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Posts published in “Thailand”

Surachate Hakparn’s Legal Drama: A Deep Dive into Bangkok’s Police Corruption Saga

In a twist worthy of a Hollywood thriller, Deputy National Police Chief Surachate Hakparn, also known as Big Joke, found himself at the heart of a legal storm, turning the usually quiet Tao Poon police station in Bangkok into the stage for a gripping real-life drama. On a fateful Tuesday, with the city’s humidity hanging in the air like a thick curtain, Surachate, in a move that speaks volumes of his character, made a bold entrance in a Toyota Alphard van, the vehicle’s Songkhla license plates catching the light as it maneuvered into a discreet parking spot behind the precinct just before the clock struck 5:30 p.m. The scene inside the station was one of restrained chaos. With a wave of his hand, Surachate signaled his associates to stay back as he stepped forward, ready to face whatever was waiting for him beyond those doors. Cameras clicked from a distance,…

Bangkok’s High Stakes Drama: Surachate ‘Big Joke’ Entangled in BNKMaster Gambling Web

In a turn of events that seems more akin to a riveting crime drama than real life, the bustling streets of Bangkok have become the stage for a captivating investigation into the shadowy world of online gambling. At the heart of this intrigue stands a figure known as “Big Joke” – the moniker might sound lighthearted, but the case is anything but. Surachate, the deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police, finds himself entangled in a web of allegations, financial transactions, and whispers of involvement with the notorious BNKMaster gambling network. The plot thickens with each issued summons. By the time the third one rolled out, marked for April 1, 2024, the anticipation had reached its zenith. Yet, in a twist that surprised no avid follower of suspense thrillers, Surachate remained conspicuously absent. No comments, no appearances – just the lingering aura of mystery and unanswered questions. The saga took…

Lop Buri’s Macaque Mayhem: Innovative Control Center Aims to Restore Harmony

In the heart of Lop Buri, a city north of Bangkok known for its historical ruins and sunflower fields, a spectacular event unfolds each November. Under the gaze of avid photographers and amused tourists, hundreds of macaques gather at the Sam Roi Yot sanctuary for an annual feast that is nothing short of a royal banquet. The event captures the essence of this unique town, where monkeys roam with an air of entitlement, borrowed, perhaps, from their ancestral linkage to the Hindu deity Hanuman. But the reality behind the scenes is a complex narrative of coexistence and management challenges that the town faces with its primate population. Natural Resources and Environment Minister Phatcharavat Wongsuwan has unveiled plans that aim to turn the tide on the escalating monkey mayhem in Lop Buri. At the heart of these solutions is the proposed establishment of a macaque control centre. This facility is not…

Pol Gen Surachate ‘Big Joke’ Faces Arrest: Unveiling Thailand’s Money Laundering and Gambling Scandal

In a twist of events that seems more aligned with a gripping crime novel than the daily news, the deputy national police chief Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn, affectionately known among the masses as “Big Joke”, found himself at the epicenter of a scandal that seems to unravel further with each passing day. On a day that could only be described as tumultuous, the Criminal Court gave its nod to a police petition, green-lighting the arrest of Pol Gen Surachate for his alleged connections to the shadowy world of money laundering within gambling networks. The request, which bore the weight of allegations of collusion in money laundering – notably being in breach of Sections 5, 9, and 10 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, was set forth by the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB) investigators, who, under the veil of the early morning, advanced towards the Criminal Court. Pol Gen Surachate’s reputation of…

Thailand Ushers in Songkran Day with Pioneering Wage Increase for Tourism Workers

In the picturesque land of Thailand, a wave of positive change is set to wash over the nation just in time for the vibrant Songkran Day celebrations on April 13. In a pioneering move, Labour Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn announced that a fresh wind is blowing in the realm of workers’ wages, thanks to the Cabinet’s green light on the wage panel’s groundbreaking decision. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all wage settings! For the very first time this year, the wage panel, a trinity coalition of government bodies, employers, and enthusiastic employee representatives, is taking a tailored approach to wage determinations. This bespoke strategy isn’t about painting all provinces with the same brush but is focused on the unique tapestry of businesses and the vibrant locales they call home. The spotlight shines on a pilot project set to redefine wage norms in 10 tourist magnet provinces. The new wage structure isn’t…

Thailand’s Oil Fuel Fund Predicament: Navigating Subsidy Deficits and Diesel Price Dynamics

Once upon a recent time, a saga of financial imbalance unfolded in the bustling economy of Thailand. The protagonist of this tale, the Thai government, faced a formidable adversary – a whirling vortex of subsidy deficits in the Oil Fuel Fund, tallying up to a staggering 100 billion baht. This fiscal tempest was no small matter; it was a challenge that required a bold decision, and indeed, a decision was made. In an effort to shield its citizens from the harsh clutches of rising fuel prices, the government had once cast a protective spell in the form of a 30-baht price cap on diesel. This magical barrier was conjured last September, amidst a grand ceremony of hope and relief. Its purpose was noble: to ease the financial strain on the common folk, to lighten their burdens in the face of escalating costs. This enchantment was renewed with the passing of…

Thailand Marches Towards Equality: Historic Senate Vote Advances Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Under the radiant sun of Bangkok, amidst a colorful cascade of rainbow flags and heartwarming displays of unity, a vibrant participant took to the streets on June 4, 2023. This wasn’t just any ordinary day in the bustling metropolis. No, it was a day where voices from across the spectrum came together in a resounding chorus, advocating for a cause close to their hearts. From championing gender recognition to pushing for the rights of sex workers and calling for universal welfare for LGBTQ+ individuals, the energy was infectious, with hope lingering in the air like a sweet melody. The snapshot captured by Varuth Hirunyatheb was more than a photograph; it was a testament to love, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of a community that refuses to be silenced. And, as if the gods of progress themselves were watching over, the wheels of change continued to turn at an encouraging pace.…

SCG’s Surachai Nimlaor Champions Eco-Friendly Cement: Pioneering Thailand’s Sustainable Construction Revolution

Imagine a world where the ground beneath our feet – the very foundation of our civilization – is not just a silent witness to progress but an active participant in safeguarding our planet. This isn’t a mere daydream; it’s the vision that Surachai Nimlaor, the pioneering president of SCG’s Cement and Green Solutions department, and his team are turning into reality. Their mission? To revolutionize the cement industry by introducing an eco-friendly yet high-performance product that not only meets diverse customer needs but also cherishes our natural resources and takes a bold step towards a more sustainable world. SCG isn’t just another name in the sea of cement manufacturers in Thailand; it stands tall as a beacon of sustainability, being the first in the country to earn accolades for its green initiatives. The heart of their breakthrough lies in the development of a revolutionary low-carbon cement. But don’t let the…

Thailand Poised to Embrace Same-Sex Marriage: A Historic Leap for LGBTQI+ Rights and Inclusion

Imagine a world where love knows no bounds, transcending every imaginable barrier – a realm where every heart has the right to pledge its love openly, proudly, and most importantly, legally. Thailand stands on the brink of etching its name into the annals of history, poised to champion the cause of love in its most unadulterated form. Amidst a historic gathering under the stately dome of the Senate, 158 senators recently convened with a monumental agenda on their hands – the discussion of a bill that promises to redefine the essence of marriage, embracing individuals across the gender spectrum with open arms. During this pivotal session, it was collectively decided that a select group of 27 discerning minds would come together to form a committee. This wasn’t just any committee, but one tasked with a mission that could very well alter the course of countless lives. Their assignment? To delve…

Mysterious Crystal Meth Trove Found at Sea off Thailand’s Eastern Coast: A Maritime Mystery Unfolds

Imagine a scene straight out of a high-stakes action film, complete with glittering seas, a mysterious black sack bobbing amidst the waves, and a discovery so astonishing it beckons attention from law enforcement and marine scientists alike. This isn’t the plot of the latest blockbuster—it’s a real-life adventure unfolding off the eastern seaboard of Thailand. On an otherwise ordinary Tuesday, the tranquil waters off Laem Ngop district of Trat took center stage in a bewildering saga. A local fisherman, navigating the azure embrace of the sea near Koh Chik village, stumbled upon what seemed to be an innocuous black sack. Little did he know, this discovery would catapult the quiet tambon Bang Chan into the limelight. The fisherman’s vigilance prompted a swift response from Thawatchai Kaewkhao, the esteemed mayor of Bang Chan tambon administration organisation (TAO), who wasted no time in summoning the forces. Enter Pol Col Traisit Phokthamthanachai, the…