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Top 20 Cannabis Shops: Where to Buy Weed in Phrae Vol 1, 2024

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Recent Reviews For Shops in Phrae


  1. SaraL March 31, 2024

    So glad to see cannabis getting normalized and places like Phrae leading the way. I visited two of the shops from the list last summer and was really impressed with the quality and knowledge of the staff!

    • TommyGrows March 31, 2024

      Completely agree, SaraL. Which shops did you visit? I’m planning a trip and would love some firsthand recommendations.

      • SaraL March 31, 2024

        Hey Tommy, I visited GreenLeaf and Herb Haven. GreenLeaf had a great selection, but Herb Haven’s staff really went above and beyond with their service. Highly recommend both!

    • CannaSkeptic March 31, 2024

      I’m all for normalization, but are we sure promoting this many shops in a single area is a good idea? Concerned about the message it sends to the youth.

      • SaraL April 1, 2024

        I hear your concerns but think about how normalized alcohol is. It’s all about education and responsible consumption.

  2. 420Traveler March 31, 2024

    Visited Phrae on my cannabis tour of Thailand and this list is spot on. The variety of strains available across these shops is incredible. Anyone know if the prices are competitive?

    • BudBudgeter April 1, 2024

      Prices are decent, but you can find better deals if you’re willing to explore more local spots that aren’t as well-known. The top shops tend to mark up their prices a bit.

  3. GreenThumbJen March 31, 2024

    This is a fantastic article for enthusiasts and patients alike. However, I’m concerned about tourists potentially overwhelming these spots and making it hard for locals to access what they need.

    • LocalYocal April 1, 2024

      As someone from Phrae, I can assure you it’s already happening. Tourists flock to these shops and often don’t understand the etiquette or the local culture.

      • SaraL April 1, 2024

        That’s unfortunate. Maybe there could be a way to educate visitors better? I loved my visit and wouldn’t want to be a burden on the local community.

  4. PhraeNative March 31, 2024

    It’s great for our economy but I do worry about the impact on our youth and local culture. We must find a balance between benefiting economically and preserving our community values.

    • EconMajor April 1, 2024

      There’s always a trade-off but consider the alternative. Cannabis tourism brings much-needed revenue to Phrae which can be reinvested into local communities and education.

    • CannaSkeptic April 1, 2024

      Agree with PhraeNative. The influx of tourists and normalization might affect our societal norms. It’s not all about the money.

  5. HerbHavenFan April 1, 2024

    Herb Haven is my go-to shop in Phrae! Always have what I’m looking for and the staff are super knowledgeable. Glad to see them get recognition.

  6. NervousNelly April 1, 2024

    Still feel a bit uneasy about openly purchasing in shops even with legalization. Anyone else feel this way?

    • ChillChad April 1, 2024

      Totally get where you’re coming from, NervousNelly. It’s a big shift culturally, but the more normalized it becomes, the more comfortable people will feel.

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