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Posts published in “Thailand”

Discovering Thismia submucronata: Thailand’s Hidden Botanical Marvel with Sarawut Thongmuang

In the heart of 2018, a diminutive botanical marvel named Thismia submucronata sprung into the spotlight, captivating the scientific community with its unusual dining habits. Far removed from the conventional photosynthetic crowd, this tiny myco-heterotrophic organism shuns the sun, instead gleaning its sustenance from the fungus it cozies up to in the soil. Marking its entry into the annals of science, a paper detailing the intricacies of Thismia submucronata was heralded across various scientific and botanical journals as a groundbreaking discovery straight out of Thailand’s lush landscapes. At first glance, it could easily be mistaken for its botanical cousin, T. mucronata. Yet, upon closer inspection, it flaunts distinct features that set it apart – most notably, the presence of three foveae, a rare feature that crowns the apex of its mitre with a mucro. Its stamen filaments and annulus don a coat of papillate hairs on both surfaces, a stylish…

Strengthening Bonds: Cambodia and Thailand Forge Ahead with ‘Two Kingdoms, One Destination’ Initiative

In the grand theater of international politics, where each act unfurls with the weight of history behind it, the interplay between Cambodia and Thailand has taken a particularly captivating turn. The stage was set within the venerable halls of parliament, a place where the bonds between nations are forged and strengthened through dialogue and mutual respect. At the heart of this recent diplomatic dance were the efforts to bolster ties, not just at the politically elevated level of party politics, but also at the human level, nurturing the connections between the people of both nations through the veins of tourism and labor. The spotlight shone brightly on the moment as acting Cambodian National Assembly president, Cheam Yeap, and his Thai counterpart, Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, president of the Thai NA, came together in Phnom Penh on the 21st of March. This rendezvous, according to Yeap’s cabinet chief Kim Santepheap, wasn’t…

Srettha Thavisin Takes Charge Amid Thailand’s Political Turmoil and Shinawatra Family’s Power Dynamics

Picture this: In the heart of Thailand, a dramatic power play unfolds, script-worthy for the next big political drama series. At the center stage is Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, a figure who’s fiercely asserting, “I am the captain of this ship.” Despite the whispers and the side-eyes, Srettha is setting the record straight: there’s only one captain steering Thailand’s national affairs, and it’s him. However, the plot thickens with whispers of a possible “triple prime minister” scenario that feels ripped straight from a twisty political thriller. Since the release of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra from parole, the political arena has been abuzz with speculations. Could Thaksin, a figure so influential that his shadow looms large over the Pheu Thai Party, be eyeing a sensational comeback? With his daughter, Paetongtarn Shinawatra, also a key player in the Pheu Thai circle, rumor mills are working overtime, churning out tales of a…

Panasonic Energy Leads Thailand’s Green Revolution with Innovative Battery Recycling Initiative

In an age where sustainability is not just a buzzword but a lifestyle, Panasonic batteries are leading a green revolution. Unique in their composition, they stand out for not harboring any of the environmentally harsh substances that their counterparts do. This alone sets the stage for an eco-friendly narrative, but it’s just the beginning of a fascinating journey towards sustainability. Last year marked the beginning of a remarkable partnership between Panasonic Energy (Thailand) and CP All, bringing forth a visionary initiative of placing used battery collection boxes in 7-Eleven stores across the nation. The ambition? To hit the 1,000 store milestone by 2024, making it easier for people to contribute to a cleaner environment by recycling their used batteries. This move is more than just an environmental campaign; it’s a leap towards integrating used batteries back into the Circular Economy. Takuya Tanimoto, the visionary Managing Director of Panasonic Energy (Thailand),…

Architect’24: Chana Sumpalung Leads Future of Architecture at IMPACT Muang Thong Thani

“` Imagine stepping into a realm where the boundaries of architecture dissolve, allowing creativity and innovation to flourish without limits. This is the essence of Architect’24, a six-day extravaganza set to transform the IMPACT Muang Thong Thani from April 30 to May 5, 2024, into a bustling hub of architectural marvels. With over 1,000 exhibitors and an expected crowd of 325,000 visitors, the event promises to be a sensory overture, unveiling the latest in building technology, design, and sustainability. At the helm of this architectural odyssey is Chana Sumpalung, the visionary president of The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA), who believes that we are navigating through an era where architecture is not just about creating spaces but resonating with advanced technology, sustainability, and social change. The event’s theme, “Collective Language,” speaks volumes about the ambition to transcend linguistic and cultural barriers, inviting attendees to embrace a unified…

Economic Chess: Somkiat Tangkitvanich Explores the High Stakes of Government Policies on Global Economy

Welcome to the enthralling world of economic chess, where the moves made by governments and central banks can either propel a country to prosperity or plunge it into financial turmoil. In the bustling city of Bangkok, at the Prachachat Business Forum, a gathering of minds dissected such maneuvers, led by TDRI’s luminary, Somkiat Tangkitvanich. Imagine a scene where the economic landscape of Türkiye takes a dramatic turn, akin to a plot twist in a high-stakes thriller. The Turkish government, in a bold and controversial move, dismisses three central bank commissioners, all in a bid to manipulate the policy rate. The aftermath? A jaw-dropping inflation rate soaring beyond 80%, casting a dark shadow over the nation’s economy. It’s a vivid illustration of the delicate dance between government decisions and economic stability, a dance sometimes fraught with missteps. Meanwhile, across the seas in the United Kingdom, a tale of ambition and fallout…

Phattarapong Supakson’s Stand Against Thai EC: A Battle for MFP’s Survival and Political Integrity

In the bustling heart of Thailand’s political arena, an unmistakable tension hangs in the air. Picture this: a man strides through the crowd, his attire boldly emblazoned with the logo of the Move Forward Party (MFP), a beacon of his allegiance amidst a sea of onlookers. The snapshot, captured by the keen lens of Varuth Hirunyatheb, speaks volumes of the fervor and dedication of the MFP faithful. Yet, beneath this display of solidarity, a storm brews, one that could potentially reshape the landscape of Thai politics. It was on a day bustling with the usual hubbub, a Friday to be exact, that a fervent group of MFP supporters took it upon themselves to beckon at the doors of the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB). With a resolve as unwavering as their quest for justice, they laid forth a petition that sought to peel back layers of alleged malfeasance by the Election…

Phattarapong Supakson Rallies Support Against Election Commission’s Move to Disband MFP in Thailand

In a bustling display of democratic fervor, a spirited assembly of the Move Forward Party’s (MFP) ardent followers descended upon the Central Investigation Bureau’s (CIB) doorstep, armed with a clear mission: to shine a light on what they purport to be a grievous mishandling by the Election Commission (EC) in the drama enveloping the party’s potential dissolution. This exhilarating chapter unfolded on the heels of the EC’s audacious move to beseech the Constitutional Court to curtain-call the MFP, a move that resonated through Thailand’s political corridors following a pivotal Jan 31 decree. The court had peered into the MFP’s aspirations to amend Section 112 of the Criminal Code, the infamous lese majeste law, and perceived in it a shadow of intent to destabilize the constitutional monarchy. Leading this charger of hope and determination was Phattarapong Supakson, a lawyer not just by profession but also a crusader by choice, who masterfully…

David vs. Goliath: Phattarapong Supakson Leads MFP’s Bold Challenge Against Thailand’s Election Commission

In a scene reminiscent of David versus Goliath, a passionate cadre of the opposition Move Forward Party’s (MFP) advocates, armed with nothing but their conviction and a heap of documents, marched to the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) yesterday. Their mission? To challenge what they perceive as a titanic injustice perpetrated by none other than the Election Commission (EC) in the saga of the MFP’s potential dissolution. It’s a tale that weaves together ambition, alleged malfeasance, and the high stakes of political chess. Leading the charge was Phattarapong Supakson, not just a lawyer but a champion for the underdog, who articulated with fervor the grievances of the MFP supporters. At the heart of their discontent is the EC’s petition to the Constitutional Court to disband the MFP—a move sparked by the MFP’s audacious effort to amend Section 112 of the Criminal Code, notoriously known as the lese majeste law. This law,…

Thosaporn Sereerak Sparks Debate on Thailand Parliament’s Lavish Catering Budget Amid Food Waste Concerns

Imagine you’re in a world where opulent feasts are laid out daily, with aromas wafting through grand halls, only for these culinary displays to often end up barely touched. This isn’t a tale from a medieval court but rather a contemporary saga unfolding within the august walls of Thailand’s Parliament. An issue that has stirred considerable debate among the public and lawmakers alike revolves around the Parliament’s catering budget. Despite urgent pleas for pragmatism to curtail waste and better allocate public funds, the budget for meals and drinks for lawmakers remains untouched. At the heart of this gastronomic drama is Pheu Thai MP for Phrae, Thosaporn Sereerak, who voiced concerns during the scrutiny of Section 30 of the Budget Bill for the 2024 fiscal year. Thosaporn pointed out a rather unsavory fact: the considerable amount of food that ends up uneaten and wasted. Although MPs are allowed the rather noble…