy in the heart of Spain’s vibrant capital. Here’s the scoop: Gone are the days when plastic bottle caps would embark on their own journey the moment you unscrewed them, only to end up as reluctant residents of landfills or, worse, the ocean. Under a groundbreaking new rule, the caps of 3-litre plastic bottles are now designed to remain loyally attached to their bottles, even after being opened. This little yet mighty change is part…

Srettha’s Songkran Homage to Thaksin: Bridging Tradition and Political Titan’s Return

In a heartwarming display bridging tradition and respect, Srettha recently illuminated the social media universe by sharing captivating snapshots from his visit to the illustrious Chan Song Lar abode of none other than Thaksin, a figure ensconced in the annals of Thai political lore. The images, echoing with the spirit of Songkran, depicted Srettha engaging in the time-honored gestures of garlanding Thaksin with fragrant jasmine and tenderly pouring water over his hands, an act brimming with symbolic respect traditionally reserved for the elders and esteemed members of the family. The visit, as narrated through the lens of X (formerly known as Twitter), was not just a casual meet-and-greet but a profound venture to draw New Year blessings from the former Premier Thaksin, “a senior person I respect,” as Srettha eloquently put it in his post. Thaksin, upon who the mantle of Pheu Thai Party’s patriarch rests, commands a reverence that…

Songkran Celebration’s Dark Side: 162 Lives Lost in Traffic Accidents Across Thailand

In the vibrant heart of Siam Square, amidst the joyous uproar of Songkran, the Thai New Year, a scene unfolds that captures the essence of youth and celebration. A teenage girl, her eyes sparkling with mischief and excitement, is busy at work with her camera, immortalizing moments of unbridled joy as her friend dances amidst a sea of foam. These are the moments that make Songkran in Pathumwan district unforgettable, forever etched in the digital memories captured by Nutthawat Wichieanbut. Yet, as the country bathes in the water-soaked festivities, a somber backdrop shadows the nationwide celebration. Between April 11th and 14th, as the jubilant holidaymakers begin their journey back from their festive retreats, a chilling toll makes headlines. One hundred and sixty-two souls will not return to their loved ones, having succumbed to the perils of traffic accidents, while an additional 1,279 individuals carry the scars of survival, injured during…

Ruangsak Suwaree Spearheads Drunk Driving Reduction: A Triumph for Thai Road Safety During Songkran

Imagine this: It’s the break of dawn, and the streets of Thailand start buzzing with an energy that’s as palpable as the thick, tropical air. Songkran, the traditional Thai New Year, and the western New Year holidays beckon Thais far and wide to embark on a journey back to their roots, upcountry. This exodus, a spectacle of unity and joy, also marks a time when the roads of Thailand become a blurry frenzy of travelers. Yet, amid the excitement, a shadow looms — a spike in road accidents fueled by heavy traffic, a festivity-induced urgency to speed, and the unfortunate choice by some to drive under the intoxication of spirits rather than the spirit of the holiday. But there’s a glimmer of hope shining through this ominous cloud. Ruangsak Suwaree, the unwavering Department director-general, recently unveiled a silver lining. According to him, the relentless efforts to curb drunk driving are…

Chiang Mai’s Brave Fight: Uniting Against Forest Fires & Air Pollution Crisis

Welcome to Chiang Mai, a jewel in Thailand’s northern region, where the lush landscape is currently playing host to a battle of a different kind—a fiery skirmish with nature that has the local crews and communities banding together in a formidable display of resilience and teamwork. For the past three days, Chiang Mai has been wrestling with over 15 forest fires, marking a scorching challenge for the region. Yesterday morning, the sky was a checkerboard of 153 hotspots across the north, with Chiang Mai alone accounting for 17 of these. Amid the green expanse of Chiang Dao district, five of these blazes stand out, a testament to the relentless force of nature. Two particularly stubborn fires are raging on Doi Nang in Baan Na Lao, nestled in the tambon Chiang Dao, having held their ground for several days against the efforts to quench them. The heroes of the hour are…

Oxygen Narathiwat Festival 2023: A Mesmerizing Sky of Balloons and Kites Draws 50K Visitors

Imagine a sky so vibrant, it looks like a palette of a painter gone wild – this is the scene at Manao Bay in Narathiwat province where the sky is alive with a riot of colors, all thanks to the breathtaking display of colorful balloons and kites. The Oxygen Narathiwat Festival, a spectacle that started on Saturday and extends till tomorrow, has become a canvas of joy, attracting more than 50,000 international visitors, and it’s not just the locals who are enchanted. Guests from as far as Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia have flocked to the festival, eager to partake in the festivities that have brightened the skies and hearts alike. The event is not just a sight for sore eyes but a testament to the universal language of joy and entertainment. The skies over Manao Bay have been transformed into a mesmerizing dance floor where balloons and kites of all…

Pol Maj Gen Wittaya Leads Fight Against E-Cigarettes to Protect Thailand’s Youth

In the heart of Thailand, amidst bustling streets and vibrant culture, the Consumer Protection Police Division (CPPD) is spearheading a noble pursuit. With a fervent plea, they call upon the guardians of the future—teachers, parents, and relatives of our bright young minds—to band together. Their mission? To shield the youth from the alluring yet perilous embrace of e-cigarettes. At the helm, Pol Maj Gen Wittaya Sriprasert leads this crusade, equipped with not just authority but a deep concern for the wellbeing of the next generation. The seductive whisper of vaping has not gone unnoticed, worming its way into the lives of Thai adolescents at an alarming rate. It is not just about the act of inhaling and exhaling the vapor; it is about what it represents, and the clandestine dangers it harbors. The CPPD isn’t just conjecturing; they’ve got the cold, hard statistics to back their claims. With each year,…

Nattapol Rangsitpol Leads Cadmium Tailings Relocation Effort in Tak for Environmental Safety

Once upon a time, in a twist of fate that encapsulates the clash between industrial advancements and environmental stewardship, the Industry Ministry collaborated with local forces in Tak to embark on a mission that could easily be mistaken for a plot in a high-stakes eco-thriller. Their quest? To ensure the safe relocation of cadmium tailings back to their ancestral grounds from the bustling province of Samut Sakhon. Spearheading this intrepid journey was none other than Nattapol Rangsitpol, the permanent secretary for industry, who, alongside the venerable Tak governor Somchai Kitcharoenrungroj, delved into discussions on the province’s readiness to welcome back the prodigal pollutants. In a demonstration of meticulous planning and unwavering dedication, the coalition examined the robustness of disposal pits, lingering on the integrity of their cement structures and scrutinising their drainage systems, as dictated by an environmental impact assessment that seemed to hold the fate of the world in…