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Top 20 Cannabis Shops: Where to Buy Weed in Kanchanaburi Vol 1, 2024

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Recent Reviews For Shops in Kanchanaburi

กัญชากาญ cannabis cafe and bar

Rating: 5.0/5.0

What a beautiful place, best vibes, wow and wowwww!

Review image


  1. TravellerJoe March 31, 2024

    Finally, a decent guide to the best spots in Kanchanaburi! กัญชากาญ is a real gem. Their ambiance and product quality are top-notch. Highly recommend!

    • GreenThumb44 March 31, 2024

      Agreed on กัญชากาญ! But doesn’t anyone else feel concerned about promoting cannabis tourism so openly? It might attract the wrong crowd.

      • TravellerJoe March 31, 2024

        Fair point. But I believe responsible tourism and education about cannabis can actually help mitigate negative stereotypes.

      • SarahK March 31, 2024

        Exactly! People need to realize that it’s all about moderation and respecting the local culture.

    • KanchanLover March 31, 2024

      True, that place rocks. But have you guys tried the edibles at The Green Leaf? I think they deserve a spot in the top 3.

  2. NancyR March 31, 2024

    It’s great that Kanchanaburi is getting recognized, but I hope this doesn’t lead to an increase in prices. Locals still want to enjoy these places without breaking the bank.

    • BudgetTraveller March 31, 2024

      Good point, Nancy. I’ve noticed some places already ramping up their prices. It’s a bit disheartening.

  3. EcoWarrior March 31, 2024

    While it’s fantastic to see businesses thriving, I’m concerned about the environmental impact. Is the cannabis industry in Kanchanaburi sustainable?

    • GreenTechie March 31, 2024

      That’s an important topic, EcoWarrior. Sustainable practices in the industry are a must. Some shops are better at this than others. Research is key.

      • EcoWarrior March 31, 2024

        Absolutely, GreenTechie. It’s about supporting those who do prioritize the environment. Wish the article highlighted more on sustainability.

  4. CulturalCritic March 31, 2024

    I’m all for exploring and enjoying what Kanchanaburi has to offer, but is the emphasis on cannabis shops overshadowing the rich history of the area? We need balance.

    • HistoryBuff March 31, 2024

      You have a point, CulturalCritic. While it’s good for economy, it shouldn’t erode the cultural significance of Kanchanaburi’s historic sites.

      • CulturalCritic March 31, 2024

        Exactly, HistoryBuff. Promoting both aspects should go hand in hand. Let’s hope for more articles that explore the historical depth of Kanchanaburi.

  5. LocalResident March 31, 2024

    The increased attention on cannabis shops is a double-edged sword. Yes, it boosts the economy, but the tranquility of Kanchanaburi is at stake.

    • TrendWatcher March 31, 2024

      But isn’t that the price of progress, LocalResident? A growing economy can provide many benefits to the area.

      • LocalResident March 31, 2024

        Progress is necessary, TrendWatcher, but at what cost? I moved here for peace, not for the streets to be crowded with tourists.

      • PeaceSeeker March 31, 2024

        I’m with LocalResident on this one. If we’re not careful, we’ll lose what made Kanchanaburi special in the first place.

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