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AI Transformation in Retail: Siam Piwat’s Groundbreaking Event Shapes Future of Shopping

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Step into the future of retail with Siam Piwat Group, a trailblazer in real estate and retail development, renowned for iconic destinations like Siam Paragon, Siam Center, Siam Discovery, ICONSIAM, and Siam Premium Outlets Bangkok. In a groundbreaking collaboration, they’ve joined forces with the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) and SCBX Next Tech Ecosystem partners such as Microsoft (Thailand), Google Cloud, and Wisesight (Thailand). The result? An electrifying event, “AI Transformation in Retail,” held at SCBX Next Tech in Siam Paragon, aiming to revolutionize the retail sector with Artificial Intelligence. This event was a major highlight of Techsauce Global Summit 2024, the biggest tech fiesta in Southeast Asia, themed “The World of Tomorrow With AI” held from August 7–9, 2024, at the illustrious Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre.

For Siam Piwat Group, the leading voices at the event were Mr. Axel Winter, the dynamic Chief Digital Officer of Siam Piwat Co., Ltd., and CEO of Exponential Company Limited, along with Mr. Panthep Nilasinthop, the innovative Chief Customer Officer of Siam Piwat Co., Ltd. These visionaries delved deep into how AI technology is shaking up the retail landscape, driving forward innovative solutions to better meet the evolving needs of tomorrow’s consumers. In a compelling keynote titled “Generative AI: Shaping the Future of Employment and Business,” Mr. Axel Winter elucidated the ways generative AI is supercharging productivity, customer interactions, and propelling business growth to new heights.

Adding depth to the discussion, Dr. Chinawut Chinaprayoon, the influential Executive Vice President of DEPA, delivered an enlightening presentation on “AI Ecosystem for Enhancing Human Capabilities.” He unravelled the potential of AI ecosystems to amplify human skills within the business sector, showcasing AI applications for digital transformation, nurturing local AI talent, attracting global expertise, investing in robust data centers, and crafting AI-driven strategies geared towards bolstering Thailand’s economic prowess.

The event’s crowning moment was a star-studded panel discussion titled “Unlocking New Possibilities in Retail with AI,” featuring top executives from Siam Piwat, DEPA, Microsoft (Thailand), Google Cloud, and Wisesight (Thailand). This panel dissected the transformative potential of AI in retail, spotlighting enhancements in customer experiences and the creation of unique products and services. Key highlights included Dr. Warin Ratchananusorn, Director of the Digital Startup Institute, who shone a light on AI’s role in sculpting retail models through advanced data processing. Mr. Vasupon Thankakan, the discerning Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft (Thailand), discussed AI’s impact on UX and UI design through sophisticated language understanding. Meanwhile, Mr. Putti Tangtrakulwongse, Strategic Technology Lead at Google Cloud, addressed the nuanced challenges of AI implementation in retail, emphasizing impeccable data management and generative AI’s customer service revolution. Wrapping up the session, Mr. Warat Wongmaneekit, Chief Product Officer of Wisesight (Thailand), highlighted the potent synergy of AI and data in elevating customer engagement across both online and offline platforms.

True to its reputation as a titan of global destination development, Siam Piwat continues to push the envelope, integrating innovation and technology to deliver unmatched services and experiences. With strategic partnerships and an unyielding commitment to embracing the digital age, Siam Piwat is poised to drive Thailand’s future growth through the power of digital innovation and AI. The journey doesn’t end here; it’s merely the beginning of an exhilarating voyage into the future, where Siam Piwat stands at the forefront, championing technological advancements and setting new benchmarks in retail excellence.


  1. TechGuru88 August 6, 2024

    This sounds exciting but I can’t help but feel it’s a little overhyped. Is AI really going to transform retail that much?

    • Sarah C August 6, 2024

      AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of retail from inventory management to customer service. Just think about how chatbots are being used!

      • TechGuru88 August 6, 2024

        Sure, chatbots are cool, but they still can’t replace the personal touch of a human. Plus, have you ever tried talking to one? It’s not always a smooth experience.

    • Ariana123 August 6, 2024

      I agree with Sarah C, it’s not just about chatbots. AI can also help with data analytics to provide better customer insights. Retailers can stock up on products customers actually want.

    • JohnDoe August 6, 2024

      True, but this also means people will lose jobs. Not everyone is ready for such a rapid change.

      • Sarah C August 6, 2024

        Job loss is a concern, but it also creates new opportunities. We just need to ensure people are re-skilled.

      • TechGuru88 August 6, 2024

        Sarah, that’s a bit too optimistic. Do you really think everyone will just adapt to new roles?

    • RetailPro August 6, 2024

      AI will definitely have a big impact. It’s not an overnight change, but retailers who adopt it will have a competitive edge. It’s adapt or die, folks!

  2. MeganLee August 6, 2024

    I went to the event and it was mind-blowing! The stuff they showed us was right out of a sci-fi movie. Can’t wait to see all these changes in real life.

    • TheRealGuy August 6, 2024

      Really? What was the most impressive thing you saw there?

      • MeganLee August 6, 2024

        The AI-driven customer service bots were amazing. They can understand and respond more naturally. And the predictive analytics for inventory was very impressive too.

  3. EcoWarrior August 6, 2024

    What about the environmental impact? Retail is already fast and furious, and AI might just speed everything up and cause more waste.

    • GreenTech August 6, 2024

      Actually, AI can help reduce waste by making supply chains more efficient and predicting what people will actually buy.

      • EcoWarrior August 6, 2024

        That’s a good point, but it requires responsible implementation. Without strict regulations, businesses might just use AI for profit without considering sustainability.

  4. Alice August 6, 2024

    I’m all for technological innovation, but does anyone else feel a bit uneasy about how much data these companies will be collecting?

    • Privacy is key August 6, 2024

      Absolutely! Data privacy is a huge concern. How do we trust companies to handle our data responsibly?

    • Jonas P. August 6, 2024

      Privacy concerns are real, but we give away data every time we use our phones or social media. AI isn’t all that different.

  5. OldSchool August 6, 2024

    Whatever happened to good ol’ customer service? I don’t want to talk to a robot when I’m shopping!

    • ModernShopper August 6, 2024

      I understand, but AI can enhance customer service by handling routine questions. Humans can then focus on more complex issues.

    • OldSchool August 6, 2024

      I still think it’s going to be cold and impersonal. Not everything can be solved by technology.

  6. MarketingMom August 6, 2024

    This is fantastic! AI can help make shopping much more personalized. Imagine walking into a store and having it cater to your exact preferences.

    • SkepticSteve August 6, 2024

      Or it could be super creepy! Do you really want a store to know that much about you?

    • MarketingMom August 6, 2024

      I get your point, but as long as they use the data responsibly, it could make the shopping experience much better.

  7. Becky28 August 6, 2024

    Honestly, I’m just tired of all this tech talk. Why can’t businesses focus on treating their employees well instead?

    • BusinessLover August 6, 2024

      Because innovation is the future! Employees will benefit too through better tools and more efficient processes.

    • Becky28 August 6, 2024

      I’m not convinced. Many companies just use tech to cut costs, not to make employees’ lives better.

  8. FutureGeek August 6, 2024

    I think this is the start of something amazing. Retail will never be the same, and that’s a good thing!

    • Grower134 August 6, 2024

      Only time will tell. Change is hard, and not everyone is ready for it.

    • FutureGeek August 6, 2024

      True, but those who adapt will thrive. It’s exciting to think about all the possibilities.

  9. SilentObserver August 6, 2024

    Interesting read. Let’s see if Siam Piwat can actually deliver on all these promises.

  10. JT89 August 6, 2024

    I’m curious about how small businesses will be able to compete with these big corporations using AI.

    • Mike August 6, 2024

      They might struggle, but AI can also level the playing field by providing affordable solutions. It’s not just for the big players.

  11. JaneDoe August 6, 2024

    I think focusing on AI is a great move. It can make everything more efficient and tailored to individual needs.

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