The transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on our lives and professions cannot be gainsaid. A prediction by the FTI indicates that the unfolding AI revolution is poised to render several professions obsolete in the future while creating novel ones.
The FTI collated a list, dubbed “future-proof,” pinpointing careers that are predicted to be highly sought after based on a study by the esteemed World Economic Forum. The latter identified 10 unique tech-oriented careers expected to remain in high demand through to 2027. Despite the forthcoming wave of AI and automation, these particular professions offer a streak of resilience to the impending changes.
In a standout report by the World Economic Forum, calculations reveal that approximately 69 million new job opportunities will be brought into existence by 2027. However, it also forecasts an anticipated obviation of around 89 million job roles, directly credited to the rising wave of AI.
Here’s a look at the ten future-proof careers identified:
- AI and Machine Learning Specialists
- Sustainability Experts – vitalizing a green future
- Savvy Business Specialists – understand, adapt, and navigate through smart technology
- Data Security Analysts – guardians of cyber integrity
- Financial Technology Engineers – fusing finance with technology for efficient solutions
- Data Analysts and Data Scientists – expert extractors of meaningful information from data debris
- Robotics Engineers – architects of tomorrow’s aides
- Big Data Specialists – pulling vital conclusions from colossal data sets
- Agricultural Machinery Engineers – marrying tech with agriculture for enhanced productivity
- Digital Transformation Specialists – driving the enterprise transformation into the digital landscape.
The promising quintet of professions with the highest growth potential includes:
- AI and Machine Learning Experts
- Sustainability Experts
- Smart Business Specialists
- Data Security Analysts
- Financial Technology Engineers
Moving over to the lesser cheerful side, five professions are projected to fall off the career map during the AI-era progression. They include:
- Bank Service Staff – AI anticipates reducing human intervention in banking transactions significantly.
- Postal Administrative Staff – dwindling mail transactions are rendering them redundant.
- Cashiers and Ticket Sellers – predominantly being replaced with automated machines and systems.
- Basic Data Entry Staff – automation and AI aim to minimize human error.
- Private Secretaries to Executives – digital assistants are closing in.
The FTI acknowledges the future of work preparation as a collective responsibility, hence the on-going collaboration with members, relevant government entities, and private sector agencies. A concerted synergistic exploration into the data, aimed at crafting a blueprint dedicated to future-proofing the Thai labour force.
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